Madrid to Barcelona from $19 (€17) - Omio

How to travel from Madrid to Barcelona

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from Madrid to Barcelona

How to get from Madrid to Barcelona by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Madrid to Barcelona is by taking a train because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
07:50PMBarcelona Sants
0 transfers
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
11:45PMBarcelona Sants
0 transfers
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
10:50PMBarcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
0 transfers
Other options
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
04:45PMBarcelona Sants
0 transfers
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
08:10PMBarcelona Sants
0 transfers
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
07:10PMBarcelona Sants
0 transfers
07:25PMBarcelona, Estación de Autobuses de Sants
0 transfers
07:35PMBarcelona, Estació d'Autobusos Nord
0 transfers
Madrid, Estación Sur/Gare routière Méndez Alvaro - 83
07:25PMBarcelona, Estación de Autobuses de Sants
0 transfers
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
03:40PMBarcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
0 transfers
Air Europa
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
08:55AMBarcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
0 transfers
Air Europa
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
02:20PMBarcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
1 transfer

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Travel Information from Madrid to Barcelona

distanceDistance312 miles (504 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain, bus or flight
priceTicket price range$19 - $29
cheapestCheapest modeTrain • $19 (€17) • 2 h 30 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $29 (€26) • 1 h 15 min
carriersPopular travel companiesAlsa, Vueling Airlines or AVE

Travel 312 miles (504 km) by train, bus or flight to Barcelona from Madrid. The most popular travel companies which serve this route are Alsa, Vueling Airlines or AVE among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, flight or train from Madrid to Barcelona.

How to Travel from Madrid to Barcelona?

To travel from Madrid to Barcelona, there are various transportation methods available, from buses and trains, to flights. This is a popular route connecting the two largest cities in Spain. Since the trips are generally not that long, people tend to travel for Madrid to Barcelona for work, thanks to the high-speed trains, or even just a weekend visit. The daily train and flight travel time from Madrid to Barcelona takes around one and a half to three hours to cover the distance between the two cities of more or less 312 miles (504 km). However, the journeys by bus can be overnight and take as long as 8h 25min. Most of the transportation methods between Madrid and Barcelona are direct trips, not requiring stopovers.

What is the Cheapest Way To Get from Madrid to Barcelona?

It’s possible to find very affordable routes on all Madrid-Barcelona methods of transportation. In general, the cheapest way to get from Madrid to Barcelona is taking a train. The trains from Madrid to Barcelona are operated by Renfe and run throughout the whole day, departing every one to two hours. Travelers can expect there to be at least 15 departures per day. These train journeys are all direct trips, leaving out of the Madrid Puerta de Atocha station and at arriving at Barcelona Sants train station. To find cheap tickets from Madrid to Barcelona, try to book them in advance, before prices rise as the departure date gets closer. Be as flexible as possible with your travel times and dates as well, to pick and choose the most affordable routes and transportation.

What is the Fastest Way to Travel from Madrid to Barcelona?

The fastest way to get from Madrid to Barcelona is most likely by train. The flights are direct and also fast, however both airports are farther from the city center than the train stations, plus passengers must consider the extra check in and boarding time it requires as well. The high-speed train routes are the fastest option. These trains are the AVE lines, part of the Spanish national railway, The shortest Madrid to Barcelona travel time by train is more or less 2h 50min. These trains depart from the Madrid Puerta de Atocha train station and arrive at the Barcelona Sants train station.

Skyline of Madrid at sunrise. Source: Shutterstock

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Omio is an online travel platform that allows you to compare and book a variety of methods of transport. It offers various transportation providers and the times of departure. The platform allows you to filter your search prioritizing travel time or price, scanning all options with a glance.Omio has the option of using mobile tickets as well as putting the website in your language for a personalized customer service. For those looking for inspiration, check out the useful tips published in the Omio magazine.

Trains from Madrid to Barcelona

Taking a train from Madrid Puerta de Atocha to Barcelona Sants station is a very common and frequent way of getting between these two cities. Renfe is the Spanish national railway operator making at least 15 trips per day. This is generally the cheapest option as well as the fastest option for getting from Madrid to Barcelona. The high-speed AVE train makes getting to Barcelona in under 3h an option for business travelers or for those looking to go to Barcelona for a short period of time. The Renfe trains available from Madrid to Barcelona are all direct, they don’t require passengers to switch trains at any point along the way.

Train travel from Madrid to Barcelona with Renfe

Renfe is the sole train provider for tickets from Madrid to Barcelona. Renfe offers over 80 journeys per week. All of these trips from Madrid to Barcelona by train are direct and don’t require passengers to switch lines or trains along the way. There are both high-speed AVE trains as well as standard Regional Express trains operating these lines. The fastest trip by train to Barcelona on an AVE line takes as little as around 2h 50min.

Night trains train travel from Madrid to Barcelona with Renfe

There currently aren’t any available night trains operating from Madrid to Barcelona.

Buses from Madrid to Barcelona

There are daily buses going from Madrid to Barcelona, leaving Madrid every few hours. These bus trips are operated by the Spanish bus company, Alsa. The buses depart from various stations in Madrid, including the Aeropuerto Barajas T4, Intercambiador Avenida de América, Estación Sur Méndez Álvaro and the Intercambiador de Plaza Castilla stations. These journeys arrive in Barcelona about 8h later into either Estación de Autobuses Nord, Barcelona Gran Vía or Estación de Autobuses Sants stations. All of these trips are direct and don’t require stopovers.

Traveling by bus from Madrid to Barcelona with Alsa

Alsa is the main provider of bus routes going from Madrid to Barcelona. A lot of these routes stop in multiple stations in Madrid before starting the trip, and also makes various stops in Barcelona upon their arrival. There are both daytime buses as well as nighttime routes with Alsa, and there are more or less 10 full routes per day.

Flights from Madrid to Barcelona

There are various flights per day making the trip from Madrid to Barcelona. These flights depart out of Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD) and arrive at Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN). The main airlines operating these nonstop journeys are Iberia, Vueling and Air Europa. There are over 10 routes per day from Madrid to Barcelona. The flight from Madrid to Barcelona takes more or less 1h 15min from take-off to landing. However, from the Barcelona El Prat Airport to the city center, it’s about 40min on the A1 or A2 Airport bus routes.

Flying from Madrid to Barcelona with Iberia

The main airline operating the flights from Madrid Barajas Airport to Barcelona El Prat Airport is the Spanish airline, Iberia. Iberia has at least eight departures per day to Barcelona. They run more or less every hour or two. The earliest flight from Madrid to Barcelona with Iberia is around 8:00 a.m., at the latest at about 8:15 p.m. These Iberia flights are all nonstop from Madrid to Barcelona.

To Barcelona by train/ bus/ flight—travel tips

Barcelona is one of the most popular cities to visit in Spain and the second largest in the country. This coastal city is famous for its Gaudí architecture and Mediterranean culture. When you think of Barcelona, the iconic Sagrada Familia Basilica probably pops into your head. Gaudí also designed the unconventional modernist Casas Milà and Batllo located in the city center. Another famous part of the city of Barcelona is exploring the Gothic Quarter. Here you’ll find winding roads made of cobblestone, narrow streets and roman buildings. This experience will set you right back in the middle ages. Of course, one of the greatest things to experience when visiting a new city is their culture and cuisine. Some traditional dishes visitors must try when in Barcelona are fideuà, the noodle version of paella, roasted vegetables of an escalivada, or possibly “crema catalana”, a version of a creme brulée, for dessert.

Beach of Barcelona at sunrise. Source: Shutterstock

Inspirational content

Barcelona is full of plenty of sites to see and new experiences.

  • Stop at a café or go shopping along La Rambla, the heart of Barcelona’s social life
  • Explore the colorful and surrealist Parc Güell overlooking the city
  • Watch a soccer game at the Camp Nou stadium
  • See the lights at night at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc
  • Enjoy a sunny day sunbathing and eating at the Barceloneta beach

How to get from Madrid to Barcelona

The Best Way According to our Users

Whether it is for business or leisure, in order to travel from Madrid to Barcelona, 67,30% of our customers choose the train as their preferred mode of transportation. By traveling by train on this route, you can enjoy the comfort of spacious seats, spectacular views—and in some cases free Wi-Fi—in both second and first class. Our customers have decided that the train is the best way to get from Madrid to Barcelona and have chosen to enjoy this fast, safe and efficient way to arrive at their destination. Taking the train also avoids long lines or potential expenses for transfers to/from the station—especially since most main railway stations are located in the city center. Train companies in Europe vary from country to country, but most of them offer high-speed train routes, therefore when you add up at the end-to-end journey time, the train is often also the fastest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Madrid to Barcelona. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

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All travel companies: Airlines, Train and Bus from Madrid to Barcelona

Find the best journey to Barcelona from Madrid with Omio's travel partners Renfe, Air Europa and Iberia! You'll find the best deals, schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the most popular journey for you.

Renfe Avlo is Renfe's low-cost high-speed AVE train provider offering trains between Madrid and Barcelona. It's a new service operating on some of Spain's most popular long-distance lines like Madrid to Barcelona-Figueres line. Avlo trains can travel up to 300 km/h. There is a single Economy Class with assigned tickets called Básica but this includes power sockets at each seat and vending machines. Avlo trains run between popular Spanish cities like Madrid, Zaragoza, Tarragona, Barcelona, Girona and Figueres. The routes Renfe-AVLO serves are expected to expand.

    Alsa is the main travel company in Spain, a subsidiary of the UK travel company National Express. Alsa offers a wide variety of national and international routes and transports more than 300 million passengers every year. Apart from the Standard fare, Alsa provides ticket types like Minimum, Reduced and Flexible fares on select routes for those looking to save money on travel journeys. While most travelers don’t mind traveling on normal travel with basic services like bathrooms, free WiFi, footrests and onboard entertainment, some others may want to check out Alsa’s deluxe travel like the Alsa Supra, Alsa Eurobus and Alsa Premium, which provide more luxurious amenities on specific routes.

      Air France is France's leading airline offering flights within and outside Europe; you can choose different ticket types for your travel between Madrid and Barcelona including: Economy Light, Economy Standard, Economy Flex, Premium Economy and Business.

        FAQs: Travel from Madrid to Barcelona

        FAQs: Travel to Barcelona easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Madrid to Barcelona.

        There are 3 options to travel between Madrid and Barcelona including taking a train, bus or flight.

        The cheapest way to go to Barcelona from Madrid is by taking a train, which costs on average $19 (€17).

        This is compared to other ways of getting from Madrid to Barcelona:

        A train is $2 (€2) less than a bus with an average ticket price of $22 (€19) from Madrid to Barcelona.

        Taking a train costs $10 (€9) less than taking a flight, which average ticket prices of $29 (€26).

        The fastest way to get to Barcelona from Madrid is by flight with an average travel time of 1 h 15 min.

        Other travel options to Barcelona take longer:

        Bus takes on average 7 h 20 min.

        Getting to Barcelona by train takes 2 h 30 min on average.

        You should expect to travel around 312 miles (504 km) between Madrid and Barcelona.

        The average frequency per day from Madrid to Barcelona is:

        • 4 buses per day.
        • 12 trains per day.

        However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip to Barcelona from Madrid as scheduled services by train, bus or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

        These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Madrid to Barcelona:

        • Buses mostly leave from Madrid, Estación Sur de Autobuses and tend to arrive in Barcelona, Pl. Universitat.
        • Flights most often depart from Madrid at Madrid Barajas Airport and arrive in Barcelona at Barcelona El Prat Airport.
        • Trains mostly leave from Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes and tend to arrive in Barcelona Sants.

        Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Madrid to Barcelona:

        • You can take a bus from Madrid to Barcelona with Alsa, Infobus, BlaBlaCar, Agreda, Ourbus, Samar or FlixBus. Cheap tickets can be found for $17 (€15) with Alsa from Madrid to Barcelona.
        • You can go to Barcelona from Madrid by plane with Vueling Airlines, Iberia, Air Europa, Air France or Alitalia. You'll see cheap plane tickets for $25 (€22) with Iberia from Madrid to Barcelona on Omio.
        • You can take a train from Madrid to Barcelona with AVE, Ouigo, Renfe AVLO, iryo, Renfe Regional Exprés, Renfe or Renfe AVE INT. Cheap tickets can be found for $19 (€17) with AVE from Madrid to Barcelona.

        Yes, there are direct services available from Madrid to Barcelona with the following travel companies:

        • Direct buses with Alsa or FlixBus with 3 direct buses per day.
        • 12 direct trains per day with AVE or iryo.

        Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Barcelona as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets to Barcelona from Madrid.

        Many of our customers traveling from Madrid to Barcelona don't make Barcelona their final stop. Some of the destinations worth visiting after Barcelona are Paris, Valencia, Seville or Zaragoza, either of which you could add to your trip itinerary. Check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel from Barcelona to any of these top destinations today!
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