Strategic Trails Plan

For the Department of Parks and Recreation

The Strategic Trails Plan was developed over a multi-year planning process beginning in 2015. Work completed by the Toole Design Group consultant team in 2016 has been repackaged and is presented here for public review during the month of August 2018. (Note: Over the course of the planning process, this plan has been referred to as the “Trails Master Plan,” and as the “Trails Implementation Plan.”)


Part 1: Plan Summary, Priorities and Recommendations
This 35-page document summarizes the planning process and presents the plan’s formal recommendations. Additionally, it provides a list and map of priority trail projects to undertake over the next 10 years.

Part 2: Implementation Action Plan
This nine-page table presents the plan’s formal recommendations as specific strategies and actions; naming lead and supporting agencies and establishing target timeframes.

Part 3: Plan Elements
Provides technical information and background to inform every aspect of trail development, including planning, funding, design, regulatory factors, construction, management, maintenance, programming, marketing, partnerships and economic impacts. Will be a reorganized version of the May 2016 Draft Plan, with minor changes to content.

Part 4: Summary of Public Outreach and Existing Conditions
This part of the plan provides documentation of the public input received in the planning process and the existing conditions review conducted in 2015.


Features of Primary and Secondary Trails (Part 1: Appendix 1-1)
Funding Sources for Trails
Signing and Striping Standards