POUND TO RUPEE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026 - 2028 - Long Forecast

POUND TO RUPEE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026 - 2028

2024/04/25. GBP TO INR TODAY

Actual GBP to INR exchange rate equal to 104.26 Rupees per 1 Pound. Today's range: 103.66-104.44. Previous day's close 103.81. Change for today +0.45, +0.43%.

UP104.26 +0.43%

Currency Converter


Pound to Rupee Forecast For 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 And 2028

Month Open Low-High Close Total,%
Apr 105.27 102.29-106.43 104.52 -0.7%
May 104.52 100.50-106.82 105.24 0.0%
Jun 105.24 104.29-107.47 105.88 0.6%
Jul 105.88 103.55-106.71 105.13 -0.1%
Aug 105.13 103.05-106.19 104.62 -0.6%
Sep 104.62 103.73-106.89 105.31 0.0%
Oct 105.31 105.31-110.10 108.47 3.0%
Nov 108.47 106.69-109.93 108.31 2.9%
Dec 108.31 103.48-108.31 105.06 -0.2%
Jan 105.06 102.74-105.86 104.30 -0.9%
Feb 104.30 104.10-107.28 105.69 0.4%
Mar 105.69 105.49-108.71 107.10 1.7%
Apr 107.10 105.62-108.84 107.23 1.9%
May 107.23 107.06-110.32 108.69 3.2%
Jun 108.69 108.69-112.38 110.72 5.2%
Jul 110.72 107.64-110.92 109.28 3.8%
Aug 109.28 108.40-111.70 110.05 4.5%
Sep 110.05 110.05-113.82 112.14 6.5%
Oct 112.14 112.14-117.23 115.50 9.7%
Nov 115.50 115.50-120.75 118.97 13.0%
Dec 118.97 115.43-118.97 117.19 11.3%
Jan 117.19 111.96-117.19 113.67 8.0%
Feb 113.67 112.54-115.96 114.25 8.5%
Mar 114.25 110.40-114.25 112.08 6.5%
Apr 112.08 112.08-115.93 114.22 8.5%

Month Open Low-High Close Total,%
2026 Continuation
May 114.22 109.13-114.22 110.79 5.2%
Jun 110.79 107.45-110.79 109.09 3.6%
Jul 109.09 108.62-111.92 110.27 4.7%
Aug 110.27 108.06-111.36 109.71 4.2%
Sep 109.71 108.84-112.16 110.50 5.0%
Oct 110.50 106.19-110.50 107.81 2.4%
Nov 107.81 107.81-112.28 110.62 5.1%
Dec 110.62 108.50-111.80 110.15 4.6%
Jan 110.15 105.25-110.15 106.85 1.5%
Feb 106.85 105.91-109.13 107.52 2.1%
Mar 107.52 105.72-108.94 107.33 2.0%
Apr 107.33 106.44-109.68 108.06 2.7%
May 108.06 108.04-111.34 109.69 4.2%
Jun 109.69 105.74-109.69 107.35 2.0%
Jul 107.35 107.35-112.23 110.57 5.0%
Aug 110.57 109.01-112.33 110.67 5.1%
Sep 110.67 110.33-113.69 112.01 6.4%
Oct 112.01 112.01-116.12 114.40 8.7%
Nov 114.40 114.40-118.09 116.34 10.5%
Dec 116.34 111.16-116.34 112.85 7.2%
Jan 112.85 110.97-114.35 112.66 7.0%
Feb 112.66 112.66-117.78 116.04 10.2%
Mar 116.04 114.82-118.32 116.57 10.7%
Apr 116.57 112.74-116.57 114.46 8.7%
May 114.46 114.46-117.98 116.24 10.4%

Pound to Rupee forecast for April 2024.
In the beginning rate at 105.27 Rupees. High exchange rate 106.43 and low 102.29. The average for the month 104.63. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 104.52, change for April -0.7%.

GBP to INR forecast for May 2024.
In the beginning rate at 104.52 Rupees. High exchange rate 106.82 and low 100.50. The average for the month 104.27. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.24, change for May 0.7%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for June 2024.
In the beginning rate at 105.24 Rupees. High exchange rate 107.47 and low 104.29. The average for the month 105.72. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.88, change for June 0.6%.


GBP To USD Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.

GBP to INR forecast for July 2024.
In the beginning rate at 105.88 Rupees. High exchange rate 106.71 and low 103.55. The average for the month 105.32. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.13, change for July -0.7%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for August 2024.
In the beginning rate at 105.13 Rupees. High exchange rate 106.19 and low 103.05. The average for the month 104.75. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 104.62, change for August -0.5%.

GBP to INR forecast for September 2024.
In the beginning rate at 104.62 Rupees. High exchange rate 106.89 and low 103.73. The average for the month 105.14. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.31, change for September 0.7%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for October 2024.
In the beginning rate at 105.31 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.10 and low 105.31. The average for the month 107.30. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 108.47, change for October 3.0%.

GBP to INR forecast for November 2024.
In the beginning rate at 108.47 Rupees. High exchange rate 109.93 and low 106.69. The average for the month 108.35. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 108.31, change for November -0.1%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for December 2024.
In the beginning rate at 108.31 Rupees. High exchange rate 108.31 and low 103.48. The average for the month 106.29. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.06, change for December -3.0%.

GBP to INR forecast for January 2025.
In the beginning rate at 105.06 Rupees. High exchange rate 105.86 and low 102.74. The average for the month 104.49. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 104.30, change for January -0.7%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for February 2025.
In the beginning rate at 104.30 Rupees. High exchange rate 107.28 and low 104.10. The average for the month 105.34. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 105.69, change for February 1.3%.

GBP to INR forecast for March 2025.
In the beginning rate at 105.69 Rupees. High exchange rate 108.71 and low 105.49. The average for the month 106.75. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.10, change for March 1.3%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for April 2025.
In the beginning rate at 107.10 Rupees. High exchange rate 108.84 and low 105.62. The average for the month 107.20. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.23, change for April 0.1%.

GBP to INR forecast for May 2025.
In the beginning rate at 107.23 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.32 and low 107.06. The average for the month 108.33. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 108.69, change for May 1.4%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for June 2025.
In the beginning rate at 108.69 Rupees. High exchange rate 112.38 and low 108.69. The average for the month 110.12. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.72, change for June 1.9%.

GBP to INR forecast for July 2025.
In the beginning rate at 110.72 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.92 and low 107.64. The average for the month 109.64. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 109.28, change for July -1.3%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for August 2025.
In the beginning rate at 109.28 Rupees. High exchange rate 111.70 and low 108.40. The average for the month 109.86. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.05, change for August 0.7%.

GBP to INR forecast for September 2025.
In the beginning rate at 110.05 Rupees. High exchange rate 113.82 and low 110.05. The average for the month 111.52. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 112.14, change for September 1.9%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for October 2025.
In the beginning rate at 112.14 Rupees. High exchange rate 117.23 and low 112.14. The average for the month 114.25. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 115.50, change for October 3.0%.

GBP to INR forecast for November 2025.
In the beginning rate at 115.50 Rupees. High exchange rate 120.75 and low 115.50. The average for the month 117.68. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 118.97, change for November 3.0%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for December 2025.
In the beginning rate at 118.97 Rupees. High exchange rate 118.97 and low 115.43. The average for the month 117.64. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 117.19, change for December -1.5%.

GBP to INR forecast for January 2026.
In the beginning rate at 117.19 Rupees. High exchange rate 117.19 and low 111.96. The average for the month 115.00. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 113.67, change for January -3.0%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for February 2026.
In the beginning rate at 113.67 Rupees. High exchange rate 115.96 and low 112.54. The average for the month 114.11. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 114.25, change for February 0.5%.

GBP to INR forecast for March 2026.
In the beginning rate at 114.25 Rupees. High exchange rate 114.25 and low 110.40. The average for the month 112.75. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 112.08, change for March -1.9%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for April 2026.
In the beginning rate at 112.08 Rupees. High exchange rate 115.93 and low 112.08. The average for the month 113.58. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 114.22, change for April 1.9%.

GBP to INR forecast for May 2026.
In the beginning rate at 114.22 Rupees. High exchange rate 114.22 and low 109.13. The average for the month 112.09. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.79, change for May -3.0%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for June 2026.
In the beginning rate at 110.79 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.79 and low 107.45. The average for the month 109.53. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 109.09, change for June -1.5%.

GBP to INR forecast for July 2026.
In the beginning rate at 109.09 Rupees. High exchange rate 111.92 and low 108.62. The average for the month 109.98. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.27, change for July 1.1%.

NZD To USD Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.

GOLD PRICE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.

Pound to Rupee forecast for August 2026.
In the beginning rate at 110.27 Rupees. High exchange rate 111.36 and low 108.06. The average for the month 109.85. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 109.71, change for August -0.5%.

GBP to INR forecast for September 2026.
In the beginning rate at 109.71 Rupees. High exchange rate 112.16 and low 108.84. The average for the month 110.30. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.50, change for September 0.7%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for October 2026.
In the beginning rate at 110.50 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.50 and low 106.19. The average for the month 108.75. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.81, change for October -2.4%.

GBP to INR forecast for November 2026.
In the beginning rate at 107.81 Rupees. High exchange rate 112.28 and low 107.81. The average for the month 109.63. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.62, change for November 2.6%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for December 2026.
In the beginning rate at 110.62 Rupees. High exchange rate 111.80 and low 108.50. The average for the month 110.27. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.15, change for December -0.4%.

GBP to INR forecast for January 2027.
In the beginning rate at 110.15 Rupees. High exchange rate 110.15 and low 105.25. The average for the month 108.10. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 106.85, change for January -3.0%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for February 2027.
In the beginning rate at 106.85 Rupees. High exchange rate 109.13 and low 105.91. The average for the month 107.35. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.52, change for February 0.6%.

GBP to INR forecast for March 2027.
In the beginning rate at 107.52 Rupees. High exchange rate 108.94 and low 105.72. The average for the month 107.38. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.33, change for March -0.2%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for April 2027.
In the beginning rate at 107.33 Rupees. High exchange rate 109.68 and low 106.44. The average for the month 107.88. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 108.06, change for April 0.7%.

GBP to INR forecast for May 2027.
In the beginning rate at 108.06 Rupees. High exchange rate 111.34 and low 108.04. The average for the month 109.28. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 109.69, change for May 1.5%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for June 2027.
In the beginning rate at 109.69 Rupees. High exchange rate 109.69 and low 105.74. The average for the month 108.12. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 107.35, change for June -2.1%.

GBP to INR forecast for July 2027.
In the beginning rate at 107.35 Rupees. High exchange rate 112.23 and low 107.35. The average for the month 109.38. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.57, change for July 3.0%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for August 2027.
In the beginning rate at 110.57 Rupees. High exchange rate 112.33 and low 109.01. The average for the month 110.65. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 110.67, change for August 0.1%.

GBP to INR forecast for September 2027.
In the beginning rate at 110.67 Rupees. High exchange rate 113.69 and low 110.33. The average for the month 111.68. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 112.01, change for September 1.2%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for October 2027.
In the beginning rate at 112.01 Rupees. High exchange rate 116.12 and low 112.01. The average for the month 113.64. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 114.40, change for October 2.1%.

GBP to INR forecast for November 2027.
In the beginning rate at 114.40 Rupees. High exchange rate 118.09 and low 114.40. The average for the month 115.81. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 116.34, change for November 1.7%.

OIL PRICE FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.


Pound to Rupee forecast for December 2027.
In the beginning rate at 116.34 Rupees. High exchange rate 116.34 and low 111.16. The average for the month 114.17. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 112.85, change for December -3.0%.

GBP to INR forecast for January 2028.
In the beginning rate at 112.85 Rupees. High exchange rate 114.35 and low 110.97. The average for the month 112.71. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 112.66, change for January -0.2%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for February 2028.
In the beginning rate at 112.66 Rupees. High exchange rate 117.78 and low 112.66. The average for the month 114.79. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 116.04, change for February 3.0%.

GBP to INR forecast for March 2028.
In the beginning rate at 116.04 Rupees. High exchange rate 118.32 and low 114.82. The average for the month 116.44. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 116.57, change for March 0.5%.

Pound to Rupee forecast for April 2028.
In the beginning rate at 116.57 Rupees. High exchange rate 116.57 and low 112.74. The average for the month 115.09. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 114.46, change for April -1.8%.

GBP to INR forecast for May 2028.
In the beginning rate at 114.46 Rupees. High exchange rate 117.98 and low 114.46. The average for the month 115.79. GBP to INR forecast at the end of the month 116.24, change for May 1.6%.

MORTGAGE RATES PREDICTIONS 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.

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The forecast is updated on daily basis. The exchange rate is updated every 15 minutes.