Currency converter and latest foreign exchange rate information

Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.94 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9405037
AED 3.68781 JPY 154.383
ARS 872.787 KRW 1381.39
AUD 1.56297 MAD 10.1688
BRL 5.24542 MXN 17.3657
CAD 1.37769 NOK 11.072
CHF 0.908531 NZD 1.70069
CNY 7.10118 PHP 57.5269
CZK 23.7717 PLN 4.0945
DKK 7.01723 RUB 94.1002
EUR 0.940504 SEK 10.9971
GBP 0.805316 SGD 1.36314
HKD 7.8307 THB 36.8884
HUF 372.085 TRY 32.6803
ILS 3.81525 USD 1
INR 83.5261 ZAR 19.2474
BHD 0.378459 MYR 4.80983
BOB 6.96349 NAD 19.1219
CLP 982.008 NGN 1151.12
COP 3907.95 NPR 134.198
DOP 59.3051 OMR 0.386453
EGP 48.607 PAB 1.00408
IDR 16246.1 PEN 3.76175
IRR 42069.9 PKR 279.703
ISK 141.358 RON 4.67957
JMD 155.992 SAR 3.75562
JOD 0.710739 TWD 32.5189
KES 131.031 UAH 39.8065
KWD 0.309426 UYU 38.7335
LBP 89914.5 VES 36.2912
LKR 302.315 VND 25457.8
AWG 1.80285 MGA 4414.24
BAM 1.83944 MKD 57.9491
BBD 2.02735 MUR 46.8516
BDT 110.199 MVR 15.4764
BGN 1.83944 PYG 7429.04
BMD 1.00262 QAR 3.66305
BSD 1.00408 RSD 110.176
BWP 13.8687 SCR 13.6467
FJD 2.28119 TND 3.15802
GHS 13.515 TTD 6.81489
GMD 67.9576 UGX 3825.03
GTQ 7.80887 XAF 616.93
KHR 4059.21 XCD 2.70289
LAK 21352.3 XOF 616.933
MDL 17.9111 XPF 112.566
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. Mexican Peso - MXN
  6. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  7. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  8. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  9. Singapore Dollar - SGD
  10. Japanese Yen - JPY