ANZ LitLovers LitBlog | For lovers of Australian and New Zealand literary fiction; Ambassador for Australian literature
Posted by: Lisa Hill | May 7, 2024

Women & Children (2023), by Tony Birch

If anything in this review raises issues for you, visit White Ribbon Australia for help in your location.

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence,
call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit
In an emergency, call 000.

Women & Children is such a heartfelt novel, I don’t know how to write about my conflicted feelings about it.  Though I suspect it was the author’s intention, to portray with devastating clarity, how complex the issue of domestic violence is.

Women & Children is an important, powerful book that tells an important, powerful story… it’s just that I didn’t want to read a book about it right at this time when the nation is having a conversation about violence against women. There is so much about it in the news and the media and publishing and ‘entertainment’, that it is hard to hang onto the fact that most men are not violent, that violence is not normal in our society, and most men are keen to do what they can to turn things around.  I know, and understand, that part of that involves turning over the long history of denial and silence, but I wanted a break from it in my bedtime reading.

And from having heard Tony talk about the book at the Sorrento Writers Festival, where he said he didn’t want to write ‘an angry book’, I was not expecting Women & Children to be a brutal portrayal of violence on a woman’s body.  The concluding chapter is shocking.  I could not sleep without finishing it, and then I couldn’t sleep afterwards.

It’s true that it’s not an angry book.  It is, as he said, a book about love.  The love that the family has for Oona, the victim of a man’s violence, and how each of them confronts their own powerlessness to stop it.  It’s set in 1965, in what was then an inner-city working-class suburb, at a time when police indifference and corruption meant there was no support to be had from them.  The Catholic church, delivering ruthless ideology through the pulpit and the school, represents that old adage, ‘you made your bed, now you must lie in it’.  People don’t look, don’t ask, don’t interfere and their silence makes them complicit.  There’s no such thing as a women’s refuge, and feminism’s Sisterhood had not emerged so Oona and her sister don’t have a supportive network of other women around them.

(Update, later the same day: I forgot to say that Birch says this is a work of fiction and not the story of his own family…)

That setting makes me wonder why Birch chose to set his story in the past, more than half a century ago.  To show that the fundamentals of violence have not changed?  That all the efforts to change things have failed?  A woman gets beaten up, she seeks help from her family. Her sister is livid, and is determined it will never happen again. Her father is distraught that he could not protect his daughter.  And though a silence about what happened is maintained, the kids in that family are traumatised by what they see.

And then she goes back to him.

And of course it happens again.

And then it’s a case of needing to find a safe place for her to be, where he can’t find her.

We do not learn from Women & Children how Ray became a monster.  Nor do we learn about any viable solutions.

I don’t think this novel was meant to be pessimistic, and I refuse to believe that change isn’t possible.

Author: Tony Birch
Title: Women & Children
Publisher: UQP (University of Queensland Press, 2023
Cover design by Jenna Lee
ISBN: 9780702266270, hbk.,311 pages
Source: Kingston Library

I have been reading Vasily Grossman‘s novel Stalingrad for ages, because it’s 900+ pages long and it’s too heavy to hold, so I can’t read it in bed, only in the daytime, when I can rest it on a table. It’s a wonderful book, full of all sorts of insights which have nothing to do with war or the decisive Soviet defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad in 1942.

Stalingrad (1952) is based on Grossman’s work as a war correspondent for the Red Star, and it features characters from military real life on both sides of the battle.  It is the precursor to Life and Fate (1959, see my review) which continues on with events from September 1942.  It is sobering to reach the end of a 900+ page book about the battle that changed the course of the war, and then to remember that the war in Europe was to continue for another three years.  The loss of life was appalling, and Grossman’s literary homage to the dead acknowledges these nameless heroes in unmarked graves with lively fictional characters.  But as in real life, not all of them survive.

As Robert Chandler says in his excellent introduction, Grossman is a master of character portrayal, with an unusual gift for conveying someone’s feelings through some tiny but vivid detail.

Grossman is equally deft in his shifts of perspective, moving between the microscopic and the epic and showing the same generous understanding towards his German characters as towards his Russians. (p. x)

We are privy to scenes of their family life; their transition from peasant or professor to soldiering; their privations, trials, frustrations and doubts; and their anxieties about their comrades and their loved ones, on both sides of the front.

One of the most compelling images is a letter from Viktor Shtrum from his Jewish mother, who refused to leave her village even as the Nazis advanced and the Soviet forces had to retreat.  Viktor becomes aware of Nazi atrocities in occupied territory, and he is distraught with anxiety about her fate, but (again, as Chandler makes the reader aware), Grossman, because of anti-semitism under Stalin,  had to be circumspect about what he wrote. But the reader can deduce what happens.   We are told about Shtrum’s mother’s last letter and her stoic resignation.  We are told about its journey from hand to hand.  And we are told how when he finally receives it, Viktor carries the letter about with him wherever he goes, but is unable to talk about it.  This authorial silence about the contents of the letter is more poignant when we learn that these events parallel the fate of Grossman’s own mother.

He felt profoundly guilty about having allowed his mother to stay in Berdichev rather than insisting that he join him and his wife in Moscow.  Her death troubled him for the rest of his life and the last letter from Anna Semyonova — who is clearly a portrait of Grossman’s mother — lies at the centre of Stalingrad like a deep hole. (p.xvi)

In contrast to Anna’s death in the ghetto, which we must imagine, there are also deaths which are swift, merciless and as the battles intensify towards the end of the book, relentless.  Grossman sets a scene, brings a character to life, depicts his thoughts, words and deeds, and while the reader is still absorbing the death of this vividly rendered character, moves on to the next chapter.

These characters are unforgettable.

Lena Gnatyuk tends to the injured in the ruins, pleading with the injured to keep quiet so that the nearby Germans won’t hear them.  In these closing chapters the reader has come to know Lena as Kovalyov’s heart’s desire.  In the bunker they have had a fraught conversation, because he has a girl waiting for him at home, and she, though she loves him, is overwhelmed by her duty to the wounded who need her. They are part of a desperate effort to delay the German capture of the railway station until the reserves arrive, and both know that they are likely to die.

In the next chapter, we see Lena at work among the wounded.  Yakhontov yells in pain, but comforts the young woman who tends to him.

‘You’re good and kind.  Don’t cry, I’ll feel better in a while,’ he said, but the young woman didn’t hear this.  He thought he was pronouncing words, but all she heard was a gurgle.

Lena Gnatyuk did not sleep that night. (p.833)

She reassures a soldier that his two broken legs will be set:

‘It won’t hurt. Be brave.  Be brave until morning.’

In the dawn light, as it went into a dive over the railway station, the nose and wings of the Stuka turned pink.  A high-explosive bomb fell in the pit where Lena Gnatyuk and two orderlies were caring for the wounded.  Every last breath of life was cut short.

A cloud of dust and smoke, reddish brown in the light of the rising sun, hung in the air for a long time.  Then a breeze off the Volga dispersed it over the steppe to the west of the city. (p.834)

Filyashkin is shown as a man of many flaws who rises to the occasion. Despite his wounds, he takes command as the remnants of his men fight off the German artillery.

Filyashkin was issuing commands to himself and then carrying them out himself.  He was, at one and the same time, sub-unit commander, forward observer and machine-gunner.

In his mind, he is not defending himself against a sly, crafty, advancing enemy, he saw himself as the attacker. 

A single simple thought, like an echo from the grinding fire of his machine gun, now took up all Senior Lieutenant Filyashkin’s consciousness. This thought furnished him with an explanation of everything of importance: his success and disappointments, his feeling of condescension to those of his peers who were still mere lieutenants and his envy of those who had already reached the rank of major or lieutenant colonel.  ‘I began as a machine-gunner and I’m ending as a machine-gunner.’ This simple, clear thought was an answer to all that had troubled him during the last few hours.  To machine-gunner Filyashkin, everything bad and painful in his life had ceased to matter.

Shvedkov never managed to bandage Filyashkin’s shoulder with strips of cloth torn off a bathrobe.  Filyashkin suddenly lost consciousness, smashed his chin against the back of the machine gun and fell dead to the ground.  (p.836)

That bathrobe, BTW, was delivered to Lena as a gift from ‘the women of America’.  The parcel was well-meant, but Grossman shows how the pretty clothes and luxury perfume were sent by women who had no idea of the significant role Soviet women played in the war.  Time after time he depicts women who’ve accessed education and training and new opportunities, working as equals in senior management, or as skilled artisans or professionals.  Reading about Lena’s scornful rejection of these frivolous garments reminded me of Svetlana Alexievich’s The Unwomanly Face of War, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, (1985, see my review).  When Filyashkin warns Lena to take a captured pistol in case she’s captured, just in case, she shrugs and replies: ‘I can shoot myself just as well with my own revolver.’

Filyashkin’s fears for Lena were well-founded. Wikipedia tells us about the rape of about 2 million German women by Soviet soldiers, (and by allied troops though that is mentioned less often) but the rape of five times that number of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht was suppressed during the Cold War both by the Soviets and the West.  Wikipedia tells us that…

… sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result. (Wikipedia, War Crimes of the Wehrmacht/Rape, viewed 2/5/24)

In Kovalyov’s last minutes, he remains focussed on the task at hand.  Barely conscious, he takes out his precious notebook of poetry, and pens a report to his superiors.  He hands it to Rysev to deliver, but by the time Rysev reports back that everyone is dead and there’s no one to report to, he was unable to hand the report back.  Kovalyov lay dead, his chest on his kitbag, his hand on his loaded sub-machine gun.  Rysev takes up the gun and the remaining grenades, and pauses to look at his fallen comrade.

He could see a short dark notch on his forehead, between his eyebrows.  The wind was catching his fair hair.  His eyes were half hidden beneath his delicate eyelashes and he was looking sweetly and knowingly down at the ground, smiling at something that he alone knew, that none but he would ever know.

‘Instantaneous  — on the bridge of the nose,’ Rysev said to himself, appalled by death’s swiftness, yet also envious. (p,841)

Mindful of the national conversation we are having about the chilling outbreak of violence against women, I found that my thoughts strayed to a different kind of war when I read  the excerpt below.

Vavilov, an ordinary soldier from an ordinary village is confronted by the destruction of the city and he muses on the vast amount of labour that goes into building a city.  In the ruins, he realises that there is enough broken glass to glaze the windows of every village in Russia. He thinks of the people who once lived there in the ruined city, and those who are entombed, and he realises that for Hitler, strength was a matter of violence — one man’s ability to exercise violence over another. 

And he rejects that…

What we call the soul of the people is determined by a shared understanding of strength, labour, justice and the common good.  When we say, ‘The people will condemn this’, ‘The people will not believe this’ or ‘The people will not agree’, it is this shared understanding that we have in mind.

This shared understanding — these simple and fundamental thoughts and feelings — is present both in the people as a whole and in each individual.  Often only latent, this understanding comes to life when someone feels him- or herself to be united with a larger whole, when someone can say ‘I am the people.’

Those who say that the people worship strength must differentiate between different kinds of strength.  There is a strength that the people respect and admire, and there is a strength that the people will never respect, before which it will never abase itself. (p.779)

And I thought, how apt these words are in our current circumstances.
Though there are all kinds of government actions that need to be taken,
and there needs to be funding to support front-line programs,
there are no simple solutions.
We, the people, need to make our values clear, loud and clear, and assert that
we despise violence.

The ABC news last week featured a snippet about some footballer who’d been suspended for inappropriate behaviour towards women.
He has to do some sort of behavioural change course,
and find a club that will have him if he ever wants to play again.
And then the segment cut to some other footballer who was asked
if it was the end of that player’s career,
and what we heard was the same kind of excuse-making that
teachers hear from parents
whenever we try to discuss a child’s aggressive behaviour.

That was our media at work, undercutting the effort to call out unacceptable behaviour.
The reporter chose to ask that question, the player chose to answer it the way he did, and the editor chose to broadcast it without it being challenged.

Our entertainment industry sabotages our values as well.
All those Hollywood movies that depict violence as a solution to a problem.
All those crime novels and thrillers that portray violence against women
so that some hero can ‘solve the crime’.
But there is rarely any mystery about violence in our society.
Emily Maguire had it right in her 2016 novel An Isolated Incident, see my review.
The murder in that novel was not an isolated incident and in that town everyone knew who had done it and they had turned a blind eye to it.

I think that we, the people, do have a shared understanding that
violence has no place in our society.
We do have a shared understanding that
we do not use it to solve interpersonal problems.
And we will never respect those who abuse strength to inflict harm on others
or make excuses for it.
And we should say so, whenever we see it,
and we should never accept excuse-making.

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence,
call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit
In an emergency, call 000.

Posted by: Lisa Hill | May 4, 2024

2024 WA Premier’s Book Awards shortlists

Thanks to a #HeadsUp from Kim, here are the shortlists for the WA Premier’s Book Awards.

The winners share a prize pool of $120,000 and will be announced on 7 June 2024.

Awards Shortlist:

Cover of A Better PlacePremier’s Prize for Book of the Year, sponsored by Writing WA ($15,000)

  • A Better Place by Stephen Daisley, published by Text Publishing, see my review
  • Cellnight: A verse novel by John Kinsella, published by Transit Lounge, see my thoughts about a Sensational Snippet
  • The Memory of Trees by Viki Cramer, published by Thames & Hudson Australia
  • Operation Hurricane by Paul Grace, published by Hachette Australia
  • What’s for Dinner? by Jill Griffiths, published by Thames & Hudson Australia

Premier’s Prize for an Emerging Writer ($15,000)

  • I am the Mau and other stories by Chemutai Glasheen, published by Fremantle Press
  • The Map of William by Michael Thomas, published by Fremantle Press
  • Old Boy by Georgia Tree, published by Fremantle Press
  • Salt River Road by Molly Schmidt, published by Fremantle Press
  • The Things We Live With by Gemma Nisbet, published by Upswell Publishing

Premier’s Prize for Children’s Book of the Year ($15,000)

  • City of Light, written by Julia Lawrinson, illustrated by Heather Potter and Mark Jackson, published by Wild Dog Books
  • The Eerie Excavation: An Alice England Mystery by Ash Harrier, published by Pantera Press
  • A Friend for George, written and illustrated by Gabriel Evans, published by Puffin, an imprint of Penguin Random House Australia
  • Our Country: Where History Happened, written by Mark Greenwood and illustrated by Frané Lessac, published by Walker Books Australia
  • Scout and the Rescue Dogs by Dianne Wolfer, published by Walker Books Australia

Daisy Utemorrah Award for Unpublished Indigenous Junior and Young Adult Fiction, sponsored by Magabala Books ($15,000 and a publishing contract with Magabala Books)

  • Dr Stephen Hagan – Acacia: 6 Eyes on Yesterday
  • Maureen Glover – Brothers in Arms
  • Elise Thornthwaite – Underneath the Surface
  • Marly and Linda Wells – Dusty Tracks

Western Australian Writer’s Fellowship ($60,000)

  • Lucy Dougan
  • Alan Fyfe
  • Kylie Howarth
  • Laurie Steed
  • Emma Young

Congratulations to all the authors, editors and publishers!

For more information, see the awards website.

BTW It’s a just a short while since I received an email invitation to contribute feedback about the allocation of money across the categories.  I can’t remember what I suggested but I found it extremely hard to do because it’s such a miserly amount of money for a very wealthy state.  Where are the prizes sponsored by WA universities and corporates, eh?

Posted by: Lisa Hill | May 4, 2024

Six Degrees of Separation: from The Anniversary…

This month’s #6Degrees, hosted by Kate from Books are my Favourite and Best starts with our own bookshelves.  We start with The Anniversary by Stephanie Bishop…

I’ll start with the easiest of segues, with the second novel of the same author, The Other Side of the World. (2015, see my review.) It was one of a crop of #MiserableMigrant stories but the writing was exceptionally good and…

…it reminded me of Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach (2007) in the way that the small domestic tragedy derives from the failure of the characters to communicate with each other.  How my heart ached for those newlyweds! See my uncharacteristically brief review here, and there’s a summary of it at Wikipedia, if you’re not bothered about spoilers.  Shortlisted for the Booker, On Chesil Beach generated controversy because it’s a novella, (and didn’t win) but it became one of those interesting books described as Marmite Books/Vegemite Books: you either love them or you hate them, there is no middle ground.

On Chesil Beach is the ultimate #MiserableMarriage story, IMO.  The #MiserableMarriages tag at His Futile Preoccupations is always entertaining because Guy has a droll style when forensically analysing books in this category, and he recently reviewed Soon by Charlotte Grimshaw which was of immediate interest to me because Theresa Smith and I are hosting #AYearOfNZLit. I’ve read four Kiwi authors so far this year, the most recent being Decline and Fall on Savage Street (2017), by Fiona Farrell. And next up…

… for May, I have The Necessary Angel by C K Stead on my desk, ready to start as soon as I deal with other pressing bookish priorities.  C K Stead is one of New Zealand’s most notable authors but up to now I have only read his novel Mansfield. (2004, see my not very impressed review) and I also have his The Death of the Body on the TBR.   I am hoping that I will get on better with The Necessary Angel. It might also qualify for Guy’s #MiserableMarriages tag because Goodreads tells me that:

It can be read on many levels – as a story of people grappling with love and fidelity; as a story about the importance of books in everyday life; as a commentary on living in complex modern-day Europe; and as a page-turning mystery.

Plus, it’s set at the Sorbonne, and I do like a campus novel!

However, I admit to being a bit put off by that clichéd cover, which features the back of a woman, à la Shutterstock, though this one is from Trevillion Images.  Still, at least the woman on the cover of The Necessary Angel has a body, Sorry by Gail Jones (on my TBR) lacks a head and legs, and …

… the cover of Sara Thornhill by Kate Grenville (2011, see my review) is one of many lazy designs that feature just the back of a head.

Ok, rant over, time to attack my Latin homework in time for Monday, and when that’s done I have a review of Vasily Grossman’s Stalingrad to finish, plus my thoughts from an author talk I recently attended!

That’s my #6Degrees for this month!

Next month (June 2024), starts with “a crime novel with difference” – Butter by Asako Yuzuki.

Posted by: Lisa Hill | May 3, 2024

2024 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Shortlists

The 2024 NSW Premier’s Awards shortlist have been announced.  I haven’t read many but can certainly recommend the two that I have.

Christina Stead Prize for Fiction ($40,000)

• The Sun Walks Down by Fiona McFarlane (Allen & Unwin), see Brona’s review
• Prima Facie by Suzie Miller (Pan Macmillan Australia)
• The Sitter by Angela O’Keeffe (UQP), see my review
• Shirley by Ronnie Scott (Penguin Random House Australia), see Kim’s review at Reading Matters
• The Crying Room by Gretchen Shirm (Transit Lounge), see my review
• Praiseworthy by Alexis Wright (Giramondo Publishing), see combined reviews here

Douglas Stewart Prize for Non-fiction ($40,000)

• Childhood by Shannon Burns (Text Publishing)
• Ghosts of the Orphanage: A Story of Mysterious Deaths, A Conspiracy of Silence, and a Search for Justice by Christine Kenneally (Hachette Australia)
• Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity? by Richard King (Monash University Publishing)
• Our Concealed Ballast by Marian Macken (Vagabond Press)
• Personal Score: Sport, Culture, Identity by Ellen van Neerven (UQP)
• The God of No Good by Sita Walker (Ultimo Press)

Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry ($30,000)

• Hunger and Predation by Pooja Mittal Biswas (Cordite Publishing)
• Moon Wrasse by Willo Drummond (Puncher & Wattmann)
• Burn by Libby Hart (Lepus Print)
• Spore or Seed by Caitlin Maling (Fremantle Press)
• Non-Essential Work by Omar Sakr (UQP)
• Riverbed Sky Songs by Tais Rose Wae (Vagabond Press)
Highly Commended
• Like to the Lark by Stuart Barnes (Upswell Publishing)
• I Saw the Best Memes of My Generation by Dominic Symes (Recent Work Press)

Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children’s Literature ($30,000)

• Leaf-light by Trace Balla (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• Picasso and the Greatest Show on Earth by Anna Fienberg (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• The Raven’s Song by Zana Fraillon and Bren MacDibble (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• Songlines: First Knowledges for younger readers by Margo Neale, Lynne Kelly and illustrated by Blak Douglas (Thames & Hudson Australia)
• Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment by Levi Pinfold (Walker Books Australia)
• Australia: Country of Colour by Jess Racklyeft (Affirm Press)

Ethel Turner Prize for Young People’s Literature ($30,000)

• Royals by Tegan Bennett Daylight (Simon & Schuster Australia)
• Grace Notes by Karen Comer (Hachette Australia)
• The Quiet and the Loud by Helena Fox (Pan Macmillan Australia)
• We Could Be Something by Will Kostakis (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• We Didn’t Think It Through by Gary Lonesborough (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• Selfie by Allayne L. Webster (Text Publishing)

Nick Enright Prize for Playwriting ($30,000)

• Telethon Kid by Alistair Baldwin (Malthouse Theatre)
• don’t ask what the bird look like by Hannah Belanszky (Queensland Theatre)
• Sex Magick by Nicholas Brown (Griffin Theatre Company & Currency Press)
• Unprecedented by Campion Decent (HotHouse Theatre)
• RBG: Of Many, One by Suzie Miller (Sydney Theatre Company & Currency Press)
• Blue by Thomas Weatherall (Belvoir St Theatre)

Betty Roland Prize for Scriptwriting ($30,000)

• Safe Home, Episode 1 by Anna Barnes (Kindling Pictures)
• The Giants by Laurence Billiet and Rachael Antony(General Strike & Matchbox Pictures)
• Late Night with the Devil by Colin Cairnes and Cameron Cairnes (Future Pictures)
• Poor Things by Tony McNamara (Searchlight Pictures & Element Pictures)
• Shayda by Noora Niasari (Origma 45, Dirty Films & Parandeh Pictures)
• The New Boy by Warwick Thornton (Dirty Films & Scarlett Pictures)
Highly Commended
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, Episode 1, ‘Black Fire Orchid’ by Sarah Lambert (Made Up Stories & Amazon Prime)

Indigenous Writers’ Prize ($30,000)

• Close to the Subject: Selected Works by Daniel Browning (Magabala Books)
• She is the Earth by Ali Cobby Eckermann (Magabala Books)
• We Didn’t Think It Through by Gary Lonesborough (Allen & Unwin Children’s Publishing)
• Firelight by John Morrissey (Text Publishing)
• Personal Score: Sport, Culture, Identity by Ellen van Neerven (UQP)
• Praiseworthy by Alexis Wright (Giramondo Publishing)

Multicultural NSW Award ($30,000 — sponsored by Multicultural NSW)

• Anam by André Dao (Penguin Random House Australia), see Brona’s review
• The Shape of Dust: A father wrongly imprisoned. A daughter’s quest to free him by Lamisse Hamouda (Pantera Press)
• Stay for Dinner by Sandhya Parappukkaran, illustrated by Michelle Pereira (Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing)
• God Forgets About the Poor by Peter Polites (Ultimo Press), on my TBR
• Non-Essential Work by Omar Sakr (UQP)
• Songs for the Dead and the Living by Sara M Saleh (Affirm Press)

UTS Glenda Adams Award for New Writing ($10,000 — sponsored by the University of Technology, Sydney)

• Elegy for an Elephant by Ryan Abramowitz (Narratives of Nature)
• the body country by Susie Anderson (Hachette Australia)
• don’t ask what the bird look like by Hannah Belanszky (Queensland Theatre)
• You’ll Never Find Me by Indianna Bell (Stakeout Films)
• Childhood by Shannon Burns (Text Publishing)
• Grace Notes by Karen Comer (Hachette Australia)
• Anam by André Dao (Penguin Random House Australia), see Brona’s review
• as good a woman as ever broke bread by Alex McInnis (Puncher & Wattmann)
• Firelight by John Morrissey (Text Publishing)

The University of Sydney People’s Choice Award ($5,000 — sponsored by the University of Sydney)

• The Sun Walks Down by Fiona McFarlane (Allen & Unwin), see Brona’s review
• Prima Facie by Suzie Miller (Pan Macmillan Australia)
• The Sitter by Angela O’Keeffe (UQP), see my review
• Shirley by Ronnie Scott (Penguin Random House Australia)
• The Crying Room by Gretchen Shirm (Transit Lounge), see my review
• Praiseworthy by Alexis Wright (Giramondo Publishing)
• Childhood by Shannon Burns (Text Publishing)
• Ghosts of the Orphanage: A Story of Mysterious Deaths, A Conspiracy of Silence, and a Search for Justice by Christine Kenneally (Hachette Australia)
• Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity? by Richard King (Monash University Publishing)
• Our Concealed Ballast by Marian Macken (Vagabond Press)
• Personal Score: Sport, Culture, Identity by Ellen van Neerven (UQP)
• The God of No Good by Sita Walker (Ultimo Press)

Congratulations to all the authors, editors and publishers!

Many thanks to the publicist for the #NSWPLA who makes it easy to do a quick post about the shortlists!

Posted by: Lisa Hill | May 3, 2024

Angel, (1957) by Elizabeth Taylor

The blurb on my 2017 Virago reissue of Angel (1957) by the English novelist Elizabeth Taylor (1912-1975) includes a comment about Taylor by Sarah Waters: an author of great subtlety, great compassion and great depth.  But I don’t agree.  Angel is a brutal take-down of working-class aspiration, and while it’s amusing for a while, at 300+ pages it’s too long for itself and the joke.  I only persisted with it because I had got the impression from somewhere that Elizabeth Not-The-Actress Taylor was an author worth reading.  Wikipedia tells us that:

Kingsley Amis described her as “one of the best English novelists born in this century”. Antonia Fraser called her “one of the most underrated writers of the 20th century”, while Hilary Mantel said she was “deft, accomplished and somewhat underrated.”

So I am out on a limb here, and wondering if it’s my Bolshie Australian attitudes that put me out of step with critical opinion. We do class consciousness here too, of course, and I am looking forward to reading Love Across Class, a new book by Eve Vincent and Rose Butler, from Melbourne University Press, which has the merit of acknowledging the myth of egalitarianism in Australia. But here we lack the fine gradings and disdain for the ‘nouveau riche’ of 20th century British class consciousness, and here it’s about the school you went to, your postcode, and in some quarters, your religion or your clothing labels.  What the working class protagonist of Elizabeth Taylor’s Angel does not understand is that she can never transcend her background and especially not by making money.  Taylor’s Angel is not trapped there because has an uneducated mind and spectacular ignorance and she refuses to learn, it is because in Britain class was immutable.  Perhaps it still is.

Not expecting to dislike the book, I went looking for autobiographical information to explain its spiteful class consciousness.  Elizabeth Taylor’s background could perhaps be described as ‘aspirational lower middle class’.  Wikipedia tells us that her father was an insurance inspector, and she went to a private selective day school for girls. She worked as a governess (where like Aunt Lottie in the novel) she could observe her ‘betters’ close up, and later as a tutor and librarian. She married into capital with a husband who owned a confectionery company, flirted with the communist party, and then supported the Labour Party.

#Digression: Here I am reminded of a very wealthy friend and Australian Labor Party supporter who said to me once (from the mansion which boasted an Olympic swimming pool and a tennis court) ‘Of course I’m in favour of wealth redistribution… unless they redistribute some of mine’.  I still liked her, very much.

At 15, Angel’s protagonist looks upon the dreariness of her home in Volunteer Road in Norley and decides to be a writer.  Her Aunt Lottie, in service at Paradise House, has helped towards the school fees at a private school where Angel has learned nothing but the pretensions that will guide her life.  With astonishing determination, Angel disappears into her room and writes a novel of such awfulness that it is immediately rejected by the publishers she sends it to.  But satirising gimcrack commercial fiction  and the cynical publishers who know such books are rubbish but publish anyway for profit, Taylor has Angel finding a sympathetic mentor in Theo Gilbright, who recognises the florid style of romantic Victorian or Edwardian authors, and against the scorn of his partners, thinks it will sell. In a particular market i.e. not the literary one.

Puzzlingly, Theo is sympathetically portrayed as compassionate and too timid to tell Angel the truth.  He deludes himself into thinking that he might be able to tame Angel’s excesses, but fails to do so over the course of her career.  She churns out one dreadful bestseller after another, refusing all advice.  She ventures into settings she has never seen and knows nothing about (Italy, Greece) but when she has become rich enough to buy Paradise House, Angel — influenced by a nouveau riche American neighbour who uses ’causes’ to gain approval— diversifies into polemics about vegetarianism and associated eccentricities, which coincides with a decline in her readership (and her income).  (I’m guessing that vegetarianism was eccentric in 1950s Britain, and from my childhood memories of how they cooked vegetables, perhaps this was justified.)

Unwisely, Angel marries a wastrel called Esmé because she is captive to her romantic dreams, but although WW1 fails to kill him, he dies young so that she can memorialise her ‘perfect marriage’.  She is lucky that she has a loyal, devoted and nauseatingly humble fan in the form of Esmé’s sister Nora who manages the household and (unnecessarily) nurtures Angel’s ego.  Nora reminds me of dogsbody Ida Baker a.k.a. L.M. on whom Katherine Mansfield depended but also despised.  (See my review of Katherine Mansfield, the Storyteller by Kathleen Jones, but, alas, though I remember her vividly from a book I read 14 years ago, I see now that in my review I wrote too little about Ida who was heroic in her devotion).

Angel, wearing ghastly clothes from her decaying wardrobe, spends her decline as a sort of Miss Havisham amid cobwebs and mould, as Paradise House crumbles around her.

Other reviewers, and Hilary Mantel in the Introduction, see this book as Taylor’s urge to de-romanticise writing, to show that nobody ever went broke underestimating public taste.  And Wikipedia tells me that:

Taylor’s work is mainly concerned with the nuances of everyday life and situations. Her shrewd but affectionate portrayals of middle-class and upper middle-class English life won her an audience of discriminating readers, as well as loyal friends in the world of letters.

I’d be interested to know how popular she was with less ‘discriminating’ readers…

Author: Elizabeth Taylor
Title: Angel
Introduction by Hilary Mantel
Cover illustration by Sarah Maycock
Publisher: Virago Modern Classics, 2017
ISBN: 9781844083077, pbk., 316 pages
Source: personal copy, purchased from Brotherhood Books


The Stella Prize is due to be announced tomorrow, but today I had the opportunity to listen to one of the shortlisted authors in conversation, courtesy of the Melbourne Jewish Book Week Writing Lives series.

This is the description of the event:

Katia Ariel discusses her 2024 Stella shortlisted sensation, ‘The Swift Dark Tide’, in conversation with playwright and theatre producer, Jessica Bellamy. Ariel’s memoir deftly oscillates between journal entry and reminiscences of a childhood in Odessa, emigration to Australia, a happy family life, and the urgency and turmoil of a same-sex love affair. The depth and honesty of this ‘Writing Lives’ is both disarming and profound.

And this is a description of the book:

What happens when, in the middle of a happy heterosexual marriage, a woman falls in love with another woman?
The Swift Dark Tide is a story of selfhood and desire, of careful listening to an ungovernable heart.
Part memoir, part love letter, The Swift Dark Tide is also a chronicle of life by the sea, journeying between Melbourne’s St Kilda and the Black Sea town of Odessa. Katia Ariel introduces us to a lineage of soulful, strident women and beautifully nuanced men. She invites us into home and heart to witness love, loss and joy, motherhood, daughterhood and the urgent wildness of the body.

The conversation began with Katia talking about language and stories as a key part of her childhood life, and how she then ‘shut it underground’ in adolescence during the period of her migration to Australia aged 10, learning a new language and adjusting her identity.  She didn’t start writing again until she was in her 30s, with falling in love with another woman as a catalyst.  Now she loves writing and wants to do it all the time!

Jessica asked about the influences on her writing, and Katia responded by saying that she is culturally omnivorous, consuming all kinds of books, art, music and food from a variety of cultures.  She is observant of other creatives and that inspires her.

The book, being a memoir that explores romance, eroticism, joys and sorrows, involves the common contradiction… it traverses secrecy and privacy in a form that is, inevitably, revealing.  Bring vulnerable and open, Katia thinks that telling the truth ‘faster’ is best.  So, because her memoir involves her children, the father of her children, the woman she loves and many other people who matter to her, she read everything to them beforehand, and has their permission to put it in the book.  But she could also write freely about herself and her body without seeking permission.  She is hopeful that the result can be ‘unshaming’ for other women who are like herself.

Some elements, for example about the decision to have an open marriage and some unusual aspects of her child’s birth, have generated different reactions, but she wanted to be honest.  She also wanted to be honest in discussing the mother-daughter relationship.  Her options were to ‘offer comfort’ or for them to ‘free themselves’ but her own ‘becoming’ meant individuating away from her mother.  They have a lot in common and have always been very close — and still are — but she felt that motherhood i.e. being ‘someone else’s parent’ meant that they needed to ‘let go’.  To let the new person arrive, the new person that was Katia, and the new child.

They talked a little about Soviet Jews, and how they have a unique experience and identity i.e. Jewish-pagan-communist-atheist.  Katia called it a ‘cellular’ inheritance, and this reminded me of my recent reading of Anne Berest’s The Postcard, in which she wrote about how — in contemporary France — a Jewish identity is conferred by others, even on secular Jews who are not observant in any way and who never really identify as Jews.  Berest recounted having a relationship with a Jewish man who thought she was ‘hiding’ her Jewish identity because she hadn’t mentioned it… but it just hadn’t occurred to her to do that.

In the context of discussion about ‘coming out’ in later life, there was the question of: what do we owe those in the past who could not do what we can? Katia feels that any answer can only be speculation, because we cannot know what our ancestors wanted of us. All you can do is engage with the ancestors who you know, and her immediate ancestors just want her to be happy.  To be herself.

The talk concluded with a reading from the book, which is in the form of vignettes from a diary, covering the three years in which her new love changes her life and her concept of self.

The long- and short-listed books can be seen here.

Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 30, 2024

Temperance, (2024) by Carol Lefevre

Carol Lefevre is a versatile writer… Murmurations (2020) shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards — was a delicate, melancholy collection of interlinked stories — about a generation of women whose lives were constrained by the mores of the time and the isolation of urban life.  The Tower (2022) was a dazzling composite novel featuring a couple of feisty older women determined to live out their last years on their own terms.  But while Lefevre’s new novel Temperance is more conventional in form, it has a darker tone and a narrative arc that gathers tempo towards the unexpected ending.  It is a novel of a childhood blighted by the poverty of single-parenthood and the otherness that poverty brings but it is also a novel of friendship and love between two older women.  And it is an unflinching novel of parenting and the terrible, damaging mistakes people can make, from unresolved grief, from blatant selfishness, from misplaced hope and from a long-held lack of confidence in personal worth.

It is also a novel of betrayal.  Shocking, breath-taking betrayal.

The story begins in 1963, with the chance friendship of an unconventional artist called Mardi Rose and café owner Stella Madigan, who supports her three children, Tess, Fran and little Theo, who was born shortly after his father’s accident.  This accident is never spoken of, but Fran, from whose perspective the story is told, has found newspaper clippings about it among old photographs.

This morning Fran sees with a shiver that the newsprint is yellowing and brittle.  She holds each one by the edges and lays them out on the floorboards.  In her favourite picture their father is wearing shorts and a singlet, with his socks folded down over scuffed boots.  It is his cheeky lopsided grin she loves the most.  Frank Madigan squints into slanting sunlight, and Fran wonders who he was looking at — perhaps Stella took the picture.  The truck he stands beside is the one that plunged from a bridge into the flood-swollen Darling River.  (p.12)

He’d picked up a passenger, spent time with him at the pub, and failed to see the warning signs on the bridge.

Frank’s truck smashed through the barricades, and out in the middle a wheel went down, and the load jack-knifed.  One clipping says the vehicle went over the side.  Another describes how the bridge dropped the truck and its load of wool bales into the rust-coloured water. (p.12)

The hitchhiker’s body was found downstream, but though police divers scoured the river, Frank’s body was never found.  Tess and Fran are convinced that the signs were never there; Tess who was older and remembers everything says he would have seen them even if he was drunk because he wasn’t stupid…

Stella, whose visible scars on her work-roughened hands are from the hot oil in the fryer, bears her emotional scars within.  Her exhaustion gives her scant time or energy for mothering, and it is Tess to whom Theo turns when he has his frequent nightmares. Fran doesn’t have anybody.  Unlike her siblings who are attractive and charming, and who eventually find partners who love them, Fran drifts through life in a fog of unhappiness, yearning for the kind of family life that other people seem to have.  She marries, unwisely, to become a mother to a waif called Lauris, only to have that love rejected when cruel adolescence rears its head and Lauris seeks out her feckless birth-mother.

Mardi Rose is the light that shines through this melancholy tale.  She brings colour and laughter and a liberating breath of fresh air into the bleak world of this family, but when her friendship with Stella becomes something more, there’s a bit of a scandal about that in those conservative days in beachside Adelaide.  Byron Bay was then the mecca for alternative lifestyles and much to her children’s surprise Stella agrees to pack up everything and take off for a new life.  Tess, at sixteen, refuses to come along, so it is only Fran and Theo who witness the event that was to change everything.  They were asleep in a tent in the camping ground at the small town of Temperance when disaster struck and they were too young to make sense of anything.  Stella, who turns around in a panic and returns without Mardi Rose to the dreariness of the café, will never talk about it with her children.  It is an unspoken mystery that haunts them for decades afterwards.

The novel gathers momentum when Theo and Fran return to Temperance in adulthood, and it becomes unputdownable.

Highly recommended.

Author: Carol Lefevre
Title: Temperance
Publisher: Wakefield Press, 2024
Cover design by Wakefield Press
Cover art: Beach Scene  c1932, by Clarice Beckett
ISBN: 9781743058695, pbk.,326 pages
Review copy courtesy of Wakefield Press


I’m making steady progress with reading Strange Paths, Matthew Lamb’s new biography of Frank Moorhouse — which has as a bonus excerpts from Frank’s youthful poetry.

Youthful poetry is mostly adolescent angst, and if mine was anything to go by, it’s a good thing that most of it never sees the light of day.  But some of Frank’s poetry has stood the test of time.

This one comes from the time when his girlfriend Wendy turned out not to be pregnant, and it shows the tension between being fond of his girl and the desire to be in control of his life:

she said she was a little relieved
but sorry in another way
because it would have meant marriage
i felt relieved
but not very sorry
being a person who likes to decide when i am going to do things
having been pushed around my circumstance
quite a bit
now i have a job in the country
which i applied for when we thought wendy was
and it looks as if circumstance will push me into. (p.146)

When Frank was still a junior reporter, he was called home to Nowra because his father’s business was in trouble.  It’s a pointer to the way he lived his life, without ever owning property or amassing wealth:

it seems
that there is one thing
far stronger than the family
and that is
the business
it shows that the family
is somehow built on the business
and it is shameful
that so much importance
should be placed
on the making and spending
of money (p.144)

The last line of this one raises a smile, until one thinks of all the other hopefuls who never found a way to realise their dreams.

On the first night, he sat at his old desk, just as he had done during his high-school years, the desk at which he’d taught himself to type, writing his first short stories and essays.

is my writing
worth the time
and the concentration?
have i a place
in the world of writing?
here i sit at my old school desk
where i wrote many
to-be-world-shattering short stories
which lie in the folders
carefully preserved to assist
those who want
my old work
when i am famous (p.147)

This one, at a time when we are all thinking about forms of masculinity which have led to the tragic deaths of too many women this year, isn’t just about male drinking culture, but also about acquiescing into toxic behaviour:

Frank arrived in Wagga on Christmas Eve, moving into a room at the Pastoral Hotel.  He stopped by the newsroom, where he met the editor, Eric Irwin, and the chief of staff, a woman named Alex Garner.  By Boxing Day he had already hit a low point.  ‘I felt like quitting today.’ he wrote in his journal.

But over the next week he wrote a few news stories and ‘friendly-met’ a few people.  He worried about falling back on old habits.  ‘I’ve met two reporters and both are alcoholics,’ he wrote to Wendy.  ‘Thought I could get away from drinking…’ On 30 December, in the final entry of his writing journal before he abandoned it for good, he wrote:

i realised today that i have been drinking
to become accepted by the group
i drank all night
and did not collapse
and the group recognised me
and i am now invited to their parties
and am treated as a friend
and can joke about drinking sessions
and hangovers
but i did not enjoy the drinking so very much
i had to drink to become accepted. (pp.152-3)

More to come later…

Author: Matthew Lamb
Title: Frank Moorhouse: Strange Paths
Publisher: Knopf (an imprint of Penguin Random House), 2023
Cover design: Adam Laszczuk
ISBN: 9780143786122, hbk., 462 pages including An Author’s Note, Sources, and Acknowledgements.  (The Index will be in Volume 2.)
Review copy courtesy of Penguin Random House

Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 28, 2024

2024 Sorrento Writers Festival (27/4/24)

It’s Sunday morning in Sorrento and I am hastily journalling yesterday’s events before we depart our accommodation for breakfast somewhere. Sorrento Lodge is a strange setup… very modern, very clean, comfy beds, but a-hem very cosy, and minimalist.  No hair dryer.  No shampoo.  (But two TVs.  How does that work?) No kettle in the room, or cups for a pre-breakfast cuppa.  Kitchen facilities at the end of the corridor are shared and not a pretty sight in the morning. And though they have a curfew of 10pm for the comfort of other guests, it is most certainly not observed or enforced, not even after midnight.

Which is why I was so tired yesterday that I abandoned my third session to come back and sleep the afternoon away.

Update, at home later on Sunday: I looked up reviews of Sorrento Lodge, and discovered that our discomforts, which were admittedly minimal, were entirely our fault.  In error, we had booked a place that is meant for employees, i.e. inexpensive, self-catering, bring most of your own gear.  It’s for the army of hospo staff who turn up for the holiday season and weekends, and it actually says in its FAQs that it’s not meant for holidaymakers or weekend stays.   #meaCulpa…

Edited 29/4/24 to add information about panellists and links to my review of their books.

My first session was terrific.  It was called Unpacking Australian Literature, and though it didn’t do that because the moderator’s questions went elsewhere, it was very interesting.

The panel consisted of Tony Birch, Jock Serong and Charlotte Wood, with Sarah L’Estrange as panel chair.

  • Tony Birch was the first Dr Bruce McGuiness Indigenous Research Fellowship in 2015, and is the award-winning author of five novels, five short fiction collections and two poetry books.  I profiled him in Meet an Aussie Author: Tony Birch way back in 2012, and I’ve read and reviewed Blood (2011),  Ghost River (2015),  Common People (2017),  and (my favourite) The White Girl (2019).  (I have Dark as Last Night (2021); Father’s Day (2009) and Women and Children (2023) on the TBR, and I will soon have a copy of his monograph on Kim Scott from Black Inc’s Writers on Writers series).

Tony Birch talked about his childhood in inner city Melbourne.  He told a lovely story about the first time he saw the sea, and it reminded me of the late Peter Cundall of Gardening Australia fame talking about the first time he went into a library, got sent home to wash his hands, and then came back to enter what he thought was heaven.  Birch reminded us that inner city housing doesn’t have backyards big enough to play ball games, so the street was where the kids played cricket and footy.

Asked why he was drawn to writing about children in his fiction, Birch said that childhood is formative for everyone and is often related to the places we love, especially in a childhood like his where the kids got away from their parents and were allowed to do their own thing.

Charlotte Wood grew up on the Monaro (and told us how to pronounce it, not like the car).  South of Canberra, it’s a bare landscape but she had a childhood full of freedom, roaming around on bikes, free to do whatever she wanted.  There were bigger families then, so she always had someone to play with.  And children had privacy, and a private world.

Food for thought, eh?

Jock Serong talked about writing.  When we read, (in English, that is) he said, we  read L to R, up to down.  But when writing, it happens in a spiral, bringing parts together and moving them apart.  So what is the role of Australian literature in questioning the narratives we tell ourselves?

Birch talked about his recent book which is about Kim Scott, in the Black Inc Writers on Writers series.  He talked about challenging existing narratives but in an open and inclusive way.  Kim Scott asks us to understand Australian history in a different way, and to open up the discussion.  His writing is provocative, but it’s a gentle challenge.

Birch’s prize winning book The White Girl is about the Stolen Generations made accessible to readers who are inevitably going to be mostly white. The White Girl is a love story and it’s about the universal love within families. (See my review).

The book, he said, has had a good after life, it’s taught at Year 11 to engage young people.  Birch says he doesn’t want to write alienating stories,  and he wants to write about Aboriginal women who have agency.  There is domestic violence but it’s off stage, and the reader sees an act of love instead: Ruby washing her auntie’s wounds after an assault.

I caught a glimpse of Jock Serong’s latest book but it’s not in the shops yet so he talked about his trilogy.  (See my reviews of the ). He recapped the activities of George Augustus Robinson, and says that fiction can pay respect to indigenous people when history (i.e. Robinson’s diary) doesn’t.  And fiction has staying power.  We know what we know of the Elizabethan era from Shakespeare not from history books!

The topic moved on to ‘writing from a sense of rage’ which brought up Charlotte Wood’s The Natural Way of Things, but though she said rage was a fuel for the book, she didn’t want to stay there.  It was quite interesting the way that the moderator Sarah L’Estrange wanted to explore rage (by which I think she meant women’s rage) and the writers didn’t.  Birch, who by any estimation had a rough childhood, said he wasn’t traumatised by it, and though he doesn’t want his grandchildren to witness what he did, his demeanour — and his books that I’ve read — are testament to that.  He wants to write about men who are ok.

This was a most enjoyable session, but there were questions I wanted these writers to explore.  Why do Australian authors write so much about old wars, crime and selective bits of history?  Why don’t they write about class, for example?

My next session was Gail Jones in conversation with Fiona Gruber.  Jones is an academic and the author of ten novels.  I regret that I did not get on with her earlier works, but I kept on buying her books one after the other because I knew I would want to read them one day.  I began with Our Shadows (2020); then I read and loved the award-winning Salonika Burning (2022), then The Death of Noah Glass (2018), and now her most recent novel One Another (2024). Others waiting patiently on the TBR are A Guide to Berlin (2015), Combined Reviews and Five Bells (2011).

Fiona was brilliant at asking an open-ended question and just letting Gail talk.  She talked about the circuitous way that One Another (see my review) was sparked by seeing the wreck of Joseph Conrad’s boat, the invasion of Ukraine and her memories of feeling dissonance when in the UK where everyone was obsessed with Princess Di and Thatcher but in Australia there was Mabo which was momentous.

*chuckle* And she wanted her story to have characters who didn’t have Google and mobile phones!

There was an interesting diversion into talking about literary criticism.  I was so interested, I took only scrappy notes, but the gist of it was, that criticism now focusses on identity and emoting and placing the self into the text.

#NoteToSelf: Don’t do it!!

The conversation moved on to journeys, and the characters in One Another floundering and feeling out of place.  Joseph Conrad’s life was endlessly journeying, from his childhood through to his voyages, so it was a life where he was always ‘out of place’ even when he finally settled in the UK because his thick accent placed him always as an outsider.

Jones’ novel is structured in these waves of events, it’s not chronological  because she wanted to write about why we become so interested in the people whose books we read.  She picks up on moments of intensification, and symbolic moments. So no, she’s not a planner.  She has an image, and a sort of concept, and she writes intuitively.

She’s interested in words — what they can and can’t do, and images likewise — what they can and can’t do.

There was an audible intake of breath when she told us how quickly she writes her books, but that writing comes after a very long time of thinking and composing mentally.

Oh, and just at the end, she said a very interesting thing: she thinks that though we talk about postmodernism, most of us are modernists. We believe in deep time, and in symbols, and we read to complicate ourselves.

I wanted to know more about that, but it was time to move on.

My next session was The Life and Legacy of Miles Franklin, featuring Kgshak Akec, Amy Brown, Monique di Mattina, Clare Wright and Fiona Sweet.  It was lovely to hear Kgshak Akec in the flesh, and she had a brief moment to talk about how being nominated for the MF for her 2022 debut novel Hopeless Kingdom (see my review) had changed her life, but the chair was head honcho of the Stella Prize and it was more of a Stella Prize love-in than I was interested in. I was so very, very tired that I shot through and spent the afternoon asleep in bed.  Sorrento Lodge is quiet as the grave in mid-afternoon.  It’s only at night that you can’t get any sleep…

So that’s it, for the 2024 Sorrento Writers Festival.  Congratulations to everyone involved, especially the volunteers without whom it would not happen.  The hospo folks were marvellous too, they were run off their feet with the festival coinciding with a long weekend, but the service was always friendly and professional and if things went awry they were quick to apologise.

PS The Spouse went to lots of interesting NF sessions and I will try to pick his brains on the journey home so that I can add in some of his thoughts too.

Time to pack up now, will chat in comments when I get home!

Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 26, 2024

2024 Sorrento Writers Festival (26/4/24)

Greetings from Sorrento, where I have had a lovely day listening to some very interesting sessions!

This has to be quick, we are booked in for an early dinner at The Baths, and I am starving because there was no time for lunch… so these are just quick summaries, sorry!

(I will fix up misspellings of authors names or those whose names I didn’t catch… later. And I will add in the names of the authors’ books too. )

Update 29/4/24 Edited to add extra details.

First up, I went to the second of three sessions on Modernism.  (I missed the first one which was yesterday.)  This one was about how modernism changed architecture, and the speakers were Fiona Austin of Beaumaris Modern Fame; Leonie Gruber, Greer Honeywill and Patricia Callan.

Fiona Austin is the author of Beaumaris Modern, (2018) which I wrote about here after I went to the launch; Dr Greer Honeywill is a multi-disciplinary artist, researcher and curator;  Patricia Callan is the founder of Modernist Australia and the author of The New Modernist House; and Fiona Gruber writes on arts and culture and is an ABC radio arts presenter.

Modernism, as we know, is a movement that began in Europe in the early C20th century, most notably by the Bauhaus in 1919, and is became influential in a very short time but Australia was late to the party for various reasons and nothing very exciting happened in architecture here until the postwar era.  That is when we began to see the whole point of architecture, which is to make life better.

Domestic housing is made better by having light-filled spaces, by building the house to the orientation of the sun, by the use of local materials, by integrating the outside with interior spaces, by designing free-flowing spaces and by the use of colour.  The speakers were adamant that making houses bigger does not make them better, and nor does the current fad for beige, beige and more beige because people always have an eye on resale value now.

There were slides of some lovely modernist houses, especially in Beaumaris which is where in the postwar period artists and architects formed a mecca for creativity.  The houses were modest because there was a shortage of materials and tradesmen, but they worked well, and today, updated with modern appliances etc, they still do.

Modernist houses, they said, were great for women, because kitchens were no longer isolated from the rest of the house.   (LH: Of course, it’s even better if she gets out of the kitchen because others are sharing the cooking but that was a topic for another day.)

Not all modernist houses can be preserved with heritage listings, but if more people valued them, they would get updated instead of building some horrible monstrosity instead.  (They didn’t use the word monstrosity, that’s my word.)

My next session was Modernism #3, which I enjoyed even more because it was about modernist art in Australia.  The speakers were Rodney James, whose book Letters to a Critic (2023) I reviewed here; Lesley Harding, director of the Heidi Museum of Modern Art; and Kendrah Morgan who is a curator at Heide.  Harding and Morgan co-authored Mirka and Georges (2020);  Modern Love, the lives of John and Sunday Reed (2015); Sunday’s Garden (2013) and Sunday’s Kitchen (2011); and Harding is also author of Margaret Preston, recipes for food and art, (2016) which we have on our shelves with our other art books. The panel chair was Charlotte Guest who is a bookseller and publisher.

The discussion led off with Rodney James talking about the art critic Alan McCulloch, which was an excellent launching pad for talking about the famous Herald Art Show in 1939 which brought all kinds of wonderful modernist art to Australians who’d never seen it before.  The whole collection got stranded here because of the war, and so the artworks were offered for sale, but *deep sigh* the stuffy old NGV passed up the opportunity to buy a Picasso and what they did buy was not very exciting.

From there the talk (with accompanying slide show) moved on to Arthur Boyd and Albert Tucker, art patrons John and Sunday Reed, Mirka Mora and Joy Hester.  It also segued to our famous Angry Penguins Literary Hoax which made a stunning appearance in Stephen Orr’s Sincerely, Ethel Malley (2021, see my review) – a good scandal is always fun at a festival.

Next up was The Legacy of Holocaust Literature, and the speakers were Leah Kaminsky, Michael Gawenda and Rachel Unreich.

Leah Kaminsky is the author of The Waiting Room (2015, see here); The Hollow Bones, and Doll’s Eye (2023, see here); Michael Gawenda is the former editor-in-chief of The Age and the author of My Life as a Jew (2023, which The Spouse is currently reading. See here.) Rachel Unreich is a journalist whose book A Brilliant Life (2023) is about her mother who survived the Holocaust.

The first question was why?  Why is there still such huge interest in the histories, memoirs, testimonies, novels, poetry, documentaries and films by and about survivors and the generation that came after them?

Michael Gawenda noted that at first there was a great silence followed by an outpouring in the 1960s and 70s.   That writing, he said, took place because it was part of the European tradition of literature, and because Jews were central to European civilisation.  OTOH There isn’t much about the Armenian genocide because it was not in their tradition to write about it and also there isn’t much in the way of documentary evidence in the way that there is for the Holocaust.

[LH: He didn’t say that acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide has been suppressed by the Turkish government for decades and that it famously tried to prosecute the Nobel Prize winning author Orhan Pamuk for raising the issue.   I’ve read a couple of recent novels that tell this important story, both of them by Australians: Katerina Cosgrove’s Bone Ash Sky (2013, see my review here) and Ashley Kalagian Blunt’s award-winning My Name is Revenge (2018, see here).

Leah Kaminsky talked about her most recent book Doll’s Eye which explores the role of doctors and medical scientists during the years of Hitler’s rise to power.  Their research was garbage, but it became influential because it wasn’t challenged.  She also talked about her previous book The Hollow Bones, which was about her mother who committed suicide when Kaminsky was 21.

By contrast, Rachel Unreich’s book was about how her mother, who had experienced unspeakable horrors, had somehow managed to have a ‘joyful’ life in spite of it.  Gawenda demurred on this because, he says, for survivors there never was a happy ending.  FWIW I think they are both right.  In the Holocaust Museum here in Melbourne I met survivors who were laughing and gossiping in a place that I associated with the gravitas of deep mourning.  But, they told me, they had rebuilt a good life here in Australia with children and grandchildren in a thriving community and for them to live well was the best answer to what had happened to them.  But I don’t doubt that there were deep scars within.

Which is where the current crop of commercial Holocaust fiction is so wrong.  Gawenda says that he was not traumatised by the DP camp he was born in, but books which romanticise the Holocaust are appalling, exploitative, cynical and untrue. Redemption stories are a lie.  People were scarred and horribly traumatised, even if they masked their feelings for their children’s sake.

It was a sobering session.

Next up was Charlotte Wood in conversation with Ramona Koval and it was the highlight of my day.  She talked about the genesis of Stone Yard Devotional (See my review) which coincided with traumatising events in her personal life, and Covid.

She talked about the appeal of ‘deep silence’ and how she’s valued a couple of writing retreats she’s done, because it’s a way of getting away from an overwhelming life.  We’re not made to absorb the violence and catastrophe that comes from the media because we can’t do anything about it, and it’s everywhere.  But the ethical question raised by the book is: when is it ok to withdraw? Though the novel doesn’t really resolve this, it shows that the narrator’s life has all been action, which has achieved nothing, and she comes to realise that the nuns, ‘doing nothing’ except praying is actually doing no harm because they are not endlessly consuming.

Amongst other interesting things in a very interesting session was the idea that a writer must please the reader, but must also please herself.  Sometimes that means leaving things open-ended.

They concluded with a droll commentary about how much contemporary publishing is about people emoting instead of thinking.  Amen to that!

See more about Charlotte Wood in Sunday’s post.

My last session was political: former ABC radio presenter John Faine with journalist Greg Sheridan from The Australian and Director of the Lowy Institute Think Tank Sam Roggaveen about Australia’s place in the world.  The consensus was that AUKUS is a waste of money, and that China might/might not be as scary as we’re being led to think, but I was too tired to take notes and don’t want to misquote anybody.

More tomorrow!

The titular Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One’s Books is one of nine short pieces in a Perec collection in the Penguin Books Great Ideas series. There are 94 titles altogether:  I’ve previously read The Narrative of Trajan’s Column (2020), by Italo Calvino, translated by Martin McLaughlin (see my review); on the TBR I also have Reflections on the Guillotine by Albert Camus, translated by Justin O’Brien.

It is accurate to call this collection ‘brief notes’ because they mostly are, though the first one ‘Robert Antelme or the Truth of Literature’ is more of an essay… a meditation on the literature of the camps after the Holocaust.  It was written in 1962, when Perec was not to know that what he thought was a flood of testimonies represented survivors’ irresistible urge to write:

For the returning deportee, to speak, to write, is a need as strong and immediate as is his need for calcium, for sugar, for sunlight, meat, sleep and silence.  It’s not the case that he can remain silent and forget.  He has first of all to remember.  he has to explain, to tell, to dominate that world whose victim he was. (p.3)

As we now know, this was nonsense, and for many survivors,  a reluctance to give testimony persisted well into old age.  But still, this is a very interesting essay exploring the work of Robert Antelme, (1917-1990) who had married Marguerite Duras in 1939 and was deported to  Buchenwald, and then Gandersheim because of his activities with the French Resistance.  Perec’s essay led me to these thoughts at the Washington Post about Antelme’s 1947 The Human Race book when it was finally translated into English in 1992.  Which made me wonder not for the first time about how tardy we are in the English-speaking world about translating important books.


It’s always nice to enjoy a bit of frivolity after reading sobering books, and like any bibliophile, I enjoyed Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One’s Books.  I can never resist those articles that crop up online about how books can be arranged.

Perec tells us about a friend who had the notion to maintain his home library at 361 books, meaning that he could not buy another book until he had disposed of one to make space for it.  Like all of us pretending to be in control of the TBR, he soon found ways to subvert himself.  For example, a book could count as one book even if it contained more than one novel.  So Nothing, Doting Blindness by Henry Green counts as one book, of course! The rule is ‘adjusted’ to mean 361 authors…

But that needs to be ‘adjusted’ too, on account of those pesky books that have no author — chivalric romances or the Dadaists who can’t be separated without automatically losing 80 to 90 percent of what made them interesting. So far, adjusting the rule to mean 361 subjects, Perec tells us, is working out ok so far.


There are two main problems when one has books: they are a problem of space, and a problem of order…

Books are not dispersed but assembled.  Just as we put all the pots of jam into a jam cupboard, so we put all our books in the same place, or into several same places.  (p.63)

Indeed. My ‘several’ same places are: my library, the sitting-room, the bedrooms (2); The Spouse’s office, and the family room. We conform to what Perec says about how you can only put cookery books in the room you cook in, (though truth be told, they are facing the other way into the family room).


As an aside, Perec lists ‘things which aren’t books but are often met with in libraries’, and yes I have some items from his list: photos, a pen and ink drawing by children’s author Ann James, and a dried flower thingy (a relic from a mother’s day stall). I also have some bookish memorabilia including Don Quixote from Spain, and Arcimboldo from the Netherlands. Plus little busts of Shakespeare and Dickens; Plato and Socrates have moved down to the Philosophy shelves in the family room.  Not in Perec’s list since he wrote it in 1978 is my computer and peripherals.

Nor does he mention the importance of A View.  I look out of my window at a rampant white jasmine, where finches, pigeons and the occasional parrot frolic and/or build their nests.  For advice on achieving a suitable bookspace + view, you can’t do better than visit Marina Sofia’s blog where bookshelves feature regularly in her Friday Fun series.

Next, Perec attends to the business of Order.

A library that is not arranged becomes disarranged. […]
Disorder in a library is not serious in itself; it ranks with ‘Which drawer did I put my socks in?’ We always think we shall know instinctively where we have put such and such a book.  And even if we don’t know, it will never be difficult to go rapidly along all the shelves. (p.65-6)

Hmm.  Maybe not as easy as he thinks if the books are double shelved…

Opposed to this apologia for a sympathetic disorder is the small-minded temptation towards an individual bureaucracy: one thing for each place and each place for one thing, and vice versa. Between these two tensions, one which sets a premium on letting things be, on a good-natured anarchy, the other that exalts the virtues of a tabula rasa, the cold efficiency of the great arranging, one always ends by trying to set one’s books in order. (p.66)

Oh yes…

Now, here is Perec’s list of ways of arranging books:

ordered alphaetically
ordered by continent or country
ordered by colour
ordered by date of acquisition
ordered by date of publication
ordered by format
ordered by genre
ordered by major periods of literary history
ordered by language
ordered by priority for future reading
ordering by binding
ordered by series.

NB Stable classifications are those which, in principle, you continue to respect; provisional classifications are those supposed to last only a few days, the time it takes for a book to discover, or rediscover, its definitive place. 

Over to you, dear reader.  How do you arrange your shelves?

PS I am off to the Sorrento LitFest this weekend.  I have ambitions to blog the sessions I attend but if internet access is unreliable, or I have too many martinis at dinner, please chat amongst yourselves until I get back.

Author: Georges Perec
Title: Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One’s Books
Translated by John Sturrock
Publisher: Penguin Great Ideas series, Penguin Random House, 2020
Cover artwork by David Pearson
ISBN: 9780241475218, pbk., 96 pages
Source: Personal library, purchased from Readings $19.99


Historian and biographer Ross McMullen, won the Prime Minister’s Literary Award in 2013, for this multi-biography Farewell, Dear People, Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation.  It’s a book I chose to dip into, for a commemorative post on Anzac Day.

For Australia, a new nation with a relatively small population, the death of 60,000 soldiers during World War I was catastrophic. It is hardly surprising, then, that Australians evaluating the consequences of the conflict have tended to focus primarily on the numbing number of losses ― on the sheer quantity of all those countrymen who did not return.

That there must have been extraordinary individuals among them has been implicitly understood, but these special Australians are unknown today. This book seeks to retrieve their stories and to fill the gaps in our collective memory. Farewell, Dear People contains ten extended biographies of young men who exemplified Australia’s gifted lost generation of World War I.

This is a book that celebrates achievements that took place before the war that claimed these men’s lives. Their stories tell us that we should let not let the manner of their deaths overshadow the lives they led beforehand.

These names will not be known to most people, but I list them here from the Table of Contents:

  • Geoff McCrea: the creative allrounder
  • Tom Elliott: Australia’s Kitchener
  • George Challis: the footballer
  • Ted Larkin: the administrator/politician
  • Clunes Mathison: the medical scientist
  • Robert Bage: the engineer/explorer
  • Gresley Harper, Winifred Harper and Phipps Turnbull: the barrister, the farmer, and the Rhodes scholar
  • Carew Reynell: the winemaker.

Robert Bage, photographed by Frank Hurley.

Robert Bage’s name is in Bold, because it is his story that I chose to read first.

Readers with good memories may remember my fascination with the Heroic Age of Exploration and my review of Douglas Mawson’s 1915 The Home of the Blizzard. Bage (1888-1915) was the astronomer at the Main Base during the Australasian Antarctic Expedition.

In some ways, Robert Bage led a life of privilege, but his father died when he was only three, and his paternal grandparents died shortly afterwards.  However his Uncle Charles Lange was a doctor with good connections both social and professional, and so Robert was able to attend Melbourne Grammar where his father and uncles had all been educated. He was an excellent student, winning prizes and matriculating at the age of only 14.  However, he stayed on to prepare further for university with study in the sciences, achieving honours in physics and chemistry, algebra and geometry.

While Bage’s friends had prominent and successful fathers, he did not.  Ted Bage had been prominent and successful many years earlier, but he had been absent for practically all his son’s life.  Bob was accustomed to this state of affairs, and it did not hold him back.  He and his sisters exuded capable, practical self-reliance. (p.329)

A scholarship enabled him to enter Trinity college and study engineering. He was active in university sports and with friends he went adventuring, hiking in the hills around Melbourne.  He travelled further afield in outback South Australia, and between terms, to Canada as a supernumerary engineer on the Moana.

After graduation he took up work with Victoria’s State Rivers and Water Supply, and then with the Queensland Railways.  It was there that he volunteered for the militia and came under the influence of Kitchener of imperial fame.  Bage decided to join the army as an engineer, taking leave of absence to join the explorer Douglas Mawson (1882-1958) on the Antarctic expedition that made his name.  

McMullen recounts the ins and outs of Bage’s activities on the expedition, described in 1928 as the greatest and most consummate expedition that ever sailed for Antarctica.  

Some 20,000 miles of coast had been explored for the first time.  The expedition had accomplished significant research advances in geology, cartography, meteorology, biology, magnetism and oceanography.  Radio communication in Antarctica was successfully pioneered. (p.372)

The exalted position among other Antarctic expeditions’ was in part because of the southern sledging party led by Bage.

They ‘accomplished even more than I had anticipated’, Mawson acknowledged.  It was one of the most arduous trips undertaken by any sledging party,’ wrote Charles Laseron; it was ‘a tribute to their endurance and determination that they pulled through at all.’ Bage, Webb, and Hurley still retain the record for distance covered in a day’s sledge-hauling, and it is inconceivable that it will ever be broken. (p.373)

But as those of us who have read The Home of the Blizzard know, some of these accomplishments were overshadowed by the tragic loss of Mertz and Ninnis and Mawson’s heroic struggle back to base alone. McMullen shows how these events impacted on Bage and other members of the team.  When Mawson had not returned by the time their supply ship had to depart before the ice froze over, a rescue team had to stay and overwinter for a second year.

For the half-dozen named, though, this was a dismal prospect.  They had been anticipating with relish their imminent return after a year of isolation in this windy wilderness.  Moreover, staying a further year had other consequences.  Bage was concerned that it would cost him his military seniority; Madigan was concerned that it would cost him his Rhodes scholarship.  But they accepted that some expeditioners had to stay.  Mawson was now a week overdue.  It was increasingly likely that a serious mishap had befallen his party: ‘we are all extremely anxious about him,’ Bage wrote. (p.364)

They had a bleak and dreary time during this second year, but they did their duty… arriving back in Australia 1914 to great acclaim and a round of after-dinner speaking engagements.  McCullen notes that after living cooped up in a hut in an all-male environment, half the expeditioners married soon after their return.  Bage became engaged to Dorothy Scantlebury* shortly after the outbreak of war in September, but since he was a member of the regular army, he was subject to immediate mobilisation and his company left for Egypt later that same month.

In May, he was killed at Gallipoli.

As McMullen says in the Introduction, these premature deaths represented a significant post-war loss for their nation because of their outstanding pre-war accomplishment or their outstanding character or both.  His purpose in resurrecting the stories of the men in this book is not to eulogise their deaths as mattering more than any others, but to show that amongst the thousands who died, there were exceptional men whose rare potential should not be forgotten. 

*Dorothy came from a notable Cheltenham family in the bayside suburb of Melbourne.  In 1919, Dorothy was teaching at Clyde school Mt Macedon, and went on to become Principal of Toorak College in 1942 ‐ the Scantlebury girls ‘old school’. (See Cheltenham’s Scantlebury Family 1889-1923)

Image credit: Robert Bage by Frank Hurley – State Library of New South Wales, Public Domain, Antarctic Expedition: 

Author: Ross McMullen
Title: Farewell, Dear People, Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation
Publisher: Scribe Publishing, 2012
Cover design: “by Scribe”
ISBN: 9781921844669, pbk., 600 pages, including Maps, a Bibliography, Notes Acknowledgements and an Index. The text runs to 531 pages.
Source: Personal library, purchased from Readers’ Feast, $45.00


Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 23, 2024

2024 The Age Book of the Year shortlist

The Age Book of the Year shortlists have been announced.

The judges for the fiction prize were bookseller Mark Rubbo and writer and publisher Louise Swinn.  The shortlisted titles are:

Women & Children, by Tony Birch, on my TBR
Anniversary, by Stephanie Bishop
One Day We’re All Going to Die, by Elise Hearst, see my review
The Idealist, by Nicholas Jose, see my review
Stone Yard Devotional, by Charlotte Wood, see my review
But the Girl, by Jessica Zhan Mei Yu


The books on the non-fiction shortlist, judged by writer Simon Caterson and historian Joy Damousi, include histories, memoirs and essays.

Bennelong & Phillip: A History Unravelled, by Kate Fullagar
Home Work: Essays on Love and Housekeeping, by Helen Hayward
Frank Moorhouse: Strange Paths, by Matthew Lamb (I’m currently reading, it’s excellent.)
Life So Full of Promise: Further Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation, by Ross McMullin (I’m currently reading the predecessor of this one, Farewell Dear People.  Review coming soon.)
Personal Score by Ellen van Neerven
A Brilliant Life, by Rachelle Unreich.

The winners will be announced on May 8.

Last year’s winners were Limberlost by Robbie Arnott, and Wandering with Intent by Kim Mahood.  Both were great books, see my reviews here and here.

Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 22, 2024

The Postcard, by Anne Berest, translated by Tina Kover

The Postcard was a finalist for the Goncourt Prize, and a bestseller in France. And that’s interesting, because everybody’s favourite tourist destination doesn’t come out of it very well in this story that is a mystery, a portrait of Parisian intellectual and artistic life in the 20th century, and a devastating portrayal of how antisemitism still lingers in the France which deported so many French Jews to their deaths in Germany.

But first, the cover image.  I was still reading the first of four parts in this book when it occurred to me to look for the source of the arresting portrait on the cover.  It’s not a cleverly chosen stock image, it’s an authentic photo of Noémie Rabinovitch in 1941. Born in 1923 in Latvia, she was the younger sister of Anne Berest’s grandmother, Myriam.  She wanted to be a writer.

And while we should never make the mistake of mourning the loss of attractive people in the Holocaust more than those who are less appealing to look at, the intelligence and vitality of that young woman is a reminder that the Holocaust was a loss to humanity.  The world lost scientists, artists, musicians, inventors and writers, as well as ‘ordinary’ people who deserved to live just as much as anyone else.  What might that young woman have done with her life had she lived?

She might have written a magnificent book like this one.

The prologue begins with the postcard in the narrator’s mother’s ‘archive’.  Anne tells the story of Lélia receiving it in 2003, when she was twenty-four:

What caught my mother’s attention right away was the handwriting, strange and awkward, like no handwriting she had ever seen before.  Then she read the four names, written in the form of a list.

Jacques (p.12)

And that was all, nothing else, except the stamp and the address.

The family knows who these people are.  They were Léila’s maternal grandparents and her aunt and uncle.  They were all deported from France and had died in Auschwitz in 1942, more than sixty years ago.

My mother felt a jolt of fear, as if someone were threatening her, someone lurking in the darkness of the past. Her hands began to tremble. (p.12)

Now, years later after an antisemitic incident at her daughter’s school, the narrator, Anne — a secular Jew — embarks on a quest to find out who sent this enigmatic postcard.  It seems impossible, but the book tells an intriguing tale of leads and red herrings drawn from her mother’s recollections and rambling stories.  A private detective helps, and so does a graphologist, both of them somewhat overwhelmed by the task because they usually work with pettier quests.  People who knew these four people are dead now, but descendants of those who knew the sole surviving sibling Myriam, sometimes know a scrap of information, leading to stories of flight, of the French Resistance, and of venal complicity.

I wanted to stop reading at the end of Part 1 ‘Promised Lands’.  Through Léila’s memories, I had come to know Ephraim, Emma, Noémie and Jacques, and when their lives came to an end about half way through the book, I was devastated. Berest had brought these people back to life in an extraordinary way; I was invested in them even though I knew their fate. But the rest of the story is just as rivetting. And Berest does not flinch from revealing the French betrayal of its Jewish citizens under the Vichy government.

The rest of the book recounts the quest and why it matters.  Berest depicts the awkwardness that is encountered when people know something but won’t tell.  There is still shame, and guilt, and people still have in their possession items that belong to descendants of those betrayed.  A scene when Léila ‘steals’ some photos from a man who lived in her parents’ village, is ironic. Anne remonstrates, and Léila retorts by saying that he can’t complain, he’s still got the beautiful old piano that Emma used to play.

The  postwar chaos when Myriam waits anxiously in Paris for her family’s return is very poignant.  Since she’s had no news, her assumption is that they are alive somewhere.  At this stage of human history, not everything is known.  So — day after day — she goes to the hotel hastily converted into a reception centre for people returning from the camps. She vacillates between hope, denial and despair, and refuses to take the advice to stay home and listen to the radio announcing the names.  This cruel, impersonal way of telling people about the fate of their loved ones seems incomprehensible today, but all over Europe authorities were overwhelmed by what had happened.  There was no plan.  And in some places, it was a problem that authorities did not want to confront.  They wanted these problem survivors gone; they wanted to move on.  They certainly did not want to interrogate the past.

The book is also a meditation on what it means to be Jewish when not observant at all… It’s an identity that cannot be shaken off, and it shapes a life, even for secular Jews. Because she doesn’t announce her Jewish heritage, Anne is sometimes taken for a Jew and sometimes not, and these assumptions lead to droll scenes when Anne is out of place and ignorant of the rituals to follow at services — both Jewish and Christian.  Her mother reminds her about the rules for using cutlery, but Anne doesn’t know the words or the songs and pronounces Amen/Oy-men incorrectly and so on.  (Having been to Anglican, Catholic, Jewish and secular funerals and marriages, I can relate to this embarrassment and confusion!)

The Postcard explores the emotions of the past and present and the repercussions which filter down to the present day, including the tension between those who want healing from acknowledging the past, and those who are afraid, for all sorts of reasons, of digging it up.  The ending, which reveals that they did indeed find out who sent the postcard and why, shows that it came from a very human impulse, and wasn’t malevolent at all.

The book is a work of autofiction, with names changed to protect the guilty.  The author did not want to shame the descendants of those who betrayed her family, her community, the Resistance and her country.  And no, the postcard is not an authorial invention; it really was sent to the author’s mother.

Author: Anne Berest
Title: The Postcard (La carte postale)
Translated from the French by Tina Kover
Cover design by Ginevra Rapisardi
Publisher: Europa Editions, 2023, first published 2021
ISBN: 9781609458386, pbk, 464 pages
Source: Kingston Library

If you read my previous review of Donna Coates’ Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend, Australian Women’s War Fictions you will know that I had only read Part 1, about women’s war fiction about WW1, and found it very interesting indeed.  Coates’ thesis is, from the blurb at AmazonAU:

War is traditionally considered a male experience. By extension, the genre of war literature is a male-dominated field, and the tale of the battlefield remains the privileged (and only canonised) war story.

In Australia, although women have written extensively about their wartime experiences, their voices have been distinctively silenced. Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend calls for a re-definition of war literature to include the numerous voices of women writers, and further recommends a re-reading of Australian national literatures, with women’s war writing foregrounded, to break the hold of a male-dominated literary tradition and pass on a vital, but unexplored, women’s tradition.

So, to Part 2 of Shooting with Blanks at the Anzac Legend.

The focus in Part 2 is not so much on women writers adopting the valorisation of the Anzacs, but on whether women wrote about women’s experience of WW2.

Chapter 7 ‘Damn(ed) Yankees, The Pacific’s Not Pacific Anymore’ covers fiction about American servicemen in Australia.  The novels discussed explore the tension between the contribution of the Americans and the interpersonal conflicts that arose when they were stationed in Australia, though Coates begins by noting that until recently, historians and literary critics had paid little attention to the one million American servicemen in Australia from 1941-1945.  This research includes…

…accounts of the tensions over fighting prowess, money and women, which heated up shortly after the Americans arrived, but their efforts to determine the impact the Americans had on Australian culture and way of life proved remarkably elusive. (p.186)

Coates analyses two novels that traverse this terrain.  One, I’d never heard of : Henrietta Drake-Brockman’s The Fatal Days (1947) and the other that I’d read in the years before blogging: Come in Spinner (1951) by Dymphna Cusack and Florence James.

Because Drake-Brockman’s and Cusack/James’ novels take place during different periods – The Fatal Days covers 20 February to 6 March, 1942; Come in Spinner eight days in October 1944 – they offer a fascinating overview of the American presence in Australia. The Fatal Days opens at a time when Australians are feeling especially vulnerable: the newspapers have begun to list Australian casualties in the Mediterranean; Singapore has fallen; the Japanese have bombed Darwin, raided Port Moresby and captured Rabaul. Suddenly, the Australians comprehend that their show of British loyalty – they have shipped both their arms and their armies to the other side of the equator – has rendered them defenceless in the face of enemy attack. Realising that they can no longer count upon Britain (now fully occupied fighting for her own survival) to protect them, they are enormously relieved when the Americans agree to come to their aid. (pp. 188-189).

Overall, The Fatal Days reads more like a series of essays championing the events and players at the Eureka Stockade and Anzac Cove than it does a work of fiction. Most frustrating is that Drake-Brockman’s female characters crow about identity-forming events that absent(ed) women, glory in a political adventure: disseminating values she did not help formulate, Drake-Brockman facilitates her own marginalisation as a woman writer. She also reinforces traditional perceptions that women’s experiences are unworthy material for a national literature and hence bolsters the power of the patriarchal culture that denounces women as “Other.”
(p. 192).

Come In Spinner comes in for some harsh criticism as well:

Cusack/James were ultimately cowards in their own war effort for, like the dutiful women myrmidons in World War I who relegated their female characters to the bush, they, too, were taking their orders from the masculine bush myth-makers such as Henry Lawson, C.E.W. Bean, and C.J. Dennis. (p. 201).

Oh.  So, these women writers have failed the Sisterhood too…

Chapter 8 ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ offered some interesting observations about the symbolism of flowers used by Dymphna Cusack and Florence James in Come in Spinner to validate bush values but also to critique wartime institutions. [LH: Predating some of the 1970s hostility to the RSL and its political activities], Come In Spinner expresses a returned serviceman’s anger at the sight of poppies because he thinks that the RSL encourages a boozy complacency that precludes interrogation of war profiteering.

Come in Spinner also shows that were clear class differences in the affordability of flowers, and some of the working-class women often wore flowers that were bruised or damaged.  These flowers symbolise that the women were ‘damaged goods’, because they were forced into prostitution by poor wages in the city, reinforcing the vulnerability of women in wartime.

In referring to the sailor’s brutal de-flowering of a naïve sixteen-year-old, Cusack/James highlight one of the recurring criticisms of the Americans in Sydney – their desire for very young women.

Cusack/James are also critical of the double standards that prevail in wartime: when the authorities raid the house of ill repute where Monnie is held captive, they arrest her on the charge of promiscuity, but allow the licentious soldier to go unpunished.

Moreover, they stress that the conscription process was inequitable: although the policy insisted that women who were not gainfully employed were to be recruited into essential employment, in practice, as Anne Summers points out, “the single girls most likely to be conscripted were those poor or working-class girls who did not have fathers with the connections to get them an exemption. For the daughters of such influential men, the war years consisted of a whirl of parties with officers, then perhaps a few hours a week helping out at the Red Cross”.  Accordingly, in the novel, the Manpower completely overlooks upper-class women’s frivolity, never once admonishing them for failing to pull their weight. (pp. 211-212).

But once again Coates is disappointed by the way the novel privileges bush life, marriage and children as desirable.  These elements had to be updated for contemporary audiences when Come in Spinner was made into an ABC mini series in the 1980s, while still perpetuating the women’s need for help and guidance.

OTOH Coates, though she thinks that the mini-series did it better, agrees with literary critic Ina Bertrand’s view that “the novel depicts explicitly not only the financial and moral dilemmas of working people during wartime, but also the corruption rife in Sydney at the time, pointing out how the wealthy manage to maintain their lifestyle with few sacrifices while the majority of the community carry sometimes intolerable burdens”.  (p.226)

Chapter 9: ‘Country Matters in The Little (Southern Steel) Company’ begins by addressing the question of appropriation in Eleanor Dark’s The Little Company (1945, see my review) and M. Barnard Eldershaw’s Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1947, see my review), going on to suggest that Dymphna Cusack’s Southern Steel (1953, on my TBR) has too many similarities to be entirely coincidental.

Admittedly, given the texts’ shared historical time frames, some comparisons might be obvious. Dark’s novel takes place between 1941 and 1942, Cusack’s solely in 1942, with the bombing of Darwin figuring prominently in each. Both texts also document, to a greater or lesser extent, the “Yank invasion” of Australia and the advent of wartime measures such as blackouts, brown-outs, food shortages and rationing. The texts also depict women knitting khaki socks, serving enlisted men at canteens, and making their entry into war work – the munitions industry in Southern Steel and the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) in The Little Company. Characters in both texts also express surprise that Australia – especially Newcastle, with its massive steelworks on the coast producing munitions – should suddenly have become so vulnerable, so threatened by an enemy that had, until 1942, seemed so remote. Nevertheless, both novels attest to the kind of complacency that prevailed among Australians, including members of the military… (pp. 230-231).

However, I found it hard to follow Coates’ train of thought in this chapter.  I am puzzled that there is no analysis of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow because it is a work of women’s war fiction, actually written during WW2. And in its own way, it’s a repudiation of the mythic Anzac hero, because amongst other things it’s a critique of militarism.


Acknowledging that the other two novels are concerned with class, the text then goes off at a tangent to explore Cusack’s autobiography and the frustrations of the English-orientated curriculum and the lack of interest in Australian fiction at universities.   The analysis of Southern Steel suggests that in much of the novel, the war is only a backdrop.   Dark’s novel is analysed in terms of its exploration of Australian identity, for which WW2 was a catalyst, and (disagreeing with Drusilla Modjeska’s introduction), Coates finds it unsatisfactory too because Dark…

… had insisted publicly that we have “to find ways for women to participate in making decisions about the community and the nation, not just the family and the house” (233), yet she offered no policies or platforms or ideas of how to achieve this goal in her novel. (pp. 247-248).

The chapter concludes with a little rant about the rise and fall of OzLit in universities.

Chapter 10: ‘Reality Bites The Impact of World War II on the Australian Home Front in Maria Gardner’s Blood Stained Wattle (1992) and Robin Sheiner’s Smile, the War Is Over, (1983)’  gets back on track.  These two sound interesting and I bought the former in a Kindle edition and the latter from AbeBooks. Gardner used her father’s diary to retell the sorry story of the bombing of Darwin in fictional form.  (See Peter Grose’s 2009 NF account, An Awkward Truth.)  Coates notes that Gardner initially idealises the American servicemen on their way to help in the aftermath but then depicts the problems that arose from the GIs monopolising taxis, booze and women.  Shiner’s novel depicts women participating in the workforce but being excluded from management roles and being badly paid.  (No surprises there). Estelle Pinney’s 1995 novel Time Out for Living apparently depicts the same inequities in a novel which Goodreads tells me is about an uncertain and exciting world full of sailors and soldiers, brawls and seduction, dancing and romance.  

Chapter 11: Loving Thine Enemies: Representations of Italian Prisoners of War in Contemporary Australian Women’s World War II Fictions’ focusses on the unjust and unjustifiable treatment of Italians and Italian Australians.  (I discovered that there’s a great deal of moral indignation about war time internment when I recently read Time Stood Still (1931), by Paul Cohen-Portheim. But all belligerent nations did it: the Allies (including in Coates’ homeland Canada) and the Axis (including in Japan and Germany.) My own mother was interned in Belgium.)

Coates begins by asserting that there has been little scholarship about the experiences of POWs because the preoccupation with military history excludes those who did not fight, i.e. POWs, and civilians who are mostly women and children. She cites historian Christine Twomey on the need to listen to the voices of civilians ‘if only to remind ourselves that the reach of war extends far beyond the military and their families alone’.  From this she segues to women novelists who have also been “doing their bit” to augment the diversities of prisoner-of-war stories, including those concerning the Japanese imprisoned on the Australian home front whose experiences have been almost completely overlooked. (p.336)

Coates discusses novels featuring local internees and how their women fared without them:

and also novels featuring POWs captured mostly in the Middle East and India and brought to Australia:

  • The Italian Romance by Joanne Carroll (2005, read before starting this blog).
  • The Paperbark Shoe by Goldie Goldbloom (2009, see my review)
  • The Bread with Seven Crusts by Susan Temby (2002, read before starting this blog)
  • The Farmer’s Wife by Dale Turner (2011)

While the analysis of the novels brings to light the idealisation of Italian men (who are all nice guys, contrasted occasionally with the Yanks who wear out their welcome) Coates concludes that…

Taken together, these novels point out the differences between historical and political accounts of the effects of war on internees and prisoners of war but add another invaluable perspective – that World War II benefited women in many tangible ways. Several escape a patriarchal culture by marrying Italian men who value their intelligence and skills and talents or, as Temby’s Eddy puts it, see them as equals to men. Moreover, by their various roles in the running of the country during the war, many find that “anything a man can do, a woman can do too, and often better.”
(p. 329).

Chapter 12: ‘Lies, Secrets and Silences, Japanese Prisoners-of-War in World War II Australian Women’s Fiction’ Coates discusses four novels, three of which I’ve read.  Interestingly all three of those are about Japanese POWs or internees in Australia, while the fourth is a fictionalised account of the life of Vivien Bullwinkle, captured by the Japanese in Indonesia:

Chapter 13: ‘No Hell Like Peacetime’, Going (Down) Under in the Land of the Fair Go

This chapter brings attention to a topic mostly overlooked in fiction: British and Japanese war brides married to Australian servicemen.

Thus, this chapter strives to counteract the omission of women’s voices by drawing upon two contemporary Australian novels that challenge the narrowly-defined national past by exposing the inadequacies of the core myths of Australian society (such as the “fair go”) and continuing to reveal the biases and gaps in the records of those who have been systematically silenced. (p. 393).

The books discussed are:

  • Gilgamesh by Joan London (2001) which tells the story of an English woman who marries an Australian soldier at the end of World War I.  (I read it before I started this blog, but see Jennifer’s review at Tasmanian Bibliophile at Large.)
  • Borrowed Landscape by Helen Heritage (2010) which is about one of the 650 Japanese women who married an Australian serviceman during the post- World War II occupation of Japan.

(BTW because Coates limits her discussion to women coming to Australia as brides of Australian servicemen — she doesn’t include the English bride Stella in Gail Jones’ 2007 Sorry, because though the wife comes to Australia, the husband is an English migrant which makes him not Australian; nor Simone Lazaroo’s 2000 The Australian Fiancé, which takes place at the end of World War II, because the fiancé has not fought in any war, nor does his unnamed Singaporean fiancée become his bride. [LH: So Eleanor Limprecht’s The Passengers (2018) isn’t discussed either because it’s about an Australian woman’s experience as a war bride in the US. See my review.)

The novels chosen for analysis focus on the impact on the women who bore the brunt of government failure to support returned soldiers — in WW1 with the disastrous soldier settlement scheme in Gilgamesh and in WW2 with unfair eligibility rules that denied pensions to war-damaged veterans in Borrowed Landscape.  Veterans were not given a ‘fair go’ in Gilgamesh and the English war bride suffers greatly from isolation, poverty and disconnection from everything she knows.  In Borrowed Landscape an adolescent narrator relates her Australian father’s struggles with war-related trauma.  It also depicts her relationship with the war bride Hanuka, providing a window on the silence of Japanese war brides about their struggle to adapt in an Australian society that expected them to assimilate.

In this chapter Coates also quotes historian Suzanne Davies, who argues that “the carefully cultivated mythology of the Anzac hero, like all militaristic mythologies, depends for its survival and strength on a selective and exclusionary construction of the past”. (pp. 396). She concludes that…

…the Anzac legend has not been a subject women writers have wished to tackle, although this oversight is being challenged by some whose work appears in this larger study. Brenda Walker’s 2005 World War I historical novel The Wing of Night, for example, undercuts the heroic Anzac tradition and calls attention to the much-overlooked dark sides of war, (see my thoughts about Part I, near the end) and both Mandy Sayer’s 2011 Love in the Years of Lunacy and Sara Knox’s 2007 The Orphan Gunner (see Ch 14 below) depict women stepping from the margins to the military – occasionally even into Anzacs’ roles as soldiers and pilots during World War II – and proving that, as I’ve suggested elsewhere in this volume, anything a man can do, a woman can do better, sometimes even effortlessly so. (pp. 396-397).

Chapter 14: ‘The New “Anzacs Two” Make Their Debut in Contemporary Australian Women’s Fictions

Three fearless authors, says Coates…

… began to imaginatively reconstruct the events of World War II from a temporal distance and bring to light important concerns about the cultural, racist, sexist and colonial biases their predecessors’ fictions had overlooked. In these women-centred narratives, writers seek to interrogate and challenge the  blinkered national past and to venture beyond its boundaries, to expose the inadequacies of the core myths of Australian society and to devise an entirely new set of stories that have been omitted from “master narratives” such as the Anzac legend. Their novels indicate that daring, intrepid women were every bit as capable as men of contributing to the war effort in that each novel features women who do not shy away from danger, but in Anzac terms, exercise “ready initiative” by saving numerous lives and hence becoming “sheroes,” or the new “Anzacs Two.” (p. 418).

Of these three, the one that tempts me is The Orphan Gunner.  (It’s available from Giramondo.)  The other two, *yawn*, well you can tell from the cover designs, eh?

Citing Kate Darian-Smith’s and Marilyn Lake’s research, Coates tells us that the first two novels conform to “a dominating narrative of heterosexual romance”, and “it was men [i.e. foreign soldiers] who “provided both the catalyst and the rationale for dramatic action” [i.e. female rights to sexual pleasure] in a climate of moral madness where norms of passivity and dependence were disrupted by the wartime environment.  The female central characters also conform to notions of Australian egalitarianism because they both fall in love and lust with musicians despite differences in class.  These men are rural, poverty-stricken, uneducated Americans without families. Marina’s brief moment of bliss in The Voyagers results in a pregnancy that compromises the offer she had to study at a prestigious music school in London. The plot and its Hollywood Happy Ending sounds implausible and melodramatic to me…

Love in the Years of Lunacy which inverts the good girl → bad girl trope to bad girl → good girl, explores inter-racial love, thus exposing tensions between nation states but also revealing tensions and contradictions within nations when Pearl discovers how badly African-American soldiers are treated by the US military.  Reading the ins and outs of this one made me thankful never to have read it.  Because I had impulsively just ordered the Knox novel, I was a bit alarmed to read that The Orphan Gunners has things in common with the risible Love in the Years of Lunacy — but the cross-dressing and impersonation of men in order to become pilots and ‘do their bit’ in The Orphan Gunner isn’t inherently implausible.  As we know from novels based on a true story like Half Wild (2017) by Pip Smith (see my review).

It seems most unfortunate that…

…Knox’s superbly researched and well-written novel has been almost entirely ignored: I am aware of only a few reviews, none of which address Knox’s challenge to the Anzac legend. Even though [the academic Julie] Wheelwright observes that stories like these of gender inequality illustrate that “with courage and imagination, women have always found ways of overcoming the most seemingly impossible restrictions”, these novels have clearly not had much impact in Australia. (p. 449).

This brings me to the end of Part 2, with Part 3 about fiction of the Vietnam War still to read.

Firstly, it must be said that while the novels selected for Part 2 were obviously relevant to Coates’ research, some of them are what gives historical fiction a bad name because they are blatantly historically inaccurate.  From one published by UQP that describes a book as set in ‘war-torn Australia’ to another that references ‘the bombing of Sydney’ one has to wonder what nonsense readers are learning from these poorly researched books.  While the blurb for Coates’ book exhorts us to undertake a re-reading of Australian national literatures, I’d recommend being selective.

TBH I began to feel that the thesis had run out of steam.  Where Part I made the case that women authors of WW1 fiction being silenced by the expectation that they would conform to the idealised depiction of the Anzacs, Part II isn’t wholly convincing that the focus on Anzacs in combat hampered acknowledgement that women on the home front are victims of war too.  IMHO It might simply be that women writers, far from being silent, were loud and clear that there were more interesting issues to write about.

But that might just be the intrusion of my own opinions.  I came of age in the 1970s when all my friends were anti-war because of Vietnam, and so I noticed that the books that Coates selected for analysis fell into two time periods:

  • written during or shortly after WW2 (i.e. published 1945-1953)
  • written during or in the wake of conservative Prime Minister John Howard’s era (1996-2007) of resurgent Anzac valorisation (i.e. 1999-2017, with outliers from 1983, 1992 and 1995).

The gap is obvious.  Where are the women’s war fictions from the 1960s and 1970s?  Maybe Part 3 about the Vietnam War fills this gap, we shall see. But when it comes to war fiction about WW2, well, if the lists at Wikipedia are any guide, a few men were ignoring the zeitgeist and writing war fictions, but women were setting their own agenda and writing about other issues of interest during this progressive period in Australia.

Overall, however, I found Shooting Blanks to be fascinating reading. By honing in on a particular issue in this survey of women’s writing from a century or so, Coates has delivered a comprehensive analysis of developments in a significant aspect of women’s fiction.  In the absence of an up-to-date ‘companion’ to Australian literature*, Coates’ book is really valuable, and I have some interesting new additions to my library thanks to Part 2!

I’m think of making have made a Page for Australian War Fiction, so over to you, dear reader… are there novels not mentioned here that I  should include?  Please add a link to reviews if you have them.

*The Cambridge Companion to the Australian Novel (2023) doesn’t have a chapter on women’s writing at all, see my discontented review.

BTW Project Muse tells me that Coates was also the primary editor of the seven-volume Women and War (History of Feminism) series published by Routledge in 2020.

Author: Donna Coates
Title: Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend, Australian Women’s War Fictions 
Publisher: Sydney University Press, 2023
Cover image: Poppy day (1982) by Barbara Hanrahan, cover design by Miguel Yamin
ASIN:  B0CM4QYCQL, Kindle edition, 567 pages,  including an index (345 in the paperback edition)
Source: Personal library, purchased for the Kindle from You Know Who.

I owe my discovery of this short novel ideal for the 1937 Club — hosted at Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings and Stuck in a Book
…to Dorian from Eiger Mönch & Jungfrau when he wrote an enticing review for German Lit Week back in 2016.

But I am very late to the party… I bought the book there and then,  but it was very nearly a casualty of the Kindle where so many good books are forgotten because they have no presence on the shelves. It was just luck that it turned up among other books from 1937 for the club week…

This is the book description for After Midnight, by Irmgard Keun (1905-1982), translated by Anthea Bell:

Sanna and her ravishing friend Gerti would rather speak of love than politics, but in 1930s Frankfurt, politics cannot be escaped–even in the lady’s bathroom. Crossing town one evening to meet up with Gerti’s Jewish lover, a blockade cuts off the girls’ path–it is the Führer in a motorcade procession, and the crowd goes mad striving to catch a glimpse of Hitler’s raised “empty hand.” Then the parade is over, and in the long hours after midnight Sanna and Gerti will face betrayal, death, and the heartbreaking reality of being young in an era devoid of innocence or romance.

The narrative voice is very convincing.  Sanna is not as naïve or artless as she seems at first.  She sounds a bit like the stereotypical ‘ditzy’ young woman, but it’s cover for her discerning observations, sometimes delivered with droll sarcasm.  At one stage when she’s in a bar with her friend, she starts up a prattling conversation in an effort to distract attention from Gerti’s imprudent opinions that could get them both into trouble among the people wearing party badges. She’d seen for herself how eager some were to inform on others when she was in Cologne.  So the reader is made aware that even at this stage of the Nazi regime, it’s not just the obvious signs of authority such as the Blackshirts that are to be feared… there are also people among her social crowd who would report any signs of dissent.

We are living in the time of the greatest German denunciation movement ever, you see. Everyone has to keep an eye on everyone else. Everyone’s got power over everyone else. Everyone can get everyone else locked up. There aren’t many can withstand the temptation to make use of that kind of power. (p.100)

And when she reports on the enthusiasm for Hitler’s visit to her city, her thoughts show that she sees through the empty spectacle.  She’s very much the outsider, the one who is observing, not joining in, not unless it’s necessary to avoid attracting attention.  So when the Nazi anthem is sung to the accompaniment of the compulsory Nazi salute, she does it too, to avoid the wrath of the crowd.  The implication is obvious: how many others were paying lip service too?

Authoritarianism is everywhere: from Gerti’s friend Kurt in his SA uniform, making her sit down almost forcibly so that everyone would think she was his property.  But Gerti’s in love with Dieter, who’s a Jew, which brings forth Sanna’s private refusal to engage with labels such a person of mixed race, first class or maybe third class — though she’s not naïve about what Dieter really wants from Gerti even if he is polite, and nice, and young, with soft, brown, round, velvety eyes.

Dieter is what they call a person of mixed race, first class or maybe third class—I can never get the hang of these labels. But anyway, Gerti’s not supposed to have anything to do with him because of the race laws. If all Gerti does is simply sit in the corner of a café with Dieter, holding hands, they can get punished severely for offending against national feeling. Still, what does a girl care about the law when she wants a man? And if a man wants a girl, it’s all the same to him if the executioner’s standing right behind him with his axe, so long as he gets one thing. Once he’s had it, of course, it is not all the same to him any more. (p.17)

It’s painful to read about Dieter’s father’s quarrels with Algin (another young friend) who objects to the Nazis.  Dieter’s father — who is exempt from the restrictions on Jewish business because he runs an export company — thinks that they’ve put the German mentality in order and saved him from the communists. In 1937 Irmgard Keun could not have known what this man’s fate was to be.

But it’s also painful to realise that while Sanna thinks she’s very clever at seeing through propaganda which seduces others like her Aunt Adelheid, subverting the regime on the sly so that only those who agree with her know about it, achieves nothing.  It turns out that her boyfriend Franz has been in Gestapo custody and the novel ends with the pair in flight because he has murdered the informer.  Her abrupt coming-of-age and loss of innocence ends as it did for so many with escape rather than resistance — and, as foreshadowed early in the book, what else could we expect under the circumstances?

My heart always stands still when I hear those speeches, because how do I know I’m not one of the sort who are going to be smashed? And the worst of it is that I just don’t understand what’s really going on. I’m only gradually getting the hang of the things you must be careful not to do.

[…] I was scared stiff someone might notice I didn’t understand a word of it. Göring and the other ministers often shout over the radio, very loud and clear and angry. “There are still some who have not understood what it is all about, but we shall know how to deal with them.” I hate hearing that kind of thing, it’s creepy, because I still don’t know what it is all about, or what they mean. And it’s far too dangerous to ask anyone. Judging by things I’ve picked up from what I’ve heard and read, I could be either criminal or of chronically unsound mind. Neither of which must come out or I’ll be done for. If I’m criminal I’ll go to prison, and if I’m of chronically unsound mind they’ll operate on me so that I can’t get married and have children. (p.63)

Mixing with people who speak out is risky:

Manderscheid gets terrified when Heini talks like this. He would like to go, and then again he’d like to stay. He stays because he’s tired. He is afraid of Heini, he is afraid of the government, which can take his job away. He wants to live. His wife wants to live. His children want to live. (p.86)

And every writer faces a dilemma:

Algin has joined us.  He is sitting there, pale and gloomy, his eyes dark caverns, his pale hands lying on the table. He has had another letter from the Reich Chamber of Literature. There’s going to be another purge of writers, and Algin will probably get eliminated. He might yet save himself by writing a long poem about the Führer, something he has been most reluctant to do so far. But even that might be dangerous. Because National Socialist writers might take exception to his daring to write about the Führer without being an old campaigner for the cause. Similarly, he daren’t write a Nazi novel, because it wouldn’t be fitting. However, if he doesn’t write a Nazi novel that makes him undesirable. People still like reading his books, people still want to print them, and that’s not right either.  (p. 97).

After Midnight read in the present day is a poignant reminder that awareness of a morally bankrupt regime doesn’t necessarily equip anyone to resist it in an effective way.

About the author, from Goodreads:
Irmgard Keun (1905 – 1982) was a German novelist. She is noted for her portrayals of the life of women in the Weimar Republic as well as the early years of the Nazi Germany era. She was born into an affluent family and was given the autonomy to explore her passions. After her attempts at acting ended at the age of 16, Keun began working as a writer after years of working in Hamburg and Greifswald. Her books were eventually banned by Nazi authorities but gained recognition during the final years of her life.

See also the review at Jaqui Wine’s Journal.

Author: Irmgard Keun
Title: After Midnight (Nach Mitternacht)
Translated from the German by Anthea Bell
Afterword by Geoff Wilkes
Cover design: not acknowledged
Publisher: Melville House, 2011, first published 1937
ASIN: ‎ B004J4WKAQ, eBook, 170 pages
Source: Purchased from the Kindle from You Know Who, $14.83

Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 14, 2024

Decline and Fall on Savage Street (2017), by Fiona Farrell

Fiona Farrell ONZM is a New Zealand novelist, poet and playwright, and she writes non-fiction too, notably about the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.  I discovered her writing last year when I read (and reviewed) The Deck (2023), and promptly ordered Decline and Fall on Savage Street and (mistakenly thinking it was a novel) its companion NF title The Villa at the Edge of the Empire (2015).   From her  website, I learned the origins of these two books:

In 2013, Farrell received Creative New Zealand’s premier award, the Michael King Fellowship, to write twin volumes, one fiction, one non-fiction, prompted by the Christchurch earthquakes and the reconstruction of the city. The Villa at the Edge of the Empire, was shortlisted for the non-fiction section in the 2016 Ockham NZ Book Awards while its fictional twin, Decline and Fall on Savage Street was published to critical acclaim in 2017 and received that year’s NZSA Heritage Book Award for fiction. Together, the books have been described as ‘a wonderful piece of art.’

Decline and Fall on Savage Street is certainly absorbing reading, though it is not until Part Two that the Christchurch earthquake makes its deadly appearance.  The preceding 200-odd pages compress to cover the story of a house, beginning in 1906.  This is the blurb:

A fascinating prize-winning novel about a house with a fanciful little turret, built by a river. Unfolding within its rooms are lives of event and emotional upheaval. A lot happens. And the tumultuous events of the twentieth century also leave their mark, from war to economic collapse, the deaths of presidents and princesses to new waves of music, art, architecture and political ideas. Meanwhile, a few metres away in the river, another creature follows a different, slower rhythm. And beneath them all, the planet moves to its own immense geological time. With insight, wide-ranging knowledge and humour, this novel explores the same territory as its non-fiction twin…

Farrell has a gift for description with occasional sly wit, as you can see in Chapter 2: The Floor Plan, Spring 1908:

A villa.  Not too large.  Not one of the twenty-seven roomed fantasies that introduce his magnum opus: his catalogue of One Hundred Designs for New Zealand Residences.  Not the two-storyed extravagance of Smoking Room, Billiard Room, Fernery and the rest, but something more modest: ten rooms, perhaps.  A substantial villa for the man who is on his way, and for his dependants.  A villa combining tradition with modernity, the best of the past with contemporary comfort, for that is the style for this country, where public buildings favour imperial gravitas with columns and Roman porticoes, along with ample windows and modern plumbing.

And when they leave the public realm, the citizens whom luck and industry have favoured like to stroll home to one or two storeys of vaguely Gothic timber and gabling, or perhaps Georgian brick, with bathroom and kitchen in the contemporary American manner, ideally linked to the modern marvels of metropolitan sewerage systems, gas and electricity, all set behind the fences of a pleasantly private quarter-acre.  A house like this, for example: the ten-roomed villa, taking shape beneath the architect’s busy pen.  (p.11)

The first family to live in this villa is a large one and Farrell traces a patchwork of events in their lives, in chapters that move biennially through most of the century,  interleaved with the endless life-cycle of eels in the river.  Each chapter begins and end mid-sentence, and people come and go, leaving behind only traces of their activity in the house and garden.  When the last of that family is gone in the 70s, the house is found by Min, a bit of a flower-child who is looking for a share-house.  The villa has seen better days:

Midwinter, damp and grey, the river a ribbon of low-hanging fog.  And there it was, half-buried beneath periwinkle, its walls dimpled with damp rot under a cloak of ivy. A leafless vine entangled the front porch, ornamented with the fluffy seed heads of old man’s beard and fallen leaf lay knee-deep on the path between overhanging branches and the whole place reeked of damp and decay, cat pee and desolation.


Min stood in the overgrown garden, jeans soaked to the knees.  She’d regret that later: flares took absolutely ages to dry.  Beneath her sodden boots lay bricks and broken glass.  Beer bottles littered the porch, and someone had set a fire at the foot of the steps where a half-burned wire wove rusted over charred wood and a shabby sofa and armchairs slumped either side in a parody of three-piece gentility.  (p.127)

Min persuades her friends to buy it together. They made an offer, all chipping in as much as they could:

$500 from Steve who had a job that year at the Botanic Gardens, $1000 from Pete who had sold his car, the entire bequest left to Min by her Auntie Eve who had married a GI during the war and gone to live in Wisconsin, $2500 from Mack, and $1000 from Liz who had a scholarship, was doing law and drafted a proper contract that used phrases they never before had encountered, such as ‘tenants in common’ who between them had managed to raise $7000 which the agent said was reasonable. (p.132)

But it’s not enough.  Mack, to Min’s surprise because she’d had no idea that his family was wealthy, comes up with another $5000, and so they lived together more or less in shared harmony till the 1980s, when Mack leaves Min and their daughter Sunny because he’s moved on from political activism.  Pete, who moved on ages ago to be with Thanh in Melbourne, visits when Min is packing up their stuff, and he’s not well.  In an example of what may seem like redundant detail, but is actually referring to a tumultuous event…

He shivers.  He’s felt cold for days now, his head aches and he is so very, very tired.  He could lie down right now, right here, on the floor.

He stands with a carton in his arms.  Sways. Falls heavily against the cupboard.

‘Whoops,’ he says. ‘Sorry, Min. Wrecking the place.’

Min doesn’t look up.  ‘Doesn’t matter,  she says, tossing a copy of Backyard Farming into a bag.  ‘Someone else’s problem now.’  (p.168)

It does matter, when the reader joins the dots and remembers the AIDS epidemic that launched itself on an unsuspecting world in 1981 and as of 2023 has killed 40+ million people.

Later that decade another change of ownership introduces a blended family: an interior decorator with a taste for garish colours called Stephie who bonds with Paul the doctor who treated her son Ben’s broken arm.  Alas, he has obnoxious children determined to make her pay for ‘breaking up their family’, and his life seems harder than it ought to be.  I don’t know much about NZ politics of that era but Paul’s struggle with budget cuts in the public hospital system reminded me of the Thatcherites who took over in NZ, (and the economic migrants who fled to Australia, and probably regretted it when we got a Thatcherite of our own!)

A change of pace is signalled in Part Two by a change of dating.  Chapters no longer progress by years but by days and months, and the first day, 3 September 2010 is the day when Janey and Rob are painting their bedroom. The kids were quiet behind closed doors in their rooms, asleep or sneakily on their phones or transfixed by the computer’s pallid glow.  As the date ticks over to the 4th, Rob is standing in the dark at the window, fully awake, alert, and not quite sure why.  

And then the window gives a little preliminary rattle and something roars up, a rumbling rises beneath his feet, felt in every bone as much as heard, a deep visceral explosion that flings him up into the air, so that he loses balance and falls hard against the sill.  Which is in motion, as is the whole house.  It sways and jolts as if gathered up by immense hands and brutally shaken, and with the shaking the windows crack and there’s the crash of things falling, dwang and soffit splitting asunder as the momentum gathers, stronger, harder and from long training he knows he must get under the doorway.  That is the safest place.  Beneath a lintel. So somehow as the floor bucks and jumps, he stumbles over trestles and ladders to its protective frame.

Janey has got there before him, flung abruptly from sleep facedown on the floor, scrambling towards the door because above all the din there is a single, high-pitched cry that pulls her like a wire to Poppy’s room, to her daughter who is screaming in the jolting dark in her room along the hallway. (p.217)

Poppy, who thinks that the monster under the bed has finally come to get her.

The vivid images of this catastrophe gradually ease as the family transitions into the awful situation that was reality for so many.  Alongside other international aid agencies, Australia was there to help with the immediate aftermath.  We sent Search and Rescue and Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) teams, 300+ police, counsellors and medical assistance, and the government pledged $6million alongside ordinary Australians giving generously to charities such as the Red Cross.  But beyond these immediate needs, there were ordinary families scrambling for makeshift accommodation in a ruined city, dealing with traumatised children, working in difficult conditions from ‘home’ while offices in the city were inspected for safety, and waiting interminably for a bureaucratic insurance industry to enable reconstruction — if indeed the house can be repaired.  Marriages buckled along with the roads and buildings…

Decline and Fall on Savage Street is a sobering story, reminding us that the earth beneath our feet is not as solid as it seems.  But the parallel story of the eel in the river is a metaphor for human resilience: change is constant, and life goes on.

You may also be interested to read Time to Remember (2021), by Janna Ruth, see my review.  It’s a novel about young adults who were children at the time of the Christchurch earthquake.

Although about 100 earth tremors occur each year in Australia, the continent is sited in the middle of a tectonic plate and destructive earthquakes such as the 1989 Newcastle earthquake (NSW)  are rare. (See the Australian Climate Science (ACS) website for an interactive map.)  While the ACS reminds us that large earthquakes can occur anywhere in Australia, and without warning, it’s probably true that other kinds of devastating natural disasters such as fire and flood are front of mind in Australia.  But in New Zealand, which straddles the Indo-Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, noticeable earthquake activity is frequent and people are much more aware of the potential for disaster.

Christchurch is not the only city to experience a catastrophic earthquake — Napier was almost entirely rebuilt (in Art Deco style) after the deadly 1931 Hawkes Bay earthquake which killed 256 people, and Wellington copped a magnitude 8.2 earthquake, the most powerful ever recorded in New Zealand.  But that was in 1855 when the population was only about 6000 and there were very few casualties.

Image Credit:

Map of world tectonic plates, by CIA –, Public Domain,

Author: Fiona Farrell
Title: Decline and Fall on Savage Street
Publisher: Vintage (Penguin Random House NZ), 2017
ISBN: 9780143770626, pbk., 359 pages
Source: Personal library, purchased from Fishpond.

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Posted by: Lisa Hill | April 13, 2024

Spell the Month in Books April 2024

Spell the Month in Books is a linkup hosted on Reviews From the Stacks on the first Saturday of each month, but that’s the day for #6Degrees, so here we are, a week later instead.

Thanks to a heads-up from Jennifer at Tasmanian Bibliophile at Large, I know that this month the theme is Poisson d’Avril. The French version of April Fool’s Day involves fish, so books can be related to fish, bodies of water, or comedy.

Links go to my reviews.

A Body of Water, by Beverley Farmer (BTW Giramondo has published a reissue of Farmer’s 1980 debut novel Alone.)

Paris Under Water, how the City of Light Survived the Great Flood of 1910, by Jeffrey H Jackson

Rivers, the Life Blood of Australia by Ian Hoskins

In Every Wave by Charles Quimper

Love Like Water by Meme McDonald


This year’s favourite April Fool’s Day Joke,
courtesy of the SES (State Emergency Service) Facebook page:

May be an image of car and text that says "DRIVER REVIVER Bushells re SES DRIVER ER REVIVER"


VICSES is urging road users to open their sunroofs today as Driver Reviver takes to the sky in an Easter Monday first.

Four state-of-the-art ‘smart drones’ will be dropping free Bushells Coffee and Arnott’s biscuits directly into vehicles on major arterials in a way to assist drivers to break their thirst, hunger and reduce the road toll.

VICSES Deputy Chief Officer Aprilio Firsty said “simply open your sunroofs today and let the free snacks rain!”.

The drones will be controlled by Driver Reviver volunteers from VICSES and other services from a central control centre utilising advanced technology.

Elon Musk.  Hmmm.

I like long form essays about current issues, and having discovered interesting things to read in the Jewish Quarterly lent to me by a friend, I succumbed to subscribing to this journal when they made the decision to change to long form essays.  The first one to arrive in my letter box was Dark Star, Elon Musk’s Dangerous Turn by award winning author, reporter and screenwriter, Richard Cooke.

His website tells me that Cooke is:

The author of two books, Tired of Winning, A Chronicle of American Decline, (which has a picture of That Dreadful Man on the cover) and a work of literary criticism in the Black Inc series on Australian writers: On Robyn Davidson. He’s also the former US correspondent and current contributing editor to the The Monthly magazine, the former sports editor of The Saturday Paper, and the former arts editor of Time Out Sydney. For a time he edited The Chaser newspaper, and has been published in the Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, The New Republic, WIRED and the Paris Review.

In other words, his interests range far and wide.  He’s certainly a compelling writer: what he has to say about Elon Musk and his ambitions sent a chill down my spine…

He has a habit of inserting himself into major events to which he has little connection. (p.19)

We in Australia certainly remember how he tried to intervene in the rescue of those Thai schoolboys trapped in a flooded cave in 2018, offering to design a submarine to rescue them and insulting the leader of the rescue operation in a disgraceful way.  But that is not the least of it.  Other interventions have been much more alarming, with real world effects…

In the early phase of the war in Ukraine, Musk responded to a personal appeal from the Ukrainian vice prime minister by enabling the Starlink electronic system to replace the damaged telecommunications infrastructure within 24 hours of being asked to do it.

It was significant, and canny, that Fedorov made his appeal in public, but not everyone was impressed.  ‘In that moment, Elon Musk, the man, seemed to be acting almost like a state of his own, a foreign entity that people around the world can call on for humanitarian aid in the way they might call on a government,’ Marina Koren wrote in The Atlantic, before offering some comfort. Musk’s ‘outsize reputation’, she assured readers, ‘doesn’t always match what he can actually control.’ Internally at SpaceX, the company’s president Gwynne Shotwell, argued that the private subsidy of the Ukrainian war effort was a mistake. She was negotiating a US$145 million contract with the Pentagon, which would fund Starlink on behalf of the Ukrainians, and was exasperated when Musk decided to continue on regardless. (p.20)

And then [as if Musk were a grown-up kid role-playing the computer game Civilisation], it was revealed that he had placed limitations on the technology which actually affected military operations. When the Ukrainians protested, Musk told them that ‘Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.’ (p.21)

Whatever the rights and wrongs of that or any war, it creates more than an uneasy feeling when a lone individual with massive wealth who does not hold public office can make decisions like that, eh?

Some called it treason.  Musk was, they said, undermining the US State Department’s policy on Ukraine.  Others attacked the lack of wisdom that had granted him these powers in the first place.  Other European militaries began an urgent search for a Starlink alternative so as not to find themselves in the same position. […]

Musk’s own admission — that Starlink had been geofenced for the whole war — had serious implications.  It meant Musk could not only end the advance of a foreign military with a word, but also set the shape of that advance beforehand, making hard boundaries for the conflict, by himself and in secret.  Few individuals have been so central to a war effort since the duelling atomic physicists of World  War II. Whatever was happening on the ground, Musk controlled the upper limits of the sky above it. (p.22)

Belatedly, US officials began to complain about American dependency on Musk, ranging from the future of energy and transportation to the exploration of space. 

They mentioned that Musk also controls the largest nationwide network of electric vehicle chargers in the United States, making him critical to the future rollout of EVs, whether they are Teslas or not. (p.23)

[There are now four EVs on my route round the block with Amber, three of them Teslas.  They charge up at home from rooftop solar with storage batteries.  They’d be Tesla too.]

And while Ukraine was calling on Elon Musk, Elon Musk was calling for advice from his Twitter followers, and the one who suggested taking Starlink offline to de-escalate the war was a Malaysia-based political commentator called Ian Miles Cheong, whose massive audience consists of American conservatives.

For centuries, diplomacy rested on carefully attuned language. Diplomats were expected to be shrewd and wise, schooled in history and languages.  It goes almost without saying that a sh__-posting social media account is the opposite of all this, making a mockery of it.  And yet thanks to Elon Musk, figures like Ian Miles Cheong have more purchase on international affairs than the editors of Foreign Affairs.  What is apparently trivial or unserious is in fact deathly serious.  Because of Starlink, a poster in a Kuala Lumpur bedroom is directly linked to the Ukrainian front lines.

The language of power still treats internet chatter as beneath consideration, unimportant almost by definition.  Like the Ukrainians, we find ourselves suddenly surprised: it is social media, not cable or newspapers or conclaves, that now sit at the epicentre of power. Like it or not, the first internet troll tycoon defines an era as much as the first internet troll president of the United States. (p.24)

The tech elite subscribe to a set of right-wing, hierarchical beliefs described by the acronym TESCREAL, which stands for Transhumanism, Extropianism, Singularitarianism, Cosmism, Rationalism, Effective Altriuism and Longtermism. Unpacked, these ideas sound like something out of SF fantasy. [Merely researching some of the ideas behind Musk’s ‘philosophy’ has taken me to some very odd places online, and I stopped looking because (as we all know) we are tracked everywhere we go online by advertisers… and who knows who else?] But from Cooke’s article I gathered that Musk playing around with interplanetary ambitions and a new space industrial revolution is not just a matter of thousands of his Starlink satellites colonising Mars to create a new society over which he has full control.  The longtermism of TESCREAL is concerned with prophecy:

…what will best secure humanity’s future existence and flourishing for the longest possible time? Humans must become immortal, or reach great longevity, and to do this they must leave Earth behind, for it is mortal. […] Musk dwells on existential risks to the human species, such as nuclear weapons or artificial intelligence […]  Extreme longtermism can appear callous or unempathetic, prioritising trillions of  hypothetical ‘future humans’, some born billions of years in the future, over suffering in the here-and-now.

His commitment to extreme versions of free speech without constraint can be seen from Twitter.  Just as Murdoch withstood decades of massive losses from The Australian newspaper that makes no pretence of editorial independence because it exists to buttress his political influence, Twitter a.k.a. X has cost Musk billions. Cooke says that Elon Musk supports the abhorrent neo-Nazi views expressed on Twitter because he agrees with them, and the people who hold them and that he purchased Twitter in part to promote and protect them. 

Scary stuff.

Update, the next day: Richard Cooke is writing a book about Wikipedia, and you can listen to a fascinating interview about that here at Down Round.

Author: Richard Cooke
Title: Dark Star, Elon Musk’s Dangerous Turn (Jewish Quarterly Feb 2024)
Edited by Jonathan Pearlman
Publisher:  Morry Schwarz,  2024
ISBN: 9781760644345, pbk., 86 pages
Source: Subscription

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