Kelly Clarkson has long been the subject of uninvited discussions about her weight: Since she shot into the spotlight on the first season of American Idol, fans and media personalities alike have been quick to call out changes in her size and shape. She's since become known for being so down to earth, especially since she's tackling comments for years head on while navigating her career.

The Voice coach has never shied away from talking about her weight, and her honesty about food, body-shaming, and body image is one of the many reasons her fans adore her. She's continued to be vocal about her own road to happiness and a healthy balance — quite literally with the release of her latest single, 'I Dare You,' a powerful ballad about self-love and acceptance. "There are always things that happen that come up that bum you out, but at the same time, you've got to recognize ... it's made you who you are," she told Glamour UK in a June 2020 interview. "I'm a very strong individual. I'm very confident, and I've been forced to find that in myself."

Here's a look back at Kelly's weight-loss journey so far — in her own words.

On the plan that worked for her:

When Kelly started stepping out for a number of appearances in summer 2018, fans and media personalities alike were quick to notice that she looked slimmer. And during a red carpet interview with Extra at the 2018 CMT Music Awards, she revealed that her weight loss was the result of a restrictive new eating plan.

"I'm not working out!" Kelly said. "I literally read this book ... It's called The Plant Paradox. It's basically about how we cook our food, non-GMO, no pesticides, eating really organic." (If you're curious, here's what the Good Housekeeping Institute's nutrition director has to say about the benefits of the plan.)

kelly clarkson - 2018 cmt music awards
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Kelly Clarkson walks the red carpet at the 2018 CMT Music Awards.

On why she changed her lifestyle:

Kelly might have lost 37 pounds after changing up her diet, but the singer says that weight loss wasn't what motivated her lifestyle change — in fact, it was just a "side effect" of her efforts to combat another health issue.

"I had an autoimmune disease and a thyroid problem that started in 2006," the singer told Hoda Kotb during a June 2018 appearance on the Today show. "I know the industry loves the weight gone, but for me, it wasn't really (about) the weight. For me, it was 'I'm not on my medicine any more.'"

On magazines and industry pressures:

Believe it or not, Kelly says she faced more pressure in her early career — from people within the music industry, specifically. "I felt more pressure from people actually when I was thin, when I was really thin, and not super healthy because I just was worn out," Kelly told Glamour UK. "It was more of magazines shoved in front of you and, ‘This is what you’re competing with and we’ve got to compete with it.’ I can’t compete with that."

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Because she believed that her career depended on morphing herself into what other celebrities looked like at the time, it took a while before Kelly realized she didn't owe anyone anything when it came to her figure. "Even in my thinnest, most fit moment, it's just not my personality to be naked on the front of a magazine," she shared. "I fought more when I was thinner than I do now, because now I just walking and I just look at them like, 'I dare you to say something.' I'm happy in my life. I'll work on me in my time!"

On working out:

One of the many reasons we love Kelly is because she keeps it so real on Twitter when it comes to dieting and exercise. "This just in," she tweeted in November 2018. "I still hate working out. I'm sweaty, red, and not any thinner. People say it's good for your heart.... but people also say red wine is good for your heart. I mean, I'm just stating facts here people. Who am I to ignore science?!"

On weight fluctuation:

Over the years, Kelly has been criticized, but the singer doesn't let that noise bother her: "Sometimes we're more fit. Like, especially me," she said during an appearance on The Ellen DeGegeneres Show in 2015. "I'm such a creative person that I yo-yo. So sometimes I'm more fit and I get into kickboxing hardcore. And then sometimes I don't and I'm like ... I'd rather have wine."

On dealing with body-shamers:

Ever since 2002 when she won the first season of American Idol, Kelly has had to deal with nasty body-shamers making comments about her weight. "I was the biggest girl in the [American Idol cast] too," the singer told Ellen in 2015. "And I wasn't big, but people would call me big ... I've kind of always gotten that."

kelly clarkson - american idol in vegas concert 2002
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Kelly Clarkson performs during the "American Idol in Vegas" concert in 2002.

She then added: "I think what hurts my feelings for people is that I'll have a meet and greet after the show, and a girl who's bigger than me will be in the meet and greet and be like, 'Wow, if they think you're big, I must be so fat to them.' And it's like, you're just who you are. We are who we are — whatever size."

On holiday weight gain:

"To the person that lost weight over the holidays.... Don't worry, I found it and I will get it back to you starting January 1st," the singer joked on Twitter in December 2018.

On keeping a positive body image:

In a 2018 interview with Redbook, Kelly got real about the pressures that she's faced as a curvy woman in the spotlight. Whether she's gaining or losing weight, she said, it seems that people will take issue with her size. "They shame you for [losing weight]," she said. "Same thing happened with Miranda Lambert — I had dinner with her and we were talking about that. She was like, 'Should I gain? Should I lose?' But no one actually cares about your health. They just care about aesthetics."

She continued: "It's when I'm fat that I'm happy. People think, Oh, there's something wrong with her. She's putting on weight. I'm like, 'Oh, no! I'm sorry, but that represents happiness in my emotional world' For me, when I’m skinny is usually when I’m not doing well. If you gauge your life on what other people think, you’re going to be in a constant state of panic trying to please everyone. People should just concentrate on their own lives and their own health and their own happiness, and whatever that looks like for you, be happy with it."

On why The Voice is her perfect gig:

After having spent many years dealing with criticism and simultaneously experiencing a personal shift in self-love, Kelly told Glamour UK that The Voice was a perfect fit for her because it allows her personality to shine.

She doesn't feel pressured on set, which is why she's returned for four seasons: "I got on the number one television show at my heaviest point, because it was right after I had kids and it was like they didn't care," she explained. "Paul hired me from NBC because he loved my personality, he loved that I connect with people and I'm really raw, and real. It had nothing to do with my sex appeal or my look aesthetically. It had to do with me as a person. I think it's really up to artists to force people to have that mentality."