Chapter 16 - Listening Guide Quiz 5: Farmer: Fair Phyllis Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 16 - Listening Guide Quiz 5: Farmer: Fair Phyllis

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Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,Feeding her flock near to the mountain side.The shepherds knew not whither she was gone,But after her [her] lover Amyntas hied.Up and down he wandered, whilst she was missing;When he found her, oh, then they fell a-kissing.Up and down . . .

This poem, which deals with shepherds, can be described as -.
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Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,Feeding her flock near to the mountain side.The shepherds knew not whither she was gone,But after her [her] lover Amyntas hied.Up and down he wandered, whilst she was missing;When he found her, oh, then they fell a-kissing.Up and down . . .

This poem, which deals with shepherds, can be described as -.
Read the poem then fill in the blank below.Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,Feeding her flock near to the mountain side.The shepherds knew not whither she was gone,But after her [her] lover Amyntas hied.Up and down he wandered, whilst she was missing;When he found her, oh, then they fell a-kissing.Up and down . . .

In the poem, - disappear(s).
Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,Feeding her flock near to the mountain side.The shepherds knew not whither she was gone,But after her [her] lover Amyntas hied.Up and down he wandered, whilst she was missing;When he found her, oh, then they fell a-kissing.Up and down . . .

Which terms describe the general tone of this poem and which do not?
Describes the tone of the poem

Does not describe the tone of the poem
How many voices sing the opening phrase of Fair Phyllis, "Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone"?

Farmer uses monophonic texture (a single melody line) for the first text line because Phyllis is -.
all alone
What describes the performers of this work?

Farmer, Fair Phyllis
voices only
In this excerpt, the second line of text is sung by how many voices?

first two lines
Listen to the excerpt, then fill in the blank below.

Farmer, Fair Phyllis

These four voices are - voices.
mixed (female and male)
What describes the relationship among the four voices (the texture) in this excerpt?

Farmer, Fair Phyllis
The highest voice sings the melody and the other three harmonize with it, with all voices changing syllables at the same time.
At the opening of this madrigal, the first line of text is sung by one voice, and the second line is sung by the entire group of four voices. All of this music is repeated, and then the third line of text is sung. What happens during the third line of text and what does not happen?

third line
Happens during third line
The voices enter at different times.
Three voices imitate the highest voice.

Does not happen during third line
Three voices harmonize with the highest voice.
All four voices sing one melody at the same time.