11 Amazing Ways to Find and Date Older Women

11 Amazing Ways to Find and Date Older Women

While we know it probably goes without saying, there are some great perks to dating women who are older than you. Our team even wrote an entire article dedicated to the pros of dating an older woman!

But how do you meet an older woman? Do you just roll up to Bingo night or the grocery store at 6 am and hope for some luck? Of course not. And we’re totally kidding by the way. That might be ideal for an article on dating women who are extremely older than you.

If you’re looking to meet women who are 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years older than you, though, where do you look?

That’s what we’re covering today. In this article, we’re going to look at the 12 best ways to date older women that you can start trying today.

Older woman at work

1. Happy Hours, Not Nightclubs

Do older women go to nightclubs? Sometimes. Do older women go to bars late at night? Sometimes. However, most older women who like to go out for drinks prefer to do it around happy hour or earlier in the evening. They have lives, things to do in the morning, and more responsibilities that prevent them from being out so late.

Tip: Start looking for happy hours around busy business areas. Many older women love to go for drinks after work, and this can be a great place to meet.

2. Interest Classes are a Goldmine

Lots of older women like to spend their time learning a new skill or picking up a hobby. What this means is that many of these classes are a great place to meet mature women who may also be looking to meet new people. Find something you’re also interested in (in case there are no older women and you can still enjoy it), and give it a try.

Tip: Some of the best classes to try include cooking classes, dance classes, and classes to teach basic home skills (that she might need to learn because there isn’t a man around).

3. Speed Dating

For some reason, speed dating just tends to attract the older crowd. It might be because it is a nice way to meet other singles that don’t involve technology.

Speed dating is where you have a bunch of mini-dates that are a few minutes long with other people and then you rotate until you’ve talked to everyone. At the end of the night, you mark who you liked and if there is a shared interest, they let you know.

Tip: Head over to Google and search for “speed dating (my city)” and put your city into where it says, “my city”. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, this should give you plenty of options.

4. Volunteering Opportunities

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US, those in the 35-44 and 45-54-year-old age brackets were the most likely to volunteer. Additionally, higher educated individuals were more likely to volunteer and women were much more likely to volunteer (27.8% vs only 21.3%).

Tip: Find a cause you care about and let meeting older women be a secondary benefit behind helping out. If you approach volunteering as solely a way to meet women, you’re going to have a bad time.

5. Exercise Classes

Just as exercise classes are a great place to get a girlfriend in general, they’re also a great place for those wondering how to meet an older woman. This becomes an especially great point if you’re looking to meet an in-shape older woman who takes care of her health and her body.

Tip: Don’t be creepy. Enjoy the class, get to know the women there, and then look to see if maybe there is interest. The worst thing you can do is get labeled the creepy guy and then you’ll have no luck.

6. Church or Other Religious Gatherings

For many religious singles, age is a much less impactful number when it comes to finding the one for you. For that reason, your Church may be a great place to meet someone open to dating outside of their age bracket.

Tip: Don’t go to a Church to meet single women if that’s not a faith that is important to you. You may meet women, but once they learn you’re not of that faith—it will be over.

7. Fancy-Schmancy Grocery Stores

Places like Whole Foods and other specialty markets are heavily frequented by older women who like to eat clean and take care of their bodies. Bear in mind that you will have to have some confidence to approach them there, but it’s something that happens all the time.

Tip: Don’t be creepy here either. If it looks like you’re just hanging around waiting to approach women, you might get thrown out or the women you’re approaching might think you’re strange and lose any interest.

8. Coffee Shops

Another option to consider when looking for a quality older woman is a coffee shop. While common places like Starbucks are fine to check out, we recommend looking for specialty or unique places in your town.

Tip: Find a place you like and become a regular. When a woman sees you in there a lot, she might approach you herself or at the very least will be a lot more comfortable if you approach her.

9. Wine Bars

We did talk about happy hours earlier, but we wanted to offer an option for those of you who can’t make it out in the early evening (or who want to turbocharge where you go in the early evening). We’re talking about wine bars. These are bars that cater to people who like wine, wine tasting, and enjoying the idea of feeling elevated or fancy.

Tip: If you Google wine bars in your area, you’ll probably find at least one or two that are great options. Often, these are going to be connected to a restaurant, which is totally okay. Expect these to be a bit more expensive, though.

10. The Dog Park

When a lot of women get older, they get a dog. Often, this is to combat being a bit lonely because they haven’t been able to find the right person for them. What this also means is that they need to take those dogs somewhere to play! For that reason, a local dog park is an easy addition to our list on how to meet older women.

Tip: This really only works if you also have a dog. It can work if you can find a way to be hanging around the dog park without looking odd, but that will take a little finesse (not impossible, though).

11. Friends and Family

This is an interesting one because you can’t really just come out and tell your friends and family that you’re only interested in meeting someone older. They’ll ask a lot of questions, probably. What you can do, though, is let them know you’re interested in meeting someone who is mature and has their life together.

While this doesn’t rule out them suggesting younger people, it gets the idea of what you’re looking for into their heads

Tip: You can let them know that you’re open to dating someone older than you. This is different than saying you only want to date an older woman and probably invites fewer questions and avoids the “Spanish Inquisition,” so to say.

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Author: Healthy Framework Team

The Healthy Framework team has a combined 50+ years of experience in the online dating industry. Collectively, the team has reviewed over 300 dating apps and is known as one of the leaders in the relationship advice and information space. The team's work has been featured on Zoosk, Tinder, The Economist, People Magazine, Parade, Women's Health, Her Campus, Fox, and more.