hard,英语单词,主要用作为形容词、副词、名词,作形容词时意为“努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的”,作副词时意为“ 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地”,作名词时意为“人名;(英、芬、瑞典)哈德”。 [1]
词    性
释    义


1.ADJ Something that is hard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken. 坚硬的
2.hardness N-UNCOUNT 坚硬
3.ADJ Something that is hard is very difficult to do or deal with. 困难的
4.ADV If you work hard doing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort. 努力地 [ADV after v]
5.ADJ Hard is also an adjective. 努力的 [ADJ n]
6.ADJ Hard work involves a lot of activity and effort. 费劲的
7.ADV If you look, listen, or think hard, you do it carefully and with a great deal of attention. 仔细地 [ADV after v]
8.ADJ Hard is also an adjective. 仔细的
9.ADV If you strike or take hold of something hard, you strike or take hold of it with a lot of force. 用力地 [ADV after v]
10.ADJ Hard is also an adjective. 用力的 [ADJ n]
11.ADV You can use hard to indicate that something happens intensely and for a long time. 厉害地 [ADV after v]
12.ADJ If a person or their expression is hard, they show no kindness or sympathy. 冷酷无情的
13.ADJ If you are hard on someone, you treat them severely or unkindly. 严厉的 [v-link ADJ 'on' n]
14.ADV Hard is also an adverb. 严厉地 [ADV after v]
15.ADJ If you say that something is hard on a person or thing, you mean it affects them in a way that is likely to cause them damage or suffering. 难以忍受的 [v-link ADJ 'on' n]
16.ADJ If you have a hard life or a hard period of time, your life or that period is difficult and unpleasant for you. 艰难的
17.hardness N-UNCOUNT 艰难
18.ADJ Hard evidence or facts are definitely true and do not need to be questioned. 确凿的 [ADJ n]
19.ADJ Hard drugs are very strong illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine. 烈性的 (毒品) [ADJ n]
20.PHRASE If you say that something is hard going, you mean it is difficult and requires a lot of effort. 艰难的
21.PHRASE To be hard hit by something means to be affected very severely by it. 被...严重影响
22.PHRASE If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested in another person or in what someone is trying to persuade them to do. 故意摆谱 [1]


Hard Candy水果硬糖 ; 娜式糖 ; 硬糖 ; 可爱派
hard rime雾凇 ; 霜淞 ;[水文]霜凇
Hard Fate翡翠恋曲
over hard煎全熟蛋 ; 双面煎老蛋 ; 煎齐生蛋 ; 煎齐熟蛋
hard copy[计]硬拷贝 ;[印刷]复印文本 ; 复印件 ; 打印稿
hard palate硬颚 ;[解剖]硬腭 ; 硬 ; 硬口盖
hard porcelain[陶瓷]硬瓷 ; 硬质瓷器 ; 硬瓷器 ; 硬质瓷
hard link硬连接 ; 硬链接 ; 固网 ; 硬毗连
hard soldering硬焊 ; 硬钎焊 ; 用硬焊料焊接 ; 钎焊 [1]


  • 1All five men are hard workers.五个人全都工作努力。《牛津词典》
  • 2He worked hard for his dough.他为了赚钱而努力工作。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 3Hard work never hurt anyone.努力工作绝无害处。《牛津词典》
  • 4That's a very hard question.那是个很难的问题。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 5It's pretty hard to explain.这事很难解释清楚。《牛津词典》
  • 6I find that hard to believe.我对此感到难以相信。《牛津词典》
  • 7She was a hard taskmaster.她是个严厉的工头。《牛津词典》
  • 8I have to work hard today.今天我得努力工作。《牛津词典》
  • 9I only succeeded through hard work.我就是因为努力工作才成功的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 10Our water is very hard.我们的水很硬。《牛津词典》
  • 11The hard disk is dead.硬盘停止运行了。《牛津词典》
  • 12She tried extra hard.她特别努力。《牛津词典》
  • 13It's hard to maintain competitive pricing.很难保持有竞争力的定价。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 14He succinctly summed up his manifesto as "Work hard, train hard and play hard."他把自己的宣言简明地概括成了“努力工作,努力训练,努力玩耍。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 15The Geography paper was hard.地理试题难极了。《牛津词典》
  • 16It's hard work shovelling snow.铲雪是个苦活儿。《牛津词典》
  • 17He wanted more hard evidence.他想要更多确凿的证据。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 18You're not blowing hard enough!你没有用劲吹!《牛津词典》
  • 19It's hard to make farming pay.种庄稼获利很不容易。《牛津词典》
  • 20It was incredibly hard work.那是个非常艰辛的工作。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
  • 21It was raining hard outside.外面雨下得很大。《牛津词典》
  • 22They sell hard-core pornography.他们出售赤裸裸的色情物品。《牛津词典》
  • 23His death followed hard on hers.她死后不久,他也死了。《牛津词典》
  • 24You're driving yourself too hard.你把自己弄得太累了。《牛津词典》
  • 25He was unaccustomed to hard work.他不习惯艰苦工作。《牛津词典》
  • 26In Africa life can be hard.在非洲生活可能是艰苦的。《牛津词典》
  • 27She works herself too hard.她工作起来太不辞劳苦了。《牛津词典》
  • 28His eyes were hard and unsmiling.他目光严厉冷峻。《牛津词典》
  • 29Times are hard for the unemployed.对失业者来说,时世艰难。《牛津词典》
  • 30She slapped his face hard.她狠狠给了他一个耳光。《牛津词典》 [1]