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Capt. Littleberry Bostick, Sr. (1751-1823)

This month, WeRelate looks at the Person Page of Capt. Littleberry Bostick, born 10 July 1751 in Goochland County, Virginia, the son of John B. Bostick (1707-1775) and Elizabeth Chesley (1710-1777). Capt. Bostick was a Revolutionary War Veteran, serving as a Captain in the Georgia Militia. He married twice; first on 27 JUly 1773 to Rebecca Beall (1752-1791) [they had 6 children together and second to Mary Birdsong (1773-1820) on 6 November 1792. [they had 4 children together]. Littleberry Bostick, Sr. died 10 September 1823 in Jefferson County, Georgia, and left a detailed will naming his children and two sons-in-law. This Person Page, is a good example of the type of Page that you can add to WeRelate for your ancestors. (learn more...)

WeRelate is a free public-service wiki for genealogy sponsored by the Foundation for On-Line Genealogy formerly in partnership with the Allen County Public Library. It has pages for over 3,100,000 people and growing. WeRelate is supported by volunteers and your tax-deductible donations.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have switched over to a new admin structure - in which everyone is encouraged to participate! We'd like to give a big thank you to our previous administrators who have served for many years. It's time for WeRelate to grow. We encourage you to get involved!

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Crowdsourcing Challenge
Volunteer Sought

Would you be interested in re-booting the WeRelate Crowdsourcing Challenge? We are looking for a volunteer. You'll be able to run the challenge the way it was run in the past or take it in a new direction. If you are interested, please leave a message.

July Challenge

In the meantime, the Challenge for July 2021 is to fix as many pages as possible where there is an event before the birth/christening date. Please read the instructions carefully.