Women  Silk scarves and accessories - Scarves 70

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The silk square

It was in 1804, in the Faubourg, that two trotting horses fell in love. They lived happily ever after and created silk scarves with equine motifs. 

Love at first silk

Pegasus gallops across the sky spreading his silver Twill wings. Scattering silk and Clous de Selle sequins around the city.

Delve into the colorful, ethereal and sensory world of Hermès scarves. Countless ways to style: The Maison's emblematic silk scarves are best accessorized using scarf rings, while larger Hermès shawls can be knotted to reflect your creativity. Whether draped around your neck or tied in your hair, glistening rectangle silk scarves and Hermès bandanas offer infinite possibilities to express your style with a touch of effortless elegance.