he is mean in Spanish - English-Spanish Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "he is mean" into Spanish

él es malo, él es mezquino are the top translations of "he is mean" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: He is mean and he is sarcastic and he's morally adrift. ↔ Es mezquino y sarcástico y está moralmente a la deriva.

he is mean
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  • él es mezquino

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Automatic translations of "he is mean" into Spanish

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Translations of "he is mean" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory

He is mean and he is sarcastic and he's morally adrift.
Es mezquino y sarcástico y está moralmente a la deriva.
He is mean.
Es cruel.
He is mean.
Él es mezquino.
And remember that he is as crafty as he is mean.
Y recuerda que es tan astuto como parece.
He is mean and shouts but doesn’t hide that he is bad.
Él es malo y grita, pero no lo esconde.
That does not mean he is mean or cruel.
Eso no significa que sea perverso o cruel.
He is mean, careless and stupid... and that' s a bad combination in a place like this
Es cruel, insensible y estúpido.Una mala combinación para este lugar
But when he is mean to Carol, I...” I let her sob on my shoulder.
Pero cuando trata mal a Carol... La dejé sollozar en mi hombro.
He is mean.
Él es un malvado.
He is mean, careless and stupid...... and that' s a bad combination in a place like this
Es ruin, desconsiderado y tonto...... y es una mala combinación en un sitio como éste
He is mean as a moccasin, but Sonny was kinfolk.
Es malo como una serpiente, pero Sonny era pariente.
He is mean, irresponsible...
Es miserable, irresponsable...
I mean, he is mean.
Quiero decir, es mezquino.
Darren Stevens asked me out and I turned him down because he is mean and has terrible halitosis.
Darren Stevens me invito a salir y lo rechacé porque es cruel y tiene una halitosis terrible.
He is mean.
es malo.
“Who he is means nothing, my lord.
—Nada importa quién sea, mi señor.
This not punished further, while he is means a prisoner in prison, for the crime.
Esto significa que a un preso, mientras está encarcelado, no se le castiga más por el delito.
He is mean, not naughty
Y es maldad, no travesura
He is mean, not naughty.
Y es maldad, no travesura.
Remembering who he is means I can give him all my trust in this.
Recordar quién es me ayuda a confiar en él plenamente para esto.
When he plays chess he is ... mean!
Cuando juega al ajedrez, es...
He is mean and cruel to take my very favorites!”
¡Es malo, y cruel, por llevarse a mis favoritos!
"""But the particular type of devil he is means there's hope that Sam's still alive."""
—Pero por el tipo de demonio que es, podemos mantener la esperanza de que Sam continúe viva.
He is mean to her and insults her in front of people all the time.
Es malo con la señora Dot y la insulta continuamente delante de todo el mundo.