he is mean - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context
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he is mean

Translation of "he is mean" in Spanish

es mezquino
I mean, he is mean.
Quiero decir, es mezquino.
He is mean and he is sarcastic and he's morally adrift.
Es mezquino y sarcástico y está moralmente a la deriva.
Darren Stevens asked me out and I turned him down because he is mean and has terrible halitosis.
Darren Stevens me invito a salir y lo rechacé porque es cruel y tiene una halitosis terrible.
You can tell from the fibers if a person is healthy, or if he is sick, or if he is mean, or kind, or treasonous.
Por las fibras se conoce si una persona está sana o está enferma, si es mezquina o bondadosa o traicionera.
Although he is mean to the goats, he is a nice and timid husband to Wolnie.
Aunque él es malvado con las cabras, él es amable y tímido con Hongtailang.
Or for that merchant to talk to his clerks, who know that however honorable he may be in his greater and more public transactions, he is mean and knavish in little things?
¿O por qué debe un comerciante hablar a sus empleados cuando sabe que no obstante cuán honorable pueda ser en sus transacciones públicas es tacaño en cosas pequeñas?
The man who deceives a woman outside of marriage (and mind you, such a man will deceive in marriage too) may deny his own child, if he is mean enough.
El hombre que engaña a una mujer fuera del matrimonio (y que lo hará dentro del matrimonio, claro) puede no reconocer a su propio hijo, si es suficientemente cruel.
If he is mean to you in front of his friends, you say something like, "I understand you want to act cool around your friends, but it's not okay for you to make fun of me."
Si es malo contigo delante de sus amigos, dile algo como "Entiendo que quieras parecer frío cerca de tus amigos, pero no está bien que te burles de mí". 5
He is son of Lucius Malfoy, a deatheater, and he is mean with almost everyone around him, so he seems to be a future deatheater just like his father (with constant comments of despise towards muggle or muggle-borns).
Draco es hijo de Lucius Malfoy, un mortífago, y nunca trata bien a la gente así que desde el principio parece que será un futuro mortífago como su padre (con constantes comentarios de odio dirigidos a muggles o hijos de muggles).
He is mean because he doesn't let you touch his gold.
Él es malo porque no te permite tocar su oro.
He is mean, not naughty.
Y es maldad, no travesura.
You think He is mean and hard.
Crees que es malo y duro.
He is mean as a moccasin, but Sonny was kinfolk.
Es malo como una serpiente, pero Sonny era pariente.
He is mean guy.
Es un tipo mezquino.
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Results: 14. Exact: 14. Elapsed time: 366 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200