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Always happy or in a pleasant mood; carefree. Arya is so happy-go-lucky that I doubt any negative thing you say would bother her.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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Ms Roberts added: "Jordan loved to play jokes and was a happy-go-lucky boy who loved to ride about on his bike with his friends.
She was happy-go-lucky and would do anything for anyone.
FRIENDS and relatives of a Birmingham schoolboy killed in a bus accident will gather to remember the "happy-go-lucky" teenager a year after his death.
THE widow of a "happy-go-lucky" bomb disposal expert wept yesterday as his body was repatriated to the UK.
Professor Geoff Beattie of Manchester University, who produced the research, said: "People are usually in a happy-go-lucky holiday mood when they hire a car or moped abroad.
Happy-Go-Lucky features what has got to be one of the most brilliantly nuanced performances in recent years.
THE family of a motorcyclist killed in a smash four days ago has paid tribute to a young man who was "well-loved and happy-go-lucky".
'Hunger', artist Steve McQueen's widely acclaimed directorial debut, also picked up three awards, followed by Mike Leigh's uncharacteristically upbeat 'Happy-Go-Lucky', which took both the best supporting actor and actress prizes.
"HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, " five-time Oscar nominee Mike Leigh's "quirky" and "offbeat" comedy about a young London schoolteacher who is, yes, happy-go-lucky, has enjoyed the most unanimous critical acclaim of any film this year.
Leigh's appearance will precede a 7.30pm screening of his last film Happy-Go-Lucky (15), the life-affirming story of an irrepressibly happy primary school teacher called Poppy who falls in love with a dour driving instructor.
So his latest observational slice of London life, the aptly titled Happy-Go-Lucky, will come as a pleasant shock.
THE family of a murdered father-of-two have spoken of their grief at losing the "happy-go-lucky" Liverpool fan.
Yet, he is troubled and in spite of his happy-go-lucky manner he is in emotional turmoil.
A supplementary section of fun facts about the animals featured in Tudley Didn't Know and a simple craft project for creating a Tudley of one's own round out this happy-go-lucky story.