Live HAITI Media Broadcast - HNN News Live- Haitian internet radio & TV from HAITI. Radio & TeleVision haitienne
Radio tele Ginen Haiti
Vous ecoutez Radio Solidarite , En Direct de Port au Prince Haiti sur le 107.5 FM Stereo. Radio Solidarité, Port-au-Prince HAITI
Radio  Signal  FM,  Port-au-Prince HAITI
  Radio Metropole Haiti: the greatest choice of news, politic, province, economic, sports, health and culture in Haiti, daily information online
BALADE FM,LE PONT DES NORD-OUESIENS D'OUTRE-MER ET D'HAITI.We are testing "live" now, Can you listen to us
LIVE RADIO FROM HAITI.   AM RADIO 840 10kW      Radio 4VEH (4VEF) - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-French/Creole FM RADIO 92.7 -      Radio 7 FM - Cap-Haitien HT.. music vairety/sports 94.7 1kW      Radio 4VEH - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-Fr./Eng. 98.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious 102.3 1.5kW      Radio Balade FM - Port-de-Paix HT.. soft ac/romantica 106.9 -      Sans Souci FM - Cap-Haïtien HT  Central Plataeu, Haiti AM RADIO 720 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIA)|rep. - Petite Riv HT.. religious 740 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIE)|rep. - Pigon-le-Jeune HT.. religious FM RADIO 91.7 -      Radio Centrale - Liancourt HT 95.3 -      Radio Provinciale - Gonaïves HT.. variety 99.1 -      RTC-Radio Tele Caleb - Saint-Marc HT  Jacme, Haiti FM RADIO 93.1 1kW      Ambiance FM - Jacmel HT  Les Cayes, Haiti AM RADIO 760 5kW      Radio Lumiere (4VU)|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious 780 500W      Radio Lumiere (4VO)|rep. - Jeremie HT.. religious FM RADIO 98.5 1kW      Radio Vibration FM - Les Cayes HT 102.5 -      Radio Macaya - Les Cayes HT 107.9 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious  Port-au-Price, Haiti AM RADIO 590 -      Radyo Timoun|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 660 5/1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VI)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 1050 -      Radyo Ginen (4VLB)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 1280 10kW      Métropole (4VAM)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1470 1kW      Radio Lakansyèl (4VAA)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1560 10kW      Voix de l'Esperance (4VVE) - Port-au-Prince HT FM RADIO 89.7 -      Voix de l'Esperance - Port-au-Prince HT 90.9 -      Radyo Timoun - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 92.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 92.9 -      Radyo Ginen - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 95.3 -      Tropicale Internationale - Port-au-Prince HT 97.9 -      Radio Lumiere - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 98.5 -      Radio Ibo - Port-au-Prince HT 99.3 -      Radio Vision 2000 - Port-au-Prince HT.. Soca/Reggae/Hip-Hop/Jazz 100.1 -      Métropole - Port-au-Prince HT 100.5 -      RFI-Haïti (4VFI2) - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/info, 24h 102.5 -      Zenith FM - Port-au-Prince HT 103.7 -      Radio Lakansyèl - Port-au-Prince HT 104.5 -     Galaxie FM - Port-au-Prince HT
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Haiti News Network:    Presents latest news and headlines about Haiti and Haitians collected from newspapers and news agencies worldwide. Listen to Haitian radio stations    Big News is a leading provider of news headlines with over 400 distinct categories of current news including Haiti News.
Radio Tele Ginen 92.9 fm Stereo 1030am / Channel 18 Dcatv 69/ 92.1 fm Grand Nord / 99.5 fm Grand Sud /
Radio Tele Ginen  Haiti92.9 fm Stereo 1030am / Channel 18 Dcatv 69/ 92.1 fm Grand Nord / 99.5 fm Grand Sud /
Haiti Press Network. Une agence de Presse qui se veut différente parce qu'elle est résolument différente.
Agence Haïtienne de Presse (AHP) en Ligne
Haiti Nouvelles du Jour. Actualite en Images. Haiti News pictures
Live Radio Caraibe FM. En direct, d'HAITI. Le dernier journal, Ramasse.  Portal d'une des plus anciennes radio station d'Haiti. Internet Portal out of Haiti with Live Audio feed from Port-au-Prince. 24 hour news from Haiti
Radio Kiskeya Haiti
Alter presse: Réseau alternatif haitien d'informationdu Groupe Médialternatif
Haiti en Marche...
Haiti progres: Le journal qui offre une alternative
Association de genealogie d"Haiti.    L’Association de Généalogie d’Haïti est un organisme à but non lucratif qui fonctionne grâce aux cotisations de ses membres et dont l’objectif principal est d’effectuer la saisie informatique des données des anciens registres d’état civil des Archives Nationales d’Haïti dans le but de les conserver pour la postérité. Ces données sont affichées sur son site Web au moyen d’une base de données appelée ARCHIVES NATIONALES D’HAITI
Livres Haitien en FRANCAIS.  NOUS SOMMES UNE LIBRAIRIE  Virtuelle. Notre catalogue, listant plusieurs centaines de titres, certains épuisés chez l'éditeur même.   Rechercher au cœur des livres : ... Tous les produits, Livres en français, livres en anglais        Ouvrages francais, créole, anglais… Littérature haitienne, antillaise, francaise.  French, Creole and English books. Haitian, Caribbean and French Litterature.   HAITIAN BOOK CENTRE  BOOKSTORE. Our inventory consists of all the classics of Haitian Books literature plus all the newly published titles by Haitian authors here and abroad and can be browsed online.      . We are the main supplier here in United States of Haitian books published in Haiti.Haitian Book Centre was founded in September 1977 as a means of spreading Haitian culture in the United States. By the permanence and the reliability of almost twenty-five years of service to the Haitian community, to the American public libraries and to the public at large, we have acquired a reputation hitherto unequalled in our community.  est une agence d’information en ligne sur HAITI et les Haïtiens vivant sur tous les coins de la planète particulièrement en Amérique du Nord, en Europe , en République Dominicaine et dans les Antilles. Notre souci primordial est d’offrir à nos lecteurs des informations fiables sur tous les événements à caractère culturel, social, économique et politique … qui touchent de près ou de loin à la vie de l’haïtien.
Radio tele lumiere Haiti.  The Radio Lumiere Radio Network was inaugurated on February 20, 1959. It was begun by the Rev. David Hartt of the West Indies Mission (later known as World team). During its 40 years of existence Radio Lumiere has grown from a single radio station on the southern peninsula of Haiti to a network of five AM and three FM mono stations, and one FM stereo station. These stations, linked by mountaintop relays, comprise the only network of its kind in the country of Haiti. This enables it to broadcast to more than 90% of the Haitian population. In many rural areas it is the only radio broadcasting available to the local people in either of the two local languages, Creole and French..     On February 20, 1959, Radio Lumière was inaugurated in the city of  Cayes, on the southern peninsula of Haiti by the World Team Mission. In 1968 the main production studios were moved to Port-au-Prince, the capitol city. Since that time Port-au-Prince become the hub of the network.          Much has been written about the wealth of the West and the impoverished conditions in which many must live in lesser-developed countries. Those in the developed nations have not only been the beneficiaries of good health and enough to eat, but they have also been flooded with information via print, radio and TV. They have gone through the mass media revolution of the past century, and have become familiar with various forms of communication technology. However, only recently have those in the developing countries begun to experience that revolution. Where once the traditional method was to convey the message by word of mouth, the channels of message distribution are now changing rapidly.            Haiti certainly must be included as one of these developing nations. As is true of many of them, the primary media option available is that of radio. One of the unique features of the mass media revolution in Haiti is that it is the sole country in the world where the only really nationwide communications network is in the hands of the Christians.            Furthermore, in its 29 years of existence, Radio Lumière has developed a reputation for integrity and credibility. While existing under the legal structure provided by the government of Haiti, it has played an active role in change - dealing with injustice, economic, social and other issues vital to human development, and by seeking to reinforce development  national network has proven a genuine concern for its county - dealing with human rights and development in a consistent, even handed manner, not favoring any particular individual, party or political sector. It is widely accepted as an educational/cultural network, existing for the good of the general population, and without any politically-inspired bias whatsoever.            Since 59, Radio Lumiere grown from a single station into a network of six AM and on FM Stereo stations and can be heard by 94% of the population of Haiti. Theses stations, linked by mountain-top relays, comprise the only such network in the country and therefore the only radio service available to a large majority of the Haitian  (In many rural areas Radio Lumière listenable signal in French and Creole during major portions of the day). A great deal of time, effort and financial resources have gone into making this a reality. Nor has this investment been only in the purchase and maintenance of the technology. An equal emphasis has been placed on the programming for the network, most of which is produced locally in the Radio Lumière studios. Much of this programming is planned for the poorer segments of the Haitian population. There are some one million Haitians whose annual average income in less than $300 (US). In spite of their poverty many of these people own radios. Radio Lumière programs, especially in rural areas, to meet the special educational and informational needs of theses lower classes.            Haiti has not been without  change itself during this time. Roads, air travel, and the telephone have all contributed to an increasingly changed lifestyle for the Haitian. Along with these changes have come local commercial radio stations in Port-au-Prince and some of the rural towns. With the advent of these local stations serving the local communities, Radio Lumière has kept in step by initiating local programming produced in studios built near each of its regional network outlets. Here programs are produced by trained local people and to meet the special needs of the local communities. In keeping with this same emphasis too, a special FM stereo station was added to the network in 1975. Its purpose is to program in French and English, specifically for the upper class populations of Port-au-Prince, Pétionville and Kenskoff.
Galerie le Clocher: Galerie Le Clocher has a wide selection of paintings and sculptures by local Haitian artists living in Haiti. Wilson Bigaud, Andre Pierre, Ismael, Vital, and others. On this website, we are featuring the paintings of Gerard Fortune and Arijac. Also on display are the sculptures by Rocklor, Nasson, and Ti Pelin.
MedaliaArt was founded by art lovers who have been collecting Haitian Art for over 30 years. Our paintings represent the many facets of Haitian art.
Travelocity: BEST FARE FINDER.  lower prices on airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, vacation packages and cruises that can't be found anywhere else.
.RADIO GALAXIE  104.5 FM,  PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI, Le meilleur choix sur la bande FM
Media Mosaique Montreal:      Nos infos sont cependant mises à jour au quotidien .   Média Mosaïque est donc un portail multimédia généraliste (texte, photo, audio, vidéo, forum de discussion, clavardage) qui se propose de glaner des informations de toutes sortes et les mettre à la disposition de ses nombreux lecteurs et internautes d'ici et d'ailleurs
GROUPE D'APPUI AUX RAPATRIES & REFUGIES.   w w w . g a r r - h a i t i . o r g--   Le Groupe d'Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR) est une plate-forme d’associations et d’organisations non gouvernementales travaillant sur la problématique de la migration. Tout en n'excluant pas les autres pôles de migration, le GARR concentre ses efforts sur la République Dominicaine où vivent de nombreux immigrants haïtiens et leurs descendants dans des situations déplorables
Espacio de Comunicación Insular ( es una institución de comunicación comprometida con la promoción y el fortalecimiento de las relaciones políticas, sociales, económicas, y culturales entre los pueblos de la República Dominicana y Haití, que comparten la isla de Quisqueya.
Dominican RepublicNewspapers and News Media Guide
To work with the people of Haiti in their non-violent struggle for the return and consolidation of constitutional democracy, justice and human rights, by distributing objective and accurate information on human rights conditions in Haiti, pursuing legal cases, and cooperating with human rights and solidarity groups in Haiti and abroad
Haiti observateur
MUNISTAH a une mission en Haiti par la RESOLUTION1542, le conseil de securité des Nations Unies leur confère un mandat d'appui du gouvernment de transition d'Haiti afin de l'aider à rérablir un climat sûr et stable, d'appuyer le processus constitutionnel et politique, de l'aider à organiser, surveiller et tenir des élections libres permettant la participation de tous, de faciliter la fourniture et la coordination de l'aide humanitaire
Radio des Nations Unis. United Nation Radio
Point de presse quotidien
CONCACAF "The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football" is one of six continental confederations of FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) and serves as governing body of football in this part of the world. It is composed of 40 national associations, from Canada in the north to Surinam in the south.
Welcome to Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort (Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée) With the same commitment to memorialize the thousands of forgotten victims of the Duvaliers' regime, Fordi9 is pleased to announce the release of the new French edition of Patrick Lemoine's book, revised and updated, Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort. The book, as described by Jean Desquiron in the Nouvelliste dated December 04, 1996, is an implacable referendum against dictatorship. It is a "must read" for anyone who wants to know the depravation imposed by the Duvaliers against their own people. Ironically, this new edition includes in the back cover, a commentary of Dr. Gérard Campfort reflecting on a survey by the Gallup Institute, which was published in the Christian Science Monitor on September 27, 2005. This survey represented Jean Claude Duvalier as the best president that Haiti had during the past twenty years.
wELCOME TO FORDI9.COM. Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort (Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée) With the same commitment to memorialize the thousands of forgotten victims of the Duvaliers' regime, Fordi9 is pleased to announce the release of the new French edition of Patrick Lemoine's book, revised and updated, Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort. The book, as described by Jean Desquiron in the Nouvelliste dated December 04, 1996, is an implacable referendum against dictatorship. It is a "must read" for anyone who wants to know the depravation imposed by the Duvaliers against their own people. Ironically, this new edition includes in the back cover, a commentary of Dr. Gérard Campfort reflecting on a survey by the Gallup Institute, which was published in the Christian Science Monitor on September 27, 2005. This survey represented Jean Claude Duvalier as the best president that Haiti had during the past twenty years.
Radio SuperStar a vu le jour le 10 Mai 1987. A partir de la concrétisation des nouvelles idées radiophoniques de son dynamique propriétaire Albert Chancy Jr., ces émissions ont su très tôt révolutionner le monde de la radio-diffusion en Haïti.
The Mikerline Dance troupe was founded in 2002 in NY as Banboche Lakay by dancer & Choreographer, Mikerline Pierre. The multicultural group of dancers and drummers are taking Haitian Folklore to a new level. The troupe's goal is to be the ambassador of the Haitian culture, expressed in dances, music, and exciting choreography. The group has performed at historical commemorations by Haitian Associations at US universities; Caribbean cultural festivals; Cultural event sponsored by US corporations; Major fund raising galas, and many other performances in Theatres, etc.Haitian folklore is more than dance movements. Each dance possesses a history that shapes its execution and ignites its expression. For example, the high-energy "IBO" dance celebrates the liberation of slaves. The “Banda” dance also referred to as dance “Guede” celebrates the spirit of the dead,   ”The strong "Nago" dance pays tribute to the warrior spirit.    Folklore is one of the most expressive ways to learn about Haitian history. From "Yanvalou" to "Rara," each dance pulsates through the body in its own unique way because every movement has a meaning, a history and reason for being.For a truly exciting experience in Afro-Haitian Folklore, witness the Mikerline Dance troupe in performance. From a small show to a large scale production, the troupe will give you a memorable performance.If you want to personally experience the magic of Afro-Haitian folklore dance, you owe yourself to attend one of the professionally held classes in Manhattan.
The Haitian Art SocietyThe Society was formed in 2003 to strengthen and expand interest in and understanding of Haitian Art and Artists. Our website provides information about the HAS and our events, and also about other Haitian art events. We provide links to other sites about Haitian art and culture. Please click on the page links on the left to navigate around  the HAS website. In addition to maintaining this web site, the Haitian Art Society organizes Conferences at which members are able to view public and private collections of Haitian art.
La Voix Évangélique d’Haïti.  Au Service de Dieu et du Peuple Haïtien depuis 1950  .   Depuis sa fondation en 1950 par le Reverend G. T. Bustin de la « East and West Indies Bible Mission », Radio 4veh émet de la ville du Cap-Haïtien, Haiti. L'OMS International (ultérieurement appelée la Société Missionnaire Orientale) a fait l'acquisition de la station en 1958.On émettait en Anglais, Espagnol, Français et Créole sur AM, FM et onde courte. Aujourd'hui, Radio 4veh offre ses programmes en Créole et en Français en concentrant son ministère sur les auditeurs haïtiens
haiti business:  Haitian yellow pages in Haiti. ouvre le monde au plus ancien quotidien d’Haïti.  Le Nouvelliste le plus ancien quotidien d'Haïti, est définitivement rentré dans les habitudes haïtiennes et fait figure de patrimoine national en tant qu'institution sociale. Quotidien d'abonnement, Le Nouvelliste circule à travers le pays, à la capitale particulièrement et dans 18 des principales villes de province.Le Nouvelliste a un tirage de 18.000 exemplaires pour un lectorat de plus de 100 000 personnes. En effet, chaque Nouvelliste se partage, passe de main en main, à chaque édition, au sein d'un même foyer, d'un même bureau, d'une bibliothèque, des centres de lecture de certaines institutions culturelles.Perçu au début comme une production d'intellectuels pour les intellectuels, Le Nouvelliste s'est taillé une place dans la société qui correspond à sa quête permanente de proximité, et de fourniture d'un service utilitaire et public. Aujourd'hui les lecteurs de Le Nouvelliste se recrutent tant parmi les "décideurs" gouvernants, cadres supérieurs, cadres d'enseignements, cadres d'entreprise, cadres des professions libérales que parmi les jeunes et instruits dans la mesure ou le journal est très présent dans les établissements scolaires et universitaires. L'augmentation de son lectorat est proportionnelle, en partie, à la fréquentation croissante de ces structures cognitives
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Radio Melodie FM 103.3 FM74 Rue Capois, Port-au-Prince, HaitiTelephone: 509-221-8567, 509-221-8568, 509-452-0428, 509-454-0126
Haiti Actualites: Latest news pictures from Haiti. Haiti actualite en images
 Haitian Community forum. fowom ayisyen. Ann pale. News, music, sports,art, culture, politics, love & romance, gossip ( zin). Haitian Breaking News..
Embassy of Haiti in Washington DC. Welcome to the official website of the Republic of Haiti. You will find useful information here about Haiti, the Government, Business opportunities Visa and Tourism.
 Haiti Connexion Network est issu du dynamisme de quelques professionnels qui vous ont chaudement entretenu au cours de l'année 2006 sur les sites internautes: Haiti d'Outre-mer, Ayiti Cherie Connexion, . main mission is to facilitate information sharing and communication among Haitian-Americans, Haitians in Haiti, Haitians of everywhere, Caribbean, scattered throughout the world. Our mission is, using the newest information and communication technology, to inform, entertain our listeners, and to broadcast programming that meet the highest standards of journalism, citizen journalism and cultural expressions.   Captez Radio Haïti Connexion  pour vos informations et documentaires en Français, Créole, Anglais ou Espagnol ; des informations de sources diverses et inédites, non trouvées dans les grands médias courants. Radio Haïti Connexion, un média indépendant, la Radio de la Diaspora Haïtienne, fonctionnant 24/24 et dotée aussi d'une discographie multiple et variée.Radio Haïti Connexion ( haiticonnexion? site=pro ) une subdivision de Haïti Connexion Network, LLC (, au service de la diaspora haïtienne et de la société haïtienne.
Planet compas, la station mondiale du compas
Haitian Book Directory Online. Livres by for about Haitiens...Retrouver tout les livres sur Haiti / Haitien.  NOUS SOMMES UNE LIBRAIRIE  Virtuelle. Notre catalogue, listant plusieurs centaines de titres, certains épuisés chez l'éditeur même.   Rechercher au cœur des livres : ... Tous les produits, Livres en français, livres en anglais        Ouvrages francais, créole, anglais… Littérature haitienne, antillaise, francaise.  French, Creole and English books. Haitian, Caribbean and French Litterature.   HAITIAN BOOK CENTRE  BOOKSTORE. Our inventory consists of all the classics of Haitian Books literature plus all the newly published titles by Haitian authors here and abroad and can be browsed online.      . We are the main supplier here in United States of Haitian books published in Haiti.Haitian Book Centre was founded in September 1977 as a means of spreading Haitian culture in the United States. By the permanence and the reliability of almost twenty-five years of service to the Haitian community, to the American public libraries and to the public at large, we have acquired a reputation hitherto unequalled in our community.
Haiti 's Super Web Directory
  Haiti's super web directory.  We are one of the most popular and visited Haitian websites. Most Popular Haiti Sites based from Alexa Classification. Most Popular In Haiti. The most visited site online about haiti  in all 'Haiti' categories. ... most popular and visited website by and about haitians online . The best reference about haiti and haitians online on the web.   What is this directory about ? The answer is: information about HAITI & HER DIASPORA. Sometimes some people wander how they can help Haiti. I came across many young Haitian Americans and friends of Haiti who ask that question. As a researcher (doing research mostly related to HAITI), I realize that it is important to have an ON LINE DIRECTORY that would include everything related to Haiti. There also people who are researching on Haiti and who are constantly asking for information because they did not have access to a directory that would include everything from “A” to “Z”. I took note of that and try to use the access of the internet in order to ease research on Haiti in the 21st Century. So, I invite anyone interested in Haiti to visit this directory to see what's there and to send us what they have available to enrich it. We post the documents free of charge and we try to update the directory quite often since people are constantly sending us new information. I would like to credit Marilyn Mason for some prior works done in relation to this web research. Also, “thank you” would not be enough to say to Mrs. Francesca Palli who is the webmaster; she has demonstrated her deep love for Haiti by spending long hours arranging these documents so that everyone can have access to them. Themes and electronic texts (mostly in English, French, Haitian Creole / Kreyòl; few are in Spanish) cover areas such as: Art; Art & Literature; Associations & organizations; Bibliographies; Business; Civic duties; Conferences; Consumer rights; Culture; Development; Diaspora; Directories; Dissertations; Documents related to the Dominican Republic and Haiti; Editors (different areas); Embassy & Consular; Employment; Environment and Weather; Essays; Forums; Genealogy; General research; Government; Haitian Creole; Haitian media (in Haiti & the Diaspora); Health; History; Human rights; Human services; Individual CV's; Institutes; Institutions; Language (and resources); Websites; Legal issues; Literacy (in Kreyòl); Link to creole speaking countries; Literature (French, Creole); News; Orthography (Haitian Creole); Politics; Publications; Publishers; Religion; Science & Technology; Translators (English, French, Haitian Creole).
  Haiti's super web directory.  We are one of the most popular and visited Haitian websites. Most Popular Haiti Sites based from Alexa Classification. Most Popular In Haiti. The most visited site online about haiti  in all 'Haiti' categories. ... most popular and visited website by and about haitians online . The best reference about haiti and haitians online on the web.   What is this directory about ? The answer is: information about HAITI & HER DIASPORA. Sometimes some people wander how they can help Haiti. I came across many young Haitian Americans and friends of Haiti who ask that question. As a researcher (doing research mostly related to HAITI), I realize that it is important to have an ON LINE DIRECTORY that would include everything related to Haiti. There also people who are researching on Haiti and who are constantly asking for information because they did not have access to a directory that would include everything from “A” to “Z”. I took note of that and try to use the access of the internet in order to ease research on Haiti in the 21st Century. So, I invite anyone interested in Haiti to visit this directory to see what's there and to send us what they have available to enrich it. We post the documents free of charge and we try to update the directory quite often since people are constantly sending us new information. I would like to credit Marilyn Mason for some prior works done in relation to this web research. Also, “thank you” would not be enough to say to Mrs. Francesca Palli who is the webmaster; she has demonstrated her deep love for Haiti by spending long hours arranging these documents so that everyone can have access to them. Themes and electronic texts (mostly in English, French, Haitian Creole / Kreyòl; few are in Spanish) cover areas such as: Art; Art & Literature; Associations & organizations; Bibliographies; Business; Civic duties; Conferences; Consumer rights; Culture; Development; Diaspora; Directories; Dissertations; Documents related to the Dominican Republic and Haiti; Editors (different areas); Embassy & Consular; Employment; Environment and Weather; Essays; Forums; Genealogy; General research; Government; Haitian Creole; Haitian media (in Haiti & the Diaspora); Health; History; Human rights; Human services; Individual CV's; Institutes; Institutions; Language (and resources); Websites; Legal issues; Literacy (in Kreyòl); Link to creole speaking countries; Literature (French, Creole); News; Orthography (Haitian Creole); Politics; Publications; Publishers; Religion; Science & Technology; Translators (English, French, Haitian Creole).
Essud Fungcap paints to excite, to calm, to stir emotion with a sensitivity to color and form influenced by a lifetime in the Caribbean. He acknowledges the contributions that a bicultural upbringing, a Chinese father and a Haitian mother, have made to his sense of wonder of the world around him. He is constantly striving to inject aspects of surrealism in his work and at the same time convey a certain quiet, peaceful tropical style that reinforces our sense of “being there”. Essud believes that critical study of color and form for each individual work are essential, and consequently his work always undergoes several transformations before reaching the point where he feels that it is ready for presentation.
Haitian Events InformationWe bring the Entertainment to YOU. Your source for Haitian Events InformationMake us your weekly stop to what is happening and where to go. Be sure to subscribe to our e-mail list . Always Check out  for all the biggest events. And if you are a promoter remember that is the one stop events shopping for people on the go. Our reach has no boundaries as we now have over 30,000 Subscribers   . up  to date information about us, our activities, an additional information about the  Business and other topics of general interests..We are not simply DJs, but entertainers****Enjoy your time with us
Sur les ondes: Le blog de la radio et de la télévision en Haïti
Live Haitian radios on line . Les radios haitiennes en direct et sur tle net
National Center of the Haitian Apostolate. SANT NATYONAL APOSTOLA AYISYEN.  Le Sant Nasyonal Apostola Aisyen (SNAA), créé il y a à peu près 25 ans pour aider les prêtres et d’autres haïtiens à faire face à des problèmes d’immigration, est une institution des catholiques haïtiens vivant aux USA. Il a pour but de regrouper les catholiques haïtiens, leur permettre de vivre ensemble en Église comme peuple l’appel de leur baptême dans la solidarité et l’unité. Il veut donner aux fidèles perdus et désorientés ce qui faut pour garder la foi et leur identité de chrétiens sans nier la particularité de l’âme et de la culture haïtiennes. Pourquoi la SNAA ?Une fois que les compatriotes Haïtiens se sont bien installés aux USA, il a fallu penser une pastorale qui répond à leurs besoins spirituels et à la spécificité de la culture haïtienne. Cette situation était nouvelle pour les paroisses américaines. On a dû penser une structure compétente pour répondre à ces problèmes nouveaux.
La Coalition pour la Défense de la Constitution, la Codeco d’Haïti
Welcome to  HaitiAN Marketplace  Online ,  your secure online shopping source for merchandise. Haitien Market Place Online: Find everything you need: Books, music, DVD, VHS, Magazines, Electronics,  Nenwpaper, magazines,Everything  Haitian, by Haitan and for haitian..... .  Un centre du livre haïtien sur internet. Des ouvrages d'Haiti et sur Haiti. .One of the most powerful  Haitian information pages. You will find everything Haitian on it. Check it out .Haitian products & services:: Books, Music, Flag, travel info, Cars, Hotels, stamps, arts... Haitian Market place  center. online
Tele Haiti: First Haiti TV Network Online
Radio haitienne emettant de BOSTON
Radio haitienne emettant de NEWYORK
Radio haitienne emettant de LA FLORIDE
Radio haitienne emettant du CANADA
News, Radio. tv, Business from Haitians in Atlanta , Georgia
FORUM HAITI: l'UNION FAIT LA FORCE . Débat sur le Changement de l'Etat et la Société, POU YON HAITI MIYÒ
late-breaking news ...Constantly updated news and information about Haiti....Search & browse 4,500 continuously updated news sources....Coverage of Haiti, the Haitian people and Haitian issues.....All the Latest News Stories about Haiti . HereThe Latest News Stories Online from and about Haiti..
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. La mega des radios. Radio Mega 24/7 broadcast from Miami
Radio Soleil d'HAITI. Live 24 hr. Radio Soleil . La radio de la communaute haitienne de New york.The 24 hour Haitian Radio station in New York    Half a million captive, dedicated listeners                                A growing niche market that relies on Radio Soleil for direction             The fastest growing small business community            One third of the buying power of the Caribbean community.  At Radio Soleil we use the "G" Word a lot. With a captive listener base of more than 600,000 Haitians spread across the tri-state area, a "Guaranteed" Audience is what the people at Radio Soleil enjoy and offer. As a pioneer of Haitian-American radio journalism broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 3 languages, Radio Soleil transmits its own sub-signal from Brooklyn to receivers as far away as Philadelphia. With 5 hour-long news programs, hourly news updates and 3 two hour-long weekly news analysis magazines, the station helps its eager listeners remain the best informed segment of the Caribbean market. It isn’t just the news that allows Radio Soleil the luxury of A "Guaranteed" Audience. The special relationships developed during "Call-IN" Shows and multiple services to the community have led to true loyalty; a loyalty which is the public side of a relationship carried on in the home, the office, the cab, the restaurant, the park or anywhere the listeners care to touch the link to their culture.
Radio scoop FM , 107.7 Haiti. Informations de derniere Heure
Fanmi Lavalas is an organization that supports the struggle of the Haitian people in Haiti as well as throughout the diaspora HAYTI.NET:  This is the offical site of Fanmi Lavalas Commission of Communication.    Bienvenue sur notre siteLa Commission de Communication propose ce Site comme Organe de diffusion d´idées nouvelles. Cette tribune ouverte à tous les membres de l´Organisation et à ses sympathisants fonctionne suivant le principe de la PARTICIPATION. Chacun est libre de publier sur le site sans contrainte, mais avec respect et sens de responsabilité.
The Haitian Connexion Online. Welcome to our FORUM. Feel free to post a message, news,,Stay informed 24/7. Get the latest news, headlines, current events about Haiti and Haitian WORLDWIDE.Breaking News...Coverage of Haiti, the Haitian people and Haitian issues...Constantly updated ....Invite your friends to joint this Group. Each year more than 2 million visitors get their daily news, listen to Haitian radios from Haiti, NY, Florida, Boston, Montreal & Atlanta and watch TV from HAITI NEWS NETWORK, one of the most powerful Haitian information pages online.....Let's connect and share the latest news and headlines about Haiti and Haitians collected from newspapers and news agencies worldwide.The perfect place for Haitian Discussions, Haitian...
Radio Magik9 FM Haiti...You radyo nef
Tele Metropole
RADIO VISION 2000, Port-au-Prince, Haïti99.3 FM STEREO184, Avenue Jhon BrownINFORMATIONS
Bienvenue sur Le Site Web Du Carnaval 2012. Pran Plezi'w Tèt Kale!!    .Plezi Kanaval» est une série d’émissions télévisées de 60 minutes, diffusées 3 fois par semaine (lundi, mercredi et vendredi) réalisées et produites par Carel Pèdre et Hibiscus MultiMedia Company (HMC).  Plezi Kanaval sera présentée par Carel Pèdre. Ce show se veut être le show télévisé de référence pour toute l’actualité et la promotion du carnaval 2012 en Haïti.
The radio guide includes all stations you hear on your car radio as well as Internet radio. Listeners can access their favorites through their PC and other connected devices including cell phones and home entertainment centers. We offer free no-hassle registration so listeners can customize their radio experience for faster access each time they visit. Listeners can skip registration and enjoy all of the same benefits of listening to radio. They’ll just have to find their favorites on every visit.
The Haitian Connexion Online. Welcome to our FORUM. Feel free to post a message, news,,Stay informed 24/7. Get the latest news, headlines, current events about Haiti and Haitian WORLDWIDE.Breaking News...Coverage of Haiti, the Haitian people and Haitian issues...Constantly updated ....Invite your friends to joint this Group. Each year more than 2 million visitors get their daily news, listen to Haitian radios from Haiti, NY, Florida, Boston, Montreal & Atlanta and watch TV from HAITI NEWS NETWORK, one of the most powerful Haitian information pages online.....Let's connect and share the latest news and headlines about Haiti and Haitians collected from newspapers and news agencies worldwide.The perfect place for Haitian Discussions, Haitian...
GAMAXLIVE.COM : Une radio généraliste. Elle vise à développer un savoir-faire communicatif de divertissement : Musique, Information éducation, formation. Un canal d’expression d’idées et d’opinions.La première WEB RADIO ethnique de langue française en amérique du nord. Une radio de proximité. GAMAXLIVE.COM proposera à toutes et tous de partager des valeurs universelles:Un espace ouvert aux confrontations d’idées. Une Radio active!  Recevez nos émissions live et restez en contact avec cette radio qui n'a qu'une mission : Vous servir et vous offrir ce qu'il y a de meilleur  !!!
LIVE RADIO FROM HAITI.   AM RADIO 840 10kW      Radio 4VEH (4VEF) - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-French/Creole FM RADIO 92.7 -      Radio 7 FM - Cap-Haitien HT.. music vairety/sports 94.7 1kW      Radio 4VEH - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-Fr./Eng. 98.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious 102.3 1.5kW      Radio Balade FM - Port-de-Paix HT.. soft ac/romantica 106.9 -      Sans Souci FM - Cap-Haïtien HT  Central Plataeu, Haiti AM RADIO 720 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIA)|rep. - Petite Riv HT.. religious 740 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIE)|rep. - Pigon-le-Jeune HT.. religious FM RADIO 91.7 -      Radio Centrale - Liancourt HT 95.3 -      Radio Provinciale - Gonaïves HT.. variety 99.1 -      RTC-Radio Tele Caleb - Saint-Marc HT  Jacme, Haiti FM RADIO 93.1 1kW      Ambiance FM - Jacmel HT  Les Cayes, Haiti AM RADIO 760 5kW      Radio Lumiere (4VU)|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious 780 500W      Radio Lumiere (4VO)|rep. - Jeremie HT.. religious FM RADIO 98.5 1kW      Radio Vibration FM - Les Cayes HT 102.5 -      Radio Macaya - Les Cayes HT 107.9 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious  Port-au-Price, Haiti AM RADIO 590 -      Radyo Timoun|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 660 5/1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VI)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 1050 -      Radyo Ginen (4VLB)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 1280 10kW      Métropole (4VAM)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1470 1kW      Radio Lakansyèl (4VAA)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1560 10kW      Voix de l'Esperance (4VVE) - Port-au-Prince HT FM RADIO 89.7 -      Voix de l'Esperance - Port-au-Prince HT 90.9 -      Radyo Timoun - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 92.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 92.9 -      Radyo Ginen - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 95.3 -      Tropicale Internationale - Port-au-Prince HT 97.9 -      Radio Lumiere - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 98.5 -      Radio Ibo - Port-au-Prince HT 99.3 -      Radio Vision 2000 - Port-au-Prince HT.. Soca/Reggae/Hip-Hop/Jazz 100.1 -      Métropole - Port-au-Prince HT 100.5 -      RFI-Haïti (4VFI2) - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/info, 24h 102.5 -      Zenith FM - Port-au-Prince HT 103.7 -      Radio Lakansyèl - Port-au-Prince HT 104.5 -     Galaxie FM - Port-au-Prince HT
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La Reference qui s'allie a l'Experience.    En Haiti ou en diaspora, le besoin d un niveau de reflexion plus élevé se fait sentir. Maximum FM vous l'apporte. Radio Maximum est le meilleur choix sur le net et la bande FM. A un moment ou notre Haiti semble filler à toute vitesse vers l'abime, Radio Maximum se veut etre une radio communautaire ayant pour mission d'aider la majorité nationale à se ressaisir pour éviter le pire.  Avec une salle de nouvelles diversifiée, des présentateurs sportifs éxpérimentés, des animateurs formés, capable de vous informer, Maximum est tout ce qu'il faut pour un plaisir au maximum.    Advienne que pourra, Maximum reste et demeurera la voix de la raison et de la determination en Haiti et en diaspora.
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TOUT HAITI: Le Trait d"union entre les haitiens
RADIO Tele Zenith Haiti
Haiti news Network
.Live 24 h. The Haitian Voice of New England. Radio concorde Boston
24 Hr. Radio Haiti Amerique Internationale.  La radio de la communaute Haitienne de la Floride....Listen live to Radio Haiti amerique International
 Haïti Liberté is the largest Haitian weekly newspaper, distributed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Haiti.  Haïti Liberté has merged its operations with the Haitian-American community’s foremost publication, the  Haitian Times, expanding the reach of both papers. There are close to 2 million Haitians living in North America and Europe where Haïti Liberté is distributed. Most Haitians speak Kreyòl but prefer to read in French. The paper is published in French, Kreyòl and English.
Lesly Jacques...24 Hr. Radio Haiti Amerique Internationale.  La radio de la communaute Haitienne de la Floride....Listen live to Radio Haiti amerique International
Live TV stream of Teleboston broadcasting from Haiti. Channel description of Teleboston: News channel.  Haiti Internet Movie Database, Tele Boston features all Haitian Movies Haitian actors Haitian movie news Haitian movie posters Haitian movie forum Haitian . Live TV stream of Teleboston broadcasting from Haiti. Channel description of Teleboston: News channel
Haitian Books Directory..Your source of Haitian books online. MAIL-ORDER BOOKSTORE. Our bookstore featuring books on Haitian and by haitien art, culture  history politics,music litterature Ouvrages francais, créole, anglais… Littérature haitienne, antillaise, francaise.  French, .
Haitian Books Directory..Your source of Haitian books online. MAIL-ORDER BOOKSTORE. Our bookstore featuring books on Haitian and by haitien art, culture  history politics,music litterature Ouvrages francais, créole, anglais… Littérature haitienne, antillaise, francaise.  French, .
Live Haitian radios on line . Les radios haitiennes en direct et sur le net
TELE IMAGE TV SHOW   TELE-IMAGE is a News, Entertainment Magazine formatted TV show broadcast via Cable covering Long-Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and the Tri-State area. TELE-IMAGE TV Show reaches over 4.9 million cable subscribers, we target directly the 18-70 year old audience by reflecting all aspects of their lifestyle.   TELE-IMAGE delivers fair and balance coverage of breaking news from Haiti and the Caribbean region, our dynamic programming consists of News, Politics, health updates...  TELE-IMAGE delivers fair and balance coverage of breaking news from Haiti and the Caribbean region, our dynamic programming consists of News, Politics, health updates... Now, you can also watch TELE-IMAGE TV SHOWS Live on the internet 24/7. We are currently working on a new program to better serve you...TELE-IMAGE TV SHOW has been in existence for 11 years in New Jersey  6 years in Long Island, 8 years in the New York Tri state area.
Radio Platinum FM est le résultat de mûres réflexions conduites par le journaliste chevronné Valéry  NUMA. Notre objectif est de réhausser l'image de la radiodiffusion en Haiti en général et du département du Sud en particulier. Nous sommes une station à la fois commerciale et communautaire en ce sens que nous nous proposons de faire la promotion des entreprises et produits qui sollicitent notre service. Par ailleurs, nous offrons un service à la collectivité à travers des émissions axées sur le développement, l'environnement, le tourisme etc
Radio Tele  Timoun 90.9FM Haiti
Alter Radio - AlterRadio en direct d’Haiti - Une autre idée de la radio. AlterRadio, lancée formellement le 20 octobre 2015, est accessible sur la plateforme AudioNow, relayée par Tunein. Elle s’approprie les nouvelles techniques de diffusion, mais se veut beaucoup plus qu’une webradio.  AlterRadio s’inscrit dans la quête d’une Haïti véritablement démocratique et reprend, à son compte, les expériences de radios indépendantes, communautaires et populaires des dernières décennies. Elle se projette, en même temps, dans une perspective de transformation des pratiques de production et diffusion radio.  Elle se veut généraliste et intervient dans les divers champs - économique, politique, social et culturel - en contribuant à la mosaïque de paroles qui traduit la réalité de la société haïtienne.  AlterRadio représente une évolution naturelle des travaux de Médialternatif, axés, entre autres, dès le début, sur la production audio.
Radio Kajou..The #1 Internet Radio serving the Haitian Diaspora...
JEBCA EDITIONS / USA DIVISION OF JEBCA MINISTRIES, INC. 180 Holliston Street Medway, MA 02053 Phone: 617-216-8078 / 617-230-2325 E-mail: Info@jebcaeditions
AlterPresse  AlterRadio: Le réseau alternatif haïtien d'information AlterPresse est une agence lancée a la fin de l'année 2001 par le Groupe Medialternatif. AlterPresse s'inscrit dans la dynamique du Droit a l'Information et à la Communication.
Le National Haiti- Adresse: 10, Rue Gabart Pétion-Ville, Haiti  Email: / /  Tél: (509)4610-1010 / 3214-5554 / 4614-1010  WhatsApp: (509) 4408-1010
Haïti Radio Live est une l’une des stations de radio en ligne le plus célèbre tyhe sur Haiti.Haiti Radio Live diffuser différents types de dernière hip hop, classique, danse, musique électronique, etc. Haïti Radio en direct la retransmission en direct d’Haïti. Haïti en direct adresse officielle de la radio est
Haïti Radio Live est une l’une des stations de radio en ligne le plus célèbre tyhe sur Haiti.Haiti Radio Live diffuser différents types de dernière hip hop, classique, danse, musique électronique, etc. Haïti Radio en direct la retransmission en direct d’Haïti. Haïti en direct adresse officielle de la radio est
challenges Le 1er hebdomadaire d’information générale en Haïti..hallenges est une nouvelle source haïtienne d’information avec une actualité fiable et précise.  Source d’information pertinente sur Haïti, les Caraïbes et le monde entier, Challenges attire l’attention des plus grands leaders d’opinion avec un contenu unique.  Non seulement ce nouveau média est séduisant avec son design qui offre une lecture agréable, mais il est également fier de proposer un contenu pertinent et exclusif.  En plus d’une diffusion nationale importante, les articles de Challenges toucheront les haïtiens à travers le monde entier.  En effet, la version «print» du magazine aura une version digitale qui sera diffusée via differents services. Cette experience digitale, associée aux reseaux sociaux garantit une intéractivité permanente avec son lectorat.
Multicultural Television Network 247 North Main Street, Suite LL ,  Randolph, MA 02368     781-986-1000, 781-986-1002
Welcome to  HaitiAN Marketplace  Online ,  your secure online shopping source for merchandise. Haitien Market Place Online: Find everything you need: Books, music, DVD, VHS, Magazines, Electronics,  Nenwpaper, magazines,Everything  Haitian, by Haitan and for haitian..... .  Un centre du livre haïtien sur internet. Des ouvrages d'Haiti et sur Haiti. .One of the most powerful  Haitian information pages. You will find everything Haitian on it. Check it out .Haitian products & services:: Books, Music, Flag, travel info, Cars, Hotels, stamps, arts... Haitian Market place  center. online
Welcome to  HaitiAN Marketplace  Online ,  your secure online shopping source for merchandise. Haitien Market Place Online: Find everything you need: Books, music, DVD, VHS, Magazines, Electronics,  Nenwpaper, magazines,Everything  Haitian, by Haitan and for haitian..... .  Un centre du livre haïtien sur internet. Des ouvrages d'Haiti et sur Haiti. .One of the most powerful  Haitian information pages. You will find everything Haitian on it. Check it out .Haitian products & services:: Books, Music, Flag, travel info, Cars, Hotels, stamps, arts... Haitian Market place  center. online
Haiti Live Broadcast
Internet :Live Haitian radio onlineLIVE RADIO FROM HAITI.   AM RADIO 840 10kW      Radio 4VEH (4VEF) - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-French/Creole FM RADIO 92.7 -      Radio 7 FM - Cap-Haitien HT.. music vairety/sports 94.7 1kW      Radio 4VEH - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious-Fr./Eng. 98.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Cap-Haïtien HT.. religious 102.3 1.5kW      Radio Balade FM - Port-de-Paix HT.. soft ac/romantica 106.9 -      Sans Souci FM - Cap-Haïtien HT  Central Plataeu, Haiti AM RADIO 720 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIA)|rep. - Petite Riv HT.. religious 740 1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VIE)|rep. - Pigon-le-Jeune HT.. religious FM RADIO 91.7 -      Radio Centrale - Liancourt HT 95.3 -      Radio Provinciale - Gonaïves HT.. variety 99.1 -      RTC-Radio Tele Caleb - Saint-Marc HT  Jacme, Haiti FM RADIO 93.1 1kW      Ambiance FM - Jacmel HT  Les Cayes, Haiti AM RADIO 760 5kW      Radio Lumiere (4VU)|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious 780 500W      Radio Lumiere (4VO)|rep. - Jeremie HT.. religious FM RADIO 98.5 1kW      Radio Vibration FM - Les Cayes HT 102.5 -      Radio Macaya - Les Cayes HT 107.9 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Les Cayes HT.. religious  Port-au-Price, Haiti AM RADIO 590 -      Radyo Timoun|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 660 5/1kW      Radio Lumiere (4VI)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 1050 -      Radyo Ginen (4VLB)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 1280 10kW      Métropole (4VAM)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1470 1kW      Radio Lakansyèl (4VAA)|on FM - Port-au-Prince HT 1560 10kW      Voix de l'Esperance (4VVE) - Port-au-Prince HT FM RADIO 89.7 -      Voix de l'Esperance - Port-au-Prince HT 90.9 -      Radyo Timoun - Port-au-Prince HT.. community, childrens 92.1 -      Radio Lumiere|rep. - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 92.9 -      Radyo Ginen - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/Haitian music 95.3 -      Tropicale Internationale - Port-au-Prince HT 97.9 -      Radio Lumiere - Port-au-Prince HT.. religious 98.5 -      Radio Ibo - Port-au-Prince HT 99.3 -      Radio Vision 2000 - Port-au-Prince HT.. Soca/Reggae/Hip-Hop/Jazz 100.1 -      Métropole - Port-au-Prince HT 100.5 -      RFI-Haïti (4VFI2) - Port-au-Prince HT.. news/info, 24h 102.5 -      Zenith FM - Port-au-Prince HT 103.7 -      Radio Lakansyèl - Port-au-Prince HT 104.5 -     Galaxie FM - Port-au-Prince HT .
FRANCE 24 : suivez en direct notre chaîne de télévisionLes actualités de la chaîne de télévision FRANCE 24 en direct sur notre site internet.Pour savoir comment regarder la chaîne de télévision FRANCE 24 par cable ou satellite, cliquez le lien "Comment recevoir la chaîne" en bas de page. .France 24 en direct.
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Watch live tv channels of Haiti, See free television on the Web, watch TV of Haiti Directly on your computer.Haiti Actualite en images..Haiti news Pictures. Haiti photo gallery. Images of Haiti  .Sakapfet: Watch news from Haiti
Vous ecoutez Radio Solidarite , En Direct de Port au Prince Haiti sur le 107.5 FM Stereo. Radio Solidarité, Port-au-Prince HAITI
Watch live tv channels of Haiti, See free television on the Web, watch TV of Haiti Directly on your computer.Haiti Actualite en images..Haiti news Pictures. Haiti photo gallery. Images of Haiti  .Sakapfet: Watch news from Haiti
Comfm ( est le premier portail de référencement de radios live, webradios et télévisions en France, COMFM est édité et exploité par la société Commedia. Depuis 1996, COMFM est le premier site de radios en France et permet l’accès gratuit à plus de 10 000 radios et 2 000 télévisions du monde entier, diffusées et / ou streamées sur internet. Pour la rentrée, COMFM fait peau neuve, en plaçant l’internaute et les partenaires au cœur de sa stratégie. COMFM revient alors en force avec un concept novateur, et met les toutes dernières innovations technologiques au service de ses auditeurs.  Un portail plus intégré Comfm propose une nouvelle forme de navigation, plus intuitive et directe, et donne un accès instantané à des milliers de medias dans le monde entier : son Tuner, simple et ergonomique, vous offre tout à la fois une sélection des radios par thématiques et par zones géographiques. Notre équipe éditoriale écoute et qualifie l’ensemble des radios présentées, et met en avant pour vous les plus populaires – résultats des mesures d’audience locale-, les plus étonnantes, les plus innovantes. Le site est conçu de façon à naviguer sur les pages éditoriales sans interrompre le flux audiovisuel : COMFM se veut l’alliance des meilleures technologies et de la communication. Une nouvelle ligne éditoriale La disponibilité des radios sur Internet est sans limite : alors comment choisir sa radio? Et bien il faut en savoir davantage : connaitre son positionnement, son univers, sa cible… Ce sera la ligne directrice que nous suivrons au travers du Mag de COMFM. Chaque semaine, l’équipe éditoriale ira à la rencontre d’une radio, afin de mieux comprendre l’essence de son projet, ses motivations et son positionnement radiophonique. Au programme: culture, information, diversité mélodique, évènements, organismes et associations culturels, personnalités et témoignage… Le MAG En partenariat avec chaque radio, Comfm proposera son regard sur les équipes passionnées du monde de la radio et partagera avec vous ses rencontres et ses interviews avec une
Ecouter votre radio et toutes les radios du monde, Regarder les Télévisions en ligne sur COMFM. Comfm ( est le premier portail de référencement de radios live, webradios et télévisions en France, COMFM est édité et exploité par la société Commedia. Depuis 1996, COMFM est le premier site de radios en France et permet l’accès gratuit à plus de 10 000 radios et 2 000 télévisions du monde entier, diffusées et / ou streamées sur internet. Pour la rentrée, COMFM fait peau neuve, en plaçant l’internaute et les partenaires au cœur de sa stratégie. COMFM revient alors en force avec un concept novateur, et met les toutes dernières innovations technologiques au service de ses auditeurs.  Un portail plus intégré Comfm propose une nouvelle forme de navigation, plus intuitive et directe, et donne un accès instantané à des milliers de medias dans le monde entier : son Tuner, simple et ergonomique, vous offre tout à la fois une sélection des radios par thématiques et par zones géographiques. Notre équipe éditoriale écoute et qualifie l’ensemble des radios présentées, et met en avant pour vous les plus populaires – résultats des mesures d’audience locale-, les plus étonnantes, les plus innovantes. Le site est conçu de façon à naviguer sur les pages éditoriales sans interrompre le flux audiovisuel : COMFM se veut l’alliance des meilleures technologies et de la communication. Une nouvelle ligne éditoriale La disponibilité des radios sur Internet est sans limite : alors comment choisir sa radio? Et bien il faut en savoir davantage : connaitre son positionnement, son univers, sa cible… Ce sera la ligne directrice que nous suivrons au travers du Mag de COMFM. Chaque semaine, l’équipe éditoriale ira à la rencontre d’une radio, afin de mieux comprendre l’essence de son projet, ses motivations et son positionnement radiophonique. Au programme: culture, information, diversité mélodique, évènements, organismes et associations culturels, personnalités et témoignage… Le MAG En partenariat avec chaque radio, Comfm proposera son regard sur les équipes passionnées du monde de la radio et partagera avec vous ses rencontres et ses interviews avec une
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Travelocity: BEST FARE FINDER.  lower prices on airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, vacation packages and cruises that can't be found anywhere else.
Gazette Haiti est un journal en ligne conçu pour vous informer, former et éduquer. Cet organe de presse se veut un espcace d'informations crédibles. L'objectivite dans la transmission de l'information est notre boussole.
Gazette Haiti est un journal en ligne conçu pour vous informer, former et éduquer. Cet organe de presse se veut un espcace d'informations crédibles. L'objectivite dans la transmission de l'information est notre boussole.
Live Radio Caraibe FM. En direct, d'HAITI. Le dernier journal, Ramasse.  Portal d'une des plus anciennes radio station d'Haiti. Internet Portal out of Haiti with Live Audio feed from Port-au-Prince. 24 hour news from Haiti
RADIO VISION 2000, Port-au-Prince, Haïti99.3 FM STEREO184, Avenue Jhon BrownINFORMATIONS
Online Counter
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RADIO HAITI AMERIQUE INTERNATIONAL RADIO MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00AM - 10:00AM & 4:00PM - 6:00PM SATURDAY 6:00AM - 8:00AM & 3:00PM - 6:00PM SUNDAY 6:00AM - 12:00PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7:00AM – 10:00AM & 4:00PM – 6:00PM  SATURDAY 6:00AM – 8:00AM & 3:00PM – 6:00PM  SUNDAY 6:00AM – 12:00PM