L'Adieu by Guillaume Apollinaire - Famous poems, famous poets. - All Poetry


J'ai cueilli ce brin de bruyère
L'automne est morte souviens-t'en
Nous ne nous verrons plus sur terre
Odeur du temps Brin de bruyère
Et souviens-toi que je t'attends

The Farewell
I’ve gathered this sprig of heather
Autumn is dead you will remember
On earth we’ll see no more of each other
Fragrance of time sprig of heather
Remember I wait for you forever

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Analysis (ai): "L'Adieu" by Apollinaire is a haunting poem of loss and remembrance. The speaker gathers a sprig of heather, a symbol of the dead autumn season and fading love. The repetition of "souviens-t'en" ("remember") emphasizes the speaker's desire to preserve the memory of his lost love.

Compared to Apollinaire's other works, this poem exhibits his characteristic fragmentation and use of everyday objects as symbols. The simple, concise language and brevity are typical of his later style.

The poem reflects the disillusionment and existential angst that characterized the post-World War I era. The speaker's sense of loss and longing for a past that can never be regained echoes the collective trauma and uncertainty of the time.
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0   Translated by A.S.Kline


Browse all Famous poems > By Guillaume Apollinaire
Translated by A.S.Kline
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