Guiding Light From Doors - Time To See The Light! - DoorsGaming
the guiding light from doors

Wondering why you keep seeing a Guiding Light from Doors during your gameplay? Fear not for everything will be illuminated below!

What Is Guiding Light?

how to find guiding light from doors

Guiding Light is a friendly entity within the Hotel that provides guidance and helpful hints to players. The main way it does this is by lighting up certain areas such as doors using a blue light. It also provides tips for players who have died during gameplay.

What Does Guiding Light Look Like?

Guiding Light is simply a blue aura. Some particles can be seen more clearly than others. Guiding Light does not have a physical body and is designed to represent a presence as opposed to an identifiable creature.

How Much Damage Does Guiding Light Do?

guiding light from doors roblox

Guiding Light does not damage or harm the player in any way. Its purpose is to provide helpful guidance on how to avoid dying and also to illuminate the correct way to go whilst navigating in the Hotel.

Where Can You Find Guiding Light?

There is no need to find Guiding Light, it will always be there waiting to assist the player. Whilst its presence can not be seen, it will light up the correct path to take without instruction from the player. It also provides regular tips to fallen players who have died during gameplay.

doors roblox guiding light

Guiding Light has many helpful features, the main one being lighting up doors after 20 seconds to 1 minute of being in a dark room. Another Guiding Light task to be thankful for is highlighting important objects such as breaker switches, Room Keys, Solution Paper, and Library Books.

If you are having trouble with Seek’s chase sequences then look out for Guiding Light! It will light up the areas that players need to crouch and the doors they need to open. Lastly, if you die in a dark room, don’t fear! Guiding Light will light up your dropped items making them easier to retrieve.

Facts About Guiding Light In Doors Roblox

  • Guiding Light comes to the rescue during the Paintings Puzzle Room. It makes it easier for the player by showing the frames of each painting.
  • Guiding Light has a counterpart in the Rooms called Curious Light.