greedy - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

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On top of that, the
[...] insatiable and greedy foreign pharmaceutical [...]
corporations are consuming more than half of my country's health budget.
Para colmo, las
[...] insaciables y ambiciosas multinacionales [...]
farmac�uticas extranjeras est�n consumiendo m�s de la mitad del
presupuesto de sanidad de mi pa�s.
As for those corrupt and greedy despots, accounts of who provided [...]
their guns, trained gunmen and secret banking services
sooner or later come to the surface.
En cuanto a esos d�spotas corruptos y codiciosos, tarde o temprano [...]
se acaba sabiendo qui�n les proporcion� armas, pistoleros
entrenados y servicios bancarios secretos.
Poverty, therefore, is a disease inflicted upon innocent
[...] populations by evil dictators, greedy and corrupt politicians.
La pobreza, por consiguiente, es un mal impuesto a la poblaci�n inocente
[...] por dictadores viles y por pol�ticos ambiciosos y corruptos.
The crisis has confirmed what we already knew: that the small world of finance
[...] is pathologically greedy and selfish.
La crisis confirma lo que ya sab�amos: que todo ese peque�o mundo de
[...] las c tiene una avidez y un ego�smo patol�gicos.
Show us that we do not have leaders who do things for the money, for fame, or to satisfy some greedy cravings.
Demostradnos que no tenemos l�deres que obran por dinero, por fama, o para satisfacer alg�n antojo rapaz.
They have to start recognizing their mistakes and failures and to
tacckle the real root of climate
[...] change: the corporate-based, greedy model of development and its [...]
spreading all over the world.
Deben comenzar por reconocer sus errores y sus fracasos y enfrentar
la verdadera ra�z del cambio
[...] clim�tico: el modelo de desarrollo voraz basado en las empresas [...]
transnacionales y su expansi�n en todo el mundo.
They are exploited in order to satisfy the selfish appetites of a handful of irresponsible
politicians who lust for power and are sometimes in the pay
[...] of multinationals greedy for sordid and disgraceful [...]
Se los explota para satisfacer los apetitos ego�stas de un pu�ado de pol�ticos
irresponsables, sedientos de poder, y en ocasiones a sueldo
[...] de multinacionales �vidas de ganancias s�rdidas [...]
y deshonestas.
Finally, this experience ruined my trust in pious or theological concepts that try to ignore or resist the interrogation of all
the victims, whether they are prey to the armaments industry, a cruel
[...] economic system, or simply greedy profit- hunters.
Por �ltimo, esa experiencia destruy� mi confianza en conceptos piadosos o teol�gicos que no se dejan herir ni cuestionar por las v�ctimas, sean �stas
las de la industria armament�stica, las de un sistema econ�mico cruel, o
[...] simplemente las de �vidos intereses de ganancias.
He or she is greedy, cunning, and seemingly [...]
successful, and you really hope that, by the end of the book the person gets justice.
Ella o �l es avaro, astuto y aparentemente [...]
exitoso, y usted realmente espera que, al final del libro, la persona reciba justicia.
Greedy, despotic or disobedient [...]
leaders have only themselves to blame for underdevelopment and illegitimate governance.
Los l�deres codiciosos, desp�ticos [...]
o desobedientes s�lo pueden culparse a s� mismos por el subdesarrollo y la gobernanza ileg�tima.
Her life changes when she meets a dazzling and very capitalistic man who fans her hopes but is on a greedy personal mission.
Su vida cambia cuando conoce Jorge, un joven capitalista con un objetivo m�s� ambicioso que tomar fotos para un libro.
Because of our
[...] materialistic and greedy lifestyle we have [...]
become very possessive.
Dado nuestro estilo de vida
[...] materialista y ambicioso, hemos llegado [...]
a ser muy posesivos.
He gave the greedy all permission in the name [...]
of the Church.
El le dio a los codiciosos todo el poder en [...]
el nombre de la Iglesia.
Today many people understand that love belongs to the
[...] category of lust-a greedy, self-centered, [...]
and abusive disposition.
Hoy en d�a muchas personas entienden que el amor pertenece a la
[...] categor�a de lujuria-una inclinaci�n concupiscente, [...]
ego�sta y abusiva.
It is unlikely that its most greedy MPs and ministers [...]
will be able to retain their posts next year when they seek the support of vengeful voters.
Es improbable que sus codiciosos parlamentarios [...]
y ministros vayan a mantener sus cargos durante el pr�ximo a�o si buscan
el apoyo de electores con sed de venganza.
But she knew, once it visited a
[...] family, it became greedy and was never [...]
satisfied with just one death.
Pero ella sab�a que cuando la enfermedad visitaba a una
[...] familia, se tornaba ambiciosa y no se contentaba [...]
s�lo con una muerte.
They may be greedy and ruthless, but [...]
they are not stupid.
Podr�n ser codiciosos y despiadados, [...]
pero no son est�pidos.
I have seen individuals who, during the struggle against apartheid, were selfless, dedicated to the collective good and
modest, but who, once benefiting from
[...] development, have become greedy, selfish and displaying [...]
the most grotesque values associated with wealth accumulation.
He conocido a personas que durante la lucha contra el apartheid fueron desinteresadas, consagradas al bien colectivo y modestas pero que,
tras conocer los beneficios del
[...] desarrollo, son ahora codiciosos y ego�stas, y exhiben [...]
los m�s grotescos valores que conlleva la acumulaci�n de riqueza.
Shareholders own companies, not management - yet
far too frequently their rights have been
[...] trampled on by shoddy, greedy and occasionally fraudulent [...]
corporate behaviour.
Aunque las empresas pertenecen a sus accionistas, y no a sus dirigentes, sucede con demasiada
frecuencia que los equipos dirigentes lesionan sus derechos con
[...] comportamientos inadecuados, codiciosos o incluso fraudulentos.
Rid of these greedy rulers who attended [...]
the Copenhagen summit and who advocate a world where the rich can protect their right to pollute.
Sin codiciosas cumbres de Copenhague [...]
donde la gente m�s rica del mundo garantiza su derecho a contaminar.
I have known people to eat themselves sick
[...] because, they are greedy.
Yo he conocido personas que comen hasta enfermarse
[...] porque, est�n tan �vidos.
The aroma is very intense, with a heavy
[...] citrus fruit and greedy that they do.
El aroma es muy intenso, con una gran carga frutal y
[...] de c�tricos que lo hacen goloso .
To avoid the too greedy halogenous lamps in energy [...]
(from 25 to 50 times more than the lamps low consumption).
Evitar las l�mparas
[...] hal�genas demasiado codiciosas en energ�a (25 a 50 [...]
veces m�s que las l�mparas bajo consumo).
Many viewed the
[...] dieting industry as "greedy," "a scam," and "a [...]
rip-off," Thomas said.
Muchos consideraban que el sector de
[...] las dietas era "codicioso", un "enga�o" y [...]
un "timo", se�al� Thomas.
Imagine what greedy people will face [...]
when they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of glory!
Imagine lo que las personas avaras enfrentar�n [...]
cuando vean al Hijo del hombre viniendo en las nubes de gloria!
In reviewing the day, you may discover that you
[...] were angry, jealous, or greedy.
Al repasar tu d�a, puedes descubrir que estuviste enojado o
[...] que fuiste celoso o codicioso.
A greedy nobleman, a man of intrigue, [...]
named Otto Pack came to Philip, the Landgrave of Hesse, and important political protector of the Reformation.
Un noble avaro, un hombre de intriga, [...]
llamado Otto Pack se present� ante Felipe, el Landgrave de Hesse, un importante protector de la Reforma.
This was how a new coalition
[...] was constructed; greedy, unstable, with [...]
the Left and Right cohabiting.
As� fue como se conform� este
[...] nuevo frente, gelatinoso, inestable, en [...]
el que conviven derecha e izquierda.
The astral body has its desires, dozens of them; it wants you to be angry, to say sharp words, to feel jealous, to be greedy for money, to envy other people their possessions, to yield yourself to depression. All these things it wants, and many more, not because it wishes to harm you, but because it likes violent vibrations and likes to change them [...]
El Cuerpo Astral tiene sus deseos, por docenas; desea que cedas al enojo, a las palabras ofensivas, a los celos, a la codicia, a la envidia por las posesiones de otros, a la depresi�n, etc. Todas estas cosas desea tu cuerpo astral no porque quiera hacerte da�o, sino porque le agradan las vibraciones violentas y le gusta cambiarlas continuamente.
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