Other Remasters:

Here is the full collection of remastered coils! The test place has also been updated to include the new ones.

It’s been a while since my last remaster, so here’s my third entry to the series: the gravity coil!

On the surface, the gravity coil is seemingly the least in need of a remake, since it one of the few gears that still work as intended. However, after reviewing the inner workings, I think it could really use a code overhaul and a visual update.

Free Model:

Get the free model here. If you plan on using this, credit would be appreciated but not required.

Test Place:




Aside from the visual differences, the remaster works almost exactly the same as the original. It cancels 75% of gravity’s effect on your avatar, causing you to jump higher and fall slower.

The only notable difference in functionality is the location in which the force is applied. In the original, the BodyForce is parented to the HumanoidRootPart. However, this requires a lot of extra code in order to remove it in case of unequipping and death. I opted to place the BodyForce in the Handle instead to eliminate the need for this. This change is only apparent if you detach the Handle from your body somehow, which causes the anti-gravity effect to be lost.

Avatar Support:

The gravity coil tends to look awkward on the newer rigs, especially Rthro. To solve this, the remaster uses a SpringConstraint, which is able to resize and position itself in order to fit onto just about any rig, regardless of scale or body type.

Keep in mind that since it uses the arm’s bounding box to determine the coil radius, it might not work very well on avatars with large forearm extensions, like cuffs or spikes.


There is a GravityPercent attribute in the tool properties, which represents how much the humanoid is affected by gravity when they equip the coil. Try anything between 0 and 1 for best results.

You’re welcome to go in the script as well and change things as you wish. If you have any questions about what something does, feel free to ask!


Since I’ve made a fair number of remasters at this point, I have some things to say regarding the future of the series.

I don’t intend to make remasters for all the gears, since that would be almost impossible given how many there are. It wouldn’t be worth the effort either with the current state of Roblox, since the usage of gears and free models as a whole is becoming less acceptable in new games. My goal is to instead expand upon what made gears special and hopefully keep them alive in some form.

As Roblox pushes for more diversity in avatars, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain complete support for all of them. The gravity coil remaster alone took an entire day to make, but it would’ve been significantly faster without considering avatar support. Going forward, I might consider dropping support in favor of making higher-quality remasters.


I will try this later and can you make a Remastered Version of the Speed Coil and Fusion Coil? (Gravity Coil + Speed Coil = Fusion Coil) I will be patient and take your time, thank you so much for creating this, stay safe and have a great day.


Sure, I’d be happy to! I was actually planning on making those but had to scrap it since I was out of time. I’ll update the post to include them once I’m done.

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Please don’t stop making these remasters. I loved Roblox back in the day when gears were prime!

Hey @xuN8, I noticed that you updated the Gravity Coil Model and turned it into a pack that has four coils in one, including the fusion coil I suggested and I’m happy about it, Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

Hi @xuN8, It’s been ten months since anyone has posted on this topic, but I have a suggestion, and it’s changing this code line (line number 51 in Fusion Coil’s CoilScript) from this…

tool.GripPos = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)

…to this.

tool.GripPos = Vector3.zero

Vector3.zero’s faster than Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) according to this post

Just a suggestion, and it’s up to you if you like to add this or not to all of the remastered gears that might be using Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), alright have a good day.