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This wikiHow teaches you how to switch to the Street View mode and see photos of a selected location on Google Maps, using Android.

  1. The Maps app looks like a red location pin on a tiny map icon. You can find it on your Apps menu.
  2. This button looks like a gray location pin at the bottom of your screen.
  3. You can tap your screen and drag the map, or pinch in and pinch with two fingers to zoom in and zoom out.
    • Alternatively, you can use the search bar to find a location or coordinate. It reads "Search here" at the top of your screen.
  4. This will drop a red pin on the selected location. You will see a preview of this location's Street View image in the lower-left corner of your map.
  5. A preview image shows up in the lower-left corner when you drop a location pin. Tapping it will switch you to the Street View in full-screen.
  6. Street View offers a 360-degree view of your selected location.
  7. You can travel and walk around in Street View. If a road or street is marked with a blue line on the ground, swiping on the blue line will allow you to walk down the street.
  8. Advertisement

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  • Question
    How can I download it?
    Nithik R
    Nithik R
    Community Answer
    Go to Google Play Store, which comes pre-installed in Android and search for the name of the app. Click on the required app from the list and click on "Install." Make sure to have sufficient space on your device.
  • Question
    When I try to open street view the screen gets all black?
    Nithik R
    Nithik R
    Community Answer
    It may be a bug in the software, or some temporary server issue, or the fault of your device itself. Make sure your device is updated. The software needs to be up-to-date also make sure to have a good internet connection. If it still doesn't work, try reinstalling the app. If you still can't fix it, report it to Google.
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Updated: January 27, 2023
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