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Google keeps its main search page fresh with fun doodles that change every couple of days. Occasionally, the doodle is an actual game that you can play. All of these games are archived and can be played after their time on the homepage has passed.

These simple, web-based games are perfect for passing the time without needing to download anything. We've compiled 10 of our favorites for you to check out. Enjoy!

How to Play: Follow the link to go to the doodle game. Once you're there, click or tap the play button to start the game.

#1: Baseball

doodle baseball

There have been several sports-based doodle games, but the one we spent the most time on was Baseball from the 2019 4th of July.

#2: Pac-Man

google pac-man

Everyone knows Pac-Man. It's a classic for a reason. The Doodle version is just as fun as always.