Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - Gilgamesh Guide - PlayStation 4 - By sephirosuy - GameFAQs
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Gilgamesh Guide (PS2) by sephirosuy

Version: Gilgamesh | Updated: 04/07/2007

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 - Final Fantasy XII
 - Gilgamesh Guide
 - done by Seph / sephirosuy

 - 03/17/07

 - Updates:
    - 03/12/07 - Covered all basic stuffs
    - 03/17/07 - Events Scripts, Gilgamesh's Weapons updated.
    - 04/07/07 - Events Scripts, Transcription updated.

  << MENU >>                                    Final Fantasy XII - sephirosuy

   1. About & Basic

   2. Battle Information

   3. Gilgamesh's Weapons

   4. Remaining Quest

   5. Events Script

   6. Transcription

   7. Contact & Credits

  1. About & Basic

 << Introduction >>

In the Final Fantasy series, Gilgamesh is a quite mysterious character and
he appears as different status NPC in the series. Gilgamesh can be found in
a few of the Final Fantasy series, which are listed here:

 - Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
 - Final Fantasy V
 - Final Fantasy VI Advance
 - Final Fantasy VIII
 - Final Fantasy IX
 - Final Fantasy XI
 - Final Fantasy XII

This guide is about Gilgamesh's appearance and his battle in Final Fantasy XII,
nothing related with the other Final Fantasy. If you really like to know more
other stuffs of the game, please check the other guides. If you wish to know
more about Gilgamesh, this site has better explainations than me.

As for Gilgamesh in this game, he appears as a optional boss and has bought
some special weapons from other Final Fantasy as well as Dragon Quest, which
is a very interested stuffs that players like to know.


 << Starting >>

To begin the process, player's Clan Rank must get to level 7 known as
Brave Companion, which needs 100,000 Clan Points, had at least 14 Mark/Mob
hunting missions cleared, and story has arrived Port of Balfonheim. Also
clear the Antlion ranked A/V mission so that you do have Site 3 Key and
Site 11 Key in order to finish Gilgamesh second fight.

After taking your rewards of clearing Antlion Mark/Mob mission,
go to Phon Coast and find the Bhujerban in the Gate Crystal section,
you can find the Site 11 Key at the spot as this picture displayed:

IF you have done these steps, back to Rabanastre, find Montblanc in the
Clan Hall to receive the bill named "Ancient Man of Mystery", and talk
to the petitioner, Montblanc to begin the misison.

  2. Battle Information

  - Clash on the Big Bridge ~Final Fantasy XII version~ (2:46)

Battle location:
  - 1st Battle = Lhusu Mines / Tasche Span
  - 2nd Battle = Lhusu Mines / Site 7

  - 1st Battle
      - Gilgamesh = Lv: 45, HP: 123103
      - Enkidu    = Lv: 43, HP: 33052
  - 2nd Battle
      - Gilgamesh = Lv: 70, HP: 473246
      - Enkidu    = Lv: 65, HP: 140162

Steal-able Items (1st Battle):
  - Gilgamesh:
      - 100%~61% HP - Potion, X-Potion, 1000 gil
      -  60%~41% HP - Potion, X-Potion, 2000 gil
      -  40%~21% HP - Genji Shield
      -  20%~1%  HP - Genji Gloves
  - Enkidu:
      - Wolf Pelt, Beastlord Hide, Throat Wolf Blood

Steal-able Items (2nd Battle):
  - Gilgamesh:
      - 100%~61% HP - Hi-Potion, X-Potion, 3000 gil
      -  60%~41% HP - Hi-Potion, X-Potion, 4000 gil
      -  40%~21% HP - Genji Helmet
      -  20%~1%  HP - Genji Armor
  - Enkidu:
      - Wolf Pelt, Beastlord Hide, Hell-Gate's Flame

  3. Gilgamesh's Weapons

 << Weapons >> ----------------------------------------------------------------

 Weapons that Gilgamesh will use in the battle.
 (sort by name)

| Name             |  From which game   *description/changes                  |
| Brotherhood      |  Final Fantasy X      (Tidus' weapon)                    |
|                  |  Final Fantasy X-2    (Yuna's weapon)                    |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *Exactly the same weapon in Final Fantasy X, and        |
|                  |   the one in X-2 comes with Yuna's warrior dressphere.   |
| Buster Sword     |  Final Fantasy VII    (Cloud's weapon)                   |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *The kanji on the sword means "fake";                   |
|                  |   but why he lets you know it was fake?                  |
| Orichalcum       |  Final Fantasy IX     (Zidane's weapon)                  |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *The transformed version of Zidane's Orichalcum;        |
|                  |   but the scabbard is no longer with the weapon.         |
| Revolver         |  Final Fantasy VIII   (Squall's weapon)                  |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *Chocobo image has been attached on the weapon.         |
| Sword of Legend/ |  Dragon Quest I & II  (Erdrick/Loto's weapon)            |
| Wyrmhero Blade   |  Final Fantasy XII     -                                 |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *Looks like better curves were added compare with       |
|                  |   the original weapon in Dragon Quest.                   |
| Tournesol        |  Final Fantasy XII     -                                 |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *The Sunflower, one of the ultimate weapons in the game.|
| Zantetsuken      |  Final Fantasy VII    (Odin's weapon)                    |
|                  |----------------------------------------------------------|
|                  |  *This has been detailized with some spirit's curves     |
|                  |   from the original Zantetsuken, maybe because of the    |
|                  |   old FFs didn't support good quality like this game.    |

 << Short form >> -------------------------------------------------------------

 Here's a short form list that I use to descript
 Gilgamesh's arms in the battle.

  R1 = Gilgamesh's Right arm 1 (front)
  R2 = Gilgamesh's Right arm 2 (back bottom)
  R3 = Gilgamesh's Right arm 3 (back top)

  L1 = Gilgamesh's Left arm 1 (front)
  L2 = Gilgamesh's Left arm 2 (back bottom)
  L3 = Gilgamesh's Left arm 3 (back top)

 << Using Weapons >> ----------------------------------------------------------

Here we go, a very interested part in the game;
a list of Gilgamesh's using weapons.


 << 1st Battle >>

Gilgamesh uses the normal Katana at the beginning, until the his HP down
to 60% to makes his first change.

Event: Gilgamesh takes out Buster Sword (he uses the Revolver as well).

  R1 = Buster Sword           L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Katana                 L2 = Katana
  R3 = Katana                 L3 = Katana

Event: Gilgamesh takes out Orichaclum.

  R1 = Orichalcum             L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Katana                 L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Katana                 L3 = Katana

Event: Gilgamesh takes out Tournesol.

  R1 = Tournesol              L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Orichalcum             L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Katana                 L3 = Katana


 << 2nd Battle >>


  R1 = Brotherhood            L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Orichalcum             L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Katana                 L3 = Tournesol

Event: Gilgamesh takes out Zantetsuken (when 60% HP left).

  R1 = Zantetsuken            L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Orichalcum             L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Brotherhood            L3 = Tournesol

Event: Gilgamesh takes out Tournesol.

  R1 = Tournesol              L1 = Revolver
  R2 = Orichalcum             L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Brotherhood            L3 = Zantetsuken

Event: Gilgamesh raises the Sword of Legend.
Note : Gilgamesh says it "Blade of Legend".
       Tournesol has disappeared during the scene.

  R1 = Tournesol              L1 = Sword of Legend
  R2 = Orichalcum             L2 = Buster Sword
  R3 = Brotherhood            L3 = Zantetsuken

Event: Victory post.

 The sword left was the Sword of Legend, named Loto's Sword in the
 Dragon Quest series; name of Japanese version was "To Ro no Ken",
 it should be "Tolo Sword"; suprisingly this weapon has been renamed
 as "Wyrmhero Blade" for the US version.

  4. Remaining Quest

After defeating Gilgamesh and Enkidu, you can obtain five coloured bottles
through the Fishing Mini-game. Find five letters according to the hintd in
the bottles. To start the Fishing Mini-game, you must first clear the first
part of Barheim Key quest. You can have a look on my FAQ by the link below,
and check "Back To Barheim Passage" section.


Something like a puzzle, if you like to solve this quest by yourself, skip
this paragraph. Four of them are the locations displayed in the links below,
the remaining letter is located in Cerobi Steppe. Ensure No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9
windmaills are on and 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 windmills are off in order to get the

Here are the other four letters' location:

With all five letters obtained, find Gilgamesh and Enkidu in Barheim Passage
to get the demon rod, Matamune; assuming you have gotten the Barheim Key.
The locations is here:

Finally back to Fishing Mini-game and keep fishing. You will eventually
unlocked all fishing spot and obtain Lu Shang's Badge, which is one of
the three loots to trade with the Sword of Legend, Wyrmhero Blade.

  5. Events Script

 1st Battle

 << Gilgamesh arrives >>

 Now we fight!

 << Gilgamesh left 80% HP >>

~Fools! You face the mightiest swordsman in all Ivalice!
~You face ME! GILGAMESH!
~Long have I sought the blade of legend... Scoured the furthest marches,
 East and West!
~And now my search brings me here! TO YOU!
~Your weapons are forfeit to me!

(if Enkidu has not been KO'd yet)
~Fly, Enkidu! Fly, my faithful companion! I said fly!

 << First Change >>

~Hmph. I've fought worse!

 << Second Change >>

~Hmph. I've fought worse!

 << Third Change >>

~Hmph. I've fought worse!

 2nd Battle

 << Battle Begins >>

~Ha ha ha! How long I've waited!
~Gilgamesh fights again!

 << Gilgamesh left 80% HP >>

~That was merely a test of your strength, mortals! A prelude, if you will!
~The real contest begins now!
~I,e., your weapons are as good as mine!

(if Enkidu has not been KO'd yet)
~Fly, Enkidu! With victory come juicy bones for the gnawing!

 << Third Change >>

~Quake, mortals! You face the blade of legend!

 << Battle ended, examining the sword >>

"It appears to be an ordinary sword of legend"

 3rd Encounter

 (Read "4. Remaining Quest" for details)

EVENT - Overview of a small part in Barheim Passage

??? : Muwahahahaha!!!

EVENT - Gilgamesh and Enkidu appear

Gilgamesh: ~Too long has it been, my friends!
            It is I, Gilgamesh!!!
           ~Ah, but do not worry! I am not here to spill
            your blood today!
           ~I came here on a rumor that I might find a treasure
            of legend sleeping in these tunnels.
           ~Alas! There was no treasure. A useless stick
            I found, and nothing more! A waste of precious
           ~It bears no hint of semblance with the sword of
            legend I seek. Yours for the taking, should such
            rubbish appeal to you!

EVENT - You obtain a Matamune!

Gilgamesh: ~Come, Enkidu!
Enkidu   : ~Arrroooooo!

EVENT - Gilgamesh and Enkidu go away.

  6. Transcription

 << Bestiary Transcription >> -------------------------------------------------

 | 252. Gilgamesh                               |
 | Description                                  |
 |  An ancient Man of Mystery, traveling the    |
 |  Dimensions with his lone Companion, Enkidu, |
 |  in search of a legendary Sword. It is said  |
 |  he confronts all Adventurers he meets and   |
 |  challenges them for their Weapons. Each of  |
 |  his six Arms bears a Weapon of great Fame,  |
 |  yet there is no Evidence that any are the   |
 |  genuine Article.                            |
 |  Petitioned as a Mark by a Swordsman bereft  |
 |  of his beloved Blade.                       |
 |          GENUS: Elite Mark                   |
 | CLASSIFICATION: ???                          |

 | 253. Enkidu                                  |
 | Description                                  |
 |  Being the one faithful Companion of         |
 |  the legendary Gilgamesh. Chosen for his     |
 |  passing Agility and Fangs sharp enough      |
 |  to pierce solid Rock, he views Gilgamesh    |
 |  as both Partner and worthy Rival in all     |
 |  things.                                     |
 |          GENUS: ???                          |
 | CLASSIFICATION: ???                          |

 << Mark Transcription >> -----------------------------------------------------

A petition has been submitted for the hunting
of the Ancient Man of Mystery (Rank VII).
The petitioner is Montblanc in the clan hall in Rabanastre.
Hunt accepted. Montblanc tells you that an individual has wagered
his sword in combat with the Ancient Man of Mystery and lost.
This mysterious adversary is to be found on a bridge somewhere
in the Lhusu Mines.
Gave chase to Gilgamesh, yet he escaped.
You must find out where he hides and confront him once again!
Gilgamesh defeated in the depths of the Lhusu Mines!
Report to Montblanc in the clan hall.
Hunt reported. But just who was Gilgamesh,
and why did he yearn so for a sword?
No wonder they call him the Ancient Man of Mystery!

 << Sky Pirate's Den Transcription >> -----------------------------------------

Awarded for defeating Gilgamesh,
earning you the title of Master Swordsman.

+++ END +++

 << Contact & Credtis >>                        FINAL FANTASY XII - sephirosuy

Sephirosuy / Seph,

To read all my contributions on GameFAQs, please visit the URL below.


- GameFAQs
- Square-Enix
- Wikipedia
- Nathan
- Carl Aylward
- Damatman
- Everone discuss with me about the games.

 COPYRIGHT (C) 2007 by sephirosuy
 All Right Reserved

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