Gideon's Trumpet Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Gideon's Trumpet Questions

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When were Gideons rights first violated
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When were Gideons rights first violated
Aug. 4, 1961
Why didnt Gideon have a lawyer at his first trial
He'd didn't have enough money
Why couldn't he get help from the state to get a lawyer
It wasn't a capital offense
What was the judges attitude towards Gideon
Why was the sentence that the judge gave Gideon so harsh
Gideon thought it would be 6 months to 1 year but it was 5 years
Why does Gideon elm the other prisoners that he does not know how long he is in for
He might that he is leaving sooner so he doesn't want to say anything
Also he thinks his rights were violated
What amendment
14th amendment- right to an attorney
Why are the other inmates so interested in what Gideon is doing
They want him to help them get out of jail
What is the name of the case that would have to overturn in order to help Gideon
Betts v Brady
Why do the justices want to hear the case
They wanted to change the law
What is the name of the lawyer that was appointed to him in his case to the Supreme Court
Abe Fortas- 1946 Supreme Court justice who was best in the US
What does Gideon's lawyer want to tell the court
He wants to tell the court everyone needs a lawyer
Let's go watch one of the poor guys defend themselves
What were the basics of the argument that Gideon's lawyer uses in front of the court
No matter how intelligent- a man can not have a fair trial w/o counsel- denied your right to a fair trial without a lawyer or council
Why are the sides uneven when the case reaches the Supreme Court
It's uneven because fortis is an amazing lawyer and the lawyer for the state of Florida was young and didn't know what he was in for
What is the basic argument that that state of Florida made to the Supreme Court
Gideon had a fair trial
Gideon was educated and had experience and did better then most lawyers
A lawyer should not be provided unless they are certain circumstances