get a cold feet - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

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In ECOFIN, the finance ministers have once again got cold feet.
En el Consejo Ecofin, los ministros de econom�a se han acobardado de nuevo.
Equally, it is very clear that the US
[...] Government is getting cold feet on the Kyoto [...]
Asimismo, est� muy claro que el Gobierno de los
[...] EE.UU. est� ech�ndose atr�s sobre el Acuerdo [...]
de Kyoto.
When some of the Strasbourg scandal
[...] participants started to get cold feet and suggested [...]
toning things down, Mustapha Khayati (the
SI delegate who was the main author of the Student Poverty pamphlet) pointed out that the safest course would not be to avoid offending the authorities too much - as if they would be grateful for being only moderately and hesitantly insulted!
Cuando algunos de los participantes en el esc�ndalo de Estrasburgo
[...] empezaron a tener miedo y sugirieron moderar [...]
las cosas, Mustapha Khayati (el delegado
de la IS que fue el principal autor del panfleto Sobre la miseria en el medio estudiantil) indic� que el curso m�s seguro no deber�a ser evitar ofender demasiado a las autoridades - �como si hubieran de agradecerles que les insultasen s�lo moderada e indecisamente!
A little later both
[...] UNODC and the British got cold feet and by the end of 2000, [...]
most of the U.S. government entities involved
in eradication were also opposed.
Poco tiempo despu�s, tanto UNODC como
[...] los brit�nicos expresaron sus temores y a finales de [...]
2000, la mayor�a de los organismos
del gobierno de EU involucrados en la erradicaci�n tambi�n comenzaron a mostrar su oposici�n abiertamente.
No one knows. Because Commissioner Olli Rehn and his boss
[...] Jos� Manuel Barroso have got cold feet.
No se sabe, pues al comisario Olli Rehn y a su jefe, Jos� Manuel
[...] Barroso, les ha empezado a entrar miedo.
Poor Frida thinks Don Lu got cold feet and jilted her, and now she's gone loco!
La pobre Frida cree que Don Lu se lo ha pensado mejor y la ha dejado plantada? �y se ha vuelto loca!
If someone actually managed to tilt it... We
[...] sincerely hope they got wet and cold feet!
Si algui�n ha conseguido tumbarla... sinceramente �esperamos que
[...] hayan acabado teniendo los pies fr�os!
One of the problems with protective footwear is humidity buildup, which causes bacterial reproduction and discomfort as feet get too hot or too cold.
Una de las exigencias del calzado para mantener el confort fisiol�gico es expulsar la humedad del sudor, que provoca diversos problemas (enfriamiento o calo excesivo, proliferaci�n bacteriana).
Legs - and
[...] therefore the feet as well - get cold quickly, yet [...]
they account for more than 30 % of the surface of the body.
Las piernas - y
[...] por lo tanto tambi�n los pies - se enfr�an m�s r�pidamente [...]
que el resto del cuerpo, entre otras razones
porque su superficie es m�s de 30 % de la superficie total del cuerpo.
Wear socks if your feet get cold at night.
Use medias por la noche si siente fr�o.
Let us, together with the missionaries, also cultivate this spirit of solidarity in
favour of the people of this nation; we
[...] will help them get back on their feet and regain their [...]
hope for a dignified life!
Cultivemos tambi�n nosotros, junto a los misioneros, el
esp�ritu de solidaridad en favor de este
[...] pueblo; lo ayudaremos a levantarse y a reconquistar la [...]
esperanza de una vida digna!
The best music is hit songs that get into your head and get your feet tapping.
Y preferiblemente con hits, que se peguen f�cilmente y que hagan mover el esqueleto.
We therefore look to our friends in the international community to help us get back on our feet.
Por ello, esperamos que nuestros amigos de la comunidad internacional nos ayuden para que podamos volver a valernos por nosotros mismos.
For a long time in Spanish politics we have been lacking that sense of the common good without which a country cannot get back on its feet.
Ya hace tiempo que en la pol�tica espa�ola se echa de menos aquel sentido del bien com�n sin el cual los pa�ses no salen adelante.
Don't let your feet get too hot or too cold.
No deje que sus pies se calienten o enfr�en demasiado.
If you get a cold, drink lots of [...]
fluids and use a decongestant (either pills or nasal spray).
Si se resfr�a, beba gran cantidad [...]
de l�quido y utilice un descongestivo (ya sea en comprimidos o un aerosol nasal).
Keep in mind that during the
[...] winter season it can get cold for a few days and [...]
the summer is long and quite hot.
Tenga en cuenta que en invierno
[...] puede haber d�as de fr�o intenso y que el verano [...]
es prolongado y bastante caluroso.
that we warm up
[...] immediately and get cold right away.
que nos calentamos
[...] al instante y enseguida nos enfriamos.
If they get cold, the rest of the body will also [...]
feel cold that much faster.
Si las piernas y los
[...] pies se enfr�an, la sensaci�n de fr�o se transmite [...]
r�pidamente al resto del cuerpo.
Cold feet are a thing of the past with the [...]
Con el SUELO TERMO los pies fr�os son cosa del pasado.
The challenge for the remaining refugees in those countries was to get back on their feet in a sustainable way, after more than a decade living in makeshift accommodation.
La dificultad para los refugiados que a�n se encuentran en esos pa�ses consiste en establecerse de manera duradera despu�s de m�s de una d�cada pasada en instalaciones improvisadas.
The organization is 20 years old and
[...] helps patients get back on their feet as productive [...]
members of the community after an
incredibly challenging time in their lives.
La organizaci�n tiene 20 a�os y ayuda
[...] a los pacientes a reinsertarse como miembros productivos [...]
de la comunidad despu�s de
atravesar una situaci�n extremadamente dif�cil.
I get discouraged when the country seems to turn its back on programs
[...] to help people get on their feet.
Me siento desalentado cuando el pa�s parece darle la espalda a los programas que
[...] ayudan a las personas a avanzar.
As a global community, we must provide the region's young people with the tools they need to reach their
full potential, and we must help
[...] its communities get back on their feet and overcome [...]
the stigma that hangs over the area.
Los integrantes de la comunidad mundial debemos brindar a los j�venes de las localidades afectadas los elementos que necesitan para
lograr un desarrollo pleno, y debemos ayudar a
[...] esas comunidades a recuperarse y superar el estigma [...]
que pesa sobre la regi�n.
While this costs insurers money, in the long run it is cheaper for
[...] them to help their clients get back on their feet quickly.
Si bien esto cuesta dinero a las
aseguradoras, en el largo plazo resulta m�s barato para ellas
[...] ayudar a sus clientes a volver a ponerse de pie r�pidamente.
Track 15 wil make you dance,
[...] have no doubt, your feet will get in motion without [...]
prior consultation with your brain.
La 15 te hace
[...] bailar, no lo dudes, tus pies se pondr�n en movimiento [...]
sin consultar con tu cerebro.
From his editing room in Oslo, where he is working on a new TV series for Nordisk Film, Alexander Eik spoke to Cineuropa about his upcoming trip to the
Karlovy Vary Film Festival, where he will present his second
[...] feature film, Cold Feet, also produced [...]
by the Nordic studio.
Desde su sala de montaje en Oslo, donde trabaja en una nueva serie de televisi�n para Nordisk Film, Alexander Eik ha hablado con Cineuropa de su inminente
viaje al Festival de Cine de Karlovy Vary donde presentar� su
[...] segunda pel�cula, Cold Feet, tambi�n producida [...]
por Nordik.
Cold feet
Pies fr�os
After The Woman of My Life, I still wanted to make another
[...] comedy, although Cold Feet is darker, probably [...]
more "courageous" in its commercial approach.
Despu�s de The Woman of My Life, quer�a volver a hacer una
[...] comedia, aunque Cold Feet es, probablemente, [...]
m�s valiente en su enfoque comercial.
Once you get this virus it
[...] stays in your body, meaning you'll probably get cold sores every now and then throughout your life.
Una vez que contraes este virus, permanece en tu organismo, lo que significa que te saldr�n �lceras en [...]
los labios de vez e cuando a lo largo de toda tu vida.
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