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Gerson Boom



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First Appearance Hometown (Gravestone)
Appearance In Undertale Waterfall

Gerson Boom, known only as Gerson in Undertale, was a lauded historian, author, and teacher in Hometown. He is the father of Father Alvin, who once drew a picture of him that can be found in the School's unused classroom. A tentacled monster in QC's Diner recalls frequently bringing leftover crepes to Gerson after skipping her first hour of class with him, crediting the offering for her not having to repeat the year. According to his son, Alphys took over his position at the school after he passed away.

Gerson wrote an award-winning fiction series, of which "Lord of the Hammer," available at the Library, was the first book. His "History of Humans and Monsters" is in a bookshelf at Toriel's house.

He is buried in the Hometown Cemetery to the left of Crystal's grave. His tombstone is blocky and marked with a hammer. On the "Gerson Boom Memorial Bench" next to the fenced-off area of the cemetery, he is quoted as saying some of his best ideas came from dreams and advises the reader to sit and take a rest: "If anyone asks -- you're writing!"



•The title Lord of the Hammer, as well as Father Alvin’s mention of the fact that he originally started writing fictional stories to entertain his children, indicates that Gerson is likely based on Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien.

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