Online German Keyboard to type Alphabets, Letters and Symbols

Online German Keyboard to type Alphabets, Letters and Symbols

How to type with this Online German Keyboard

Using the online German keyboard above, simply click on the letters, alphabets or symbols to enter them into the text box. After that you can click the Copy button or press Ctrl+C to copy. Or use the Save button to save the typed characters as a text file.

To directly type these alphabets in the above text box with your computer keyboard, obey the following instructions.

  • In the text box above, simply press a# to get ä, o# to get ö, u# to get ü, and s# to get ß

Once you are done typing your desired German letters, either use Ctrl+C to copy or use the copy or save buttons to copy or save the typed characters respectively.


Other ways to type Special Germanletters with Accents on Keyboard

If you don’t want to use the above online SpecialGerman Character Keyboard, follow the link below to read the severalother methods you can also employ to insert or type these letters with accents in your text editors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

More Readings: How to type Special German Letters