Genghis Cohn (Movie, 1993) -
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Genghis Cohn (1993)

Drama | 79 minutes
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Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 79 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Elijah Moshinsky

Starst: Antony Sher, Robert Lindsay and Matthew Marsh

IMDb score: 6,8 (198)

Releasedate: 2 March 1994


Genghis Cohn plot

"Revenge Can Be Hilarious"

German police commissioner Otto Schatz was part of the SS during Hitler's reign. In the late 1950s, he increasingly suffers from a ghost. This turns out to be the ghost of the Jewish Genghis Cohn, who was killed by Schatz fifteen years ago. Cohn turns out to have returned to punish Schatz for his crimes.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Genghis Cohn

Otto Schatz, Commissioner of Police

Herr Kruger

Baroness Frieda von Stangel

Interior Minister

Lieutenant Guth, Schatz's replacement

Dr. Helga Feuchtwanger, Psychiatrist

Sergeant Hubsch

Police Chief

Deputy Mueller

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