Fontpair - Free, beautiful fonts and font pairings curated just for you

Free fonts and font pairings to use for your next design project

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100 Free Fonts You've Never Heard of But Should Download Today

A PDF look book with over 100 pages of free font inspiration, combinations, and recommendations

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Font Combinations

Check out these hand-picked suggestions

DM Serif Display & DM Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Ultra & PT Serif

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

IBM Plex Sans Condensed & IBM Plex Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Work Sans & Merriweather

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Barlow Condensed & Montserrat

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Alegreya (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Karla & Merriweather

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Roboto Condensed & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Nunito Sans (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Libre Baskerville (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Source Serif Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Nunito & PT Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Montserrat & Hind

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Stint Ultra Expanded & Pontano Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Karla & Inconsolata

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & Lato

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Libre Baskerville & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cormorant Garamond & Proza Libre

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Quattrocento & Lora

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Quattrocento & Quattrocento Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Yeseva One & Josefin Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Quicksand (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Abril Fatface & Poppins

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Fjalla One & Cantarell

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Syne & Inter

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Source Sans Pro & Source Serif Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Arvo & Lato

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Roboto & Nunito

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cinzel & Fauna One

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & Alice

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cormorant & Open Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Lora

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Yellowtail & Lato

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Archivo & Tenor Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Open Sans & Average Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Rufina & Average Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Rufina & Oxygen

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Rubik & Roboto Mono

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Poiret One & Montserrat

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Quicksand

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Merriweather (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Montserrat & Open Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Roboto Slab & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Anton & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Montserrat (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Sintony & Poppins

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Fjalla One & Inter

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Teko & Ubuntu

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Josefin Slab & Josefin Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Outfit (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Philosopher & Mulish

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cormorant & Proza Libre

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Mulish & Space Mono

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Alfa Slab One & Gentium Book Basic

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Quattrocento & Fanwood Text

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & Quattrocento

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Old Standard TT & Mulish

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Alegreya & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Archivo Black & Archivo

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cardo & Hind

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Josefin Sans & Open Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Josefin Sans & Inter

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Lora & Merriweather

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Cabin (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Kreon & Ubuntu

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Nunito & Nunito Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Merriweather & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Lora & DM Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Archivo Black & Inter

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Bitter & Raleway

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Montserrat & Source Sans Pro

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Libre Baskerville & Raleway

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Bubblegum Sans & Open Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Poiret One & Lato

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Roboto & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Roboto Mono & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

EB Garamond & Montserrat

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Roboto

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Inter (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Forum & Work Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Tenor Sans & Archivo Narrow

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & Alice

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Poppins & Lora

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Montserrat & Lato

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Six Caps & Inter

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Orelega One & Montserrat

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Della Respira & Open Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Rozha One and Questrial

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Noto Serif & Noto Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Playfair Display & DM Sans

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

DM Serif Display & Red Hat Display

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Oswald & Merriweather

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Epilogue (Bold & Regular)

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

Expletus Sans & Hind

All of this text is editable. Simply click anywhere in the paragraph or heading text and start typing. You can copy and paste your own content in to see what it looks like with these font combinations.

We're type nerds just like you

That means we're constantly saving URLs of beautiful fonts that we come across online. Some of the free ones we find end up here, on Fontpair.

Why free fonts?

We're poor... lol but seriously there are tons of beautiful, open-source fonts out there that are hard to find. We wanted a place to collect our favorites. Also, we're not against paid fonts. Quite the opposite! We hope to feature free and paid fonts on the site in the future once we get through a few technical hurdles.

Here are a few ways to use Fontpair

👯 Finding font recommendations
"FP is a good place to start when I'm looking for typography inspiration. Often, my clients don't have the budget to purchase type subscriptions for premium fonts so free Google Font recommendations are always helpful to scroll through when designing a website."
Sarah Smith
Freelance Web Designer
🌈 Getting Inspired
"I use this tool when I need some creative type inspiration for my social media posts. I manage a few brands on Instagram and being able to see so many free font pairings helps tons!"
Javier Rodrigo
Social Media Manager
🚩 Kicking off a new brand design
"Fontpair helps whenever I need a place to start for a new brand. I scroll through to see which font pairs stand out to me that might work well for the brand vibes I'm trying to explore."
Jessica Bradson
Brand Designer
🎓 Learning typography
"Honestly, I know nothing about typography except that it's important to learn as a new designer. I've started reading the FP blog and it's helped me learn the basics."
Rashawn Thomas
📈 Designing a business deck
"I use it for my pitch decks whenever I'm pitching to new investors I always like to have my design consistent and clean. Google Fonts are free and easy to use so having a tool to give me suggestions of which ones to use is helpful."
Shana Phillips
Startup Founder
Some of our trusted free font resources