Free People Search & People Finder - Find a Person by Name | Whitepages - Whitepages
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How to use Whitepages People Finder:

With Whitepages’ people finder, you can conduct confidential searches by name to quickly find verified phone numbers, home addresses, email addresses, relatives, property records, background reports and more. Whitepages people search engine securely and instantly scans nationwide public records, covering over 250 million U.S. adults to deliver accurate and comprehensive results quickly. Use Whitepages free and premium tools to connect with people outside your contact list, verify identities, confirm residential and commercial mailing addresses and stay connected with customers.

us map with contact icons and text saying search alongside 250000 business users

Why trust Whitepages to find people fast:

Whitepages People Search is the authority for finding contact information, serving more than 30 million individuals and 250,000 businesses each month. Whitepages answers over 2 million search queries a day, providing detailed contact info including cell phone numbers, mailing addresses, emails, property data, and background checks for over 250 million U.S. adults across all 50 states.

Whitepages industry-leading data is compiled from multiple sources including premium data partners and public records. The data is ingested and cleansed to create a proprietary database of the most accurate and up-to-date contact details available. This information is readily accessible both online and through the Whitepages People Search iOS and Android mobile app.

What information does a Whitepages people search provide?

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Person details

  • First, middle and last name
  • Birth name, maiden name and AKA
  • Age
  • Job title and employer
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Contact information

  • Phone numbers
  • Current and past addresses
  • Email addresses
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Relatives & associates

  • Family member names
  • Associate names
  • Phone numbers
  • Current and past addresses
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Background report

  • Criminal and traffic records
  • Property records
  • Public records

When to use a people finder or people search:

speech bubble with three dimensional blue question mark

Connect with people.

Find complete and accurate contact information for people you know who have moved or are not in your contact list.
folder labeled with orange person silhouette filled with many documents

Get property owner information.

Find properties and property owner contact information, plus past address history and neighbor data.
person silhouette with report and shield with orange checkmark

Accurately verify identity data.

Confirm people are who they say they are, including online sellers. Access contact information, plus public records including criminal history and bankruptcies.
two chat bubbles with one bubble typing

Stay in touch with customers.

Use people search to stay in touch with customers and provide better customer service by maintaining their current contact information.

What people are saying about Whitepages:

checkmark in blue square

Accurate Data Instantly

Whitepages is the site that gives us the most accurate results instantly with no unnecessary delays.
- Laurie
two person silhouettes in blue square

Easy to Use

I rely on Whitepages to help me find family, friends, and their relatives or neighbors. It has useful information, especially estimated age. I highly recommend the Premium version.
- Modena
five pointed star in blue square

Invaluable for Businesses

It’s so easy to find information for customers I need to communicate with. Amazingly useful, Premium is worth every penny.
- Dennis

Frequently Asked Questions

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