Fredo Corleone

Fredo Corleone

    The Godfather
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… with his brothers Sonny and Michael, and his sister Connie. Although he is the second-oldest, after Sonny, he was usually treated like the baby of the family. A bout of pneumonia as an infant may have hurt his physical and mental development, and Fredo is generally considered weaker and less intelligent than his siblings. And he knows it.

Living… as the black sheep of the family. Fredo goes about his life on the outskirts of family business. He’d rather open a casino in Las Vegas than actually uphold legitimate (well, semi-legitimate) business affairs for the Corleone name. His constant woman-chasing gives him a bad reputation, both with his father Vito Corleone, head of the family, and with his siblings, who often find themselves covering for his problems. Fredo would love to inherit the wealth of the Corleone family, but not the responsibilities of earning and protecting that wealth.

Profession… member of an organized crime family. Because of the family Fredo grew up in, he wasn’t given opportunities to choose what he wanted to do in life. Fredo always grew up knowing he would be a part of the family business, and he had no problems taking advantage of the perks it presented him.

Interests… women, Vegas, casinos. Fredo is interested in getting his hands dirty only when he can benefit from the exchange.

Relationship Status… married to Deanna Dunn. Though he is not loyal to his wife she isn’t faithful to him either, because she says he’s not “a real man.” She berates him for being a coward.

Challenge… carrying on the Corleone name without making a fool of himself and, by extension, his whole family. As the years go on, Fredo’s rashness and immaturity has the power to do a lot worse than simply embarrass his family. Fredo must choose between loyalty to his family or the pleasures of women and money. He craves respect, and that craving could lead him down dangerous paths.

Personality… spineless, annoying, and squirrelly. Deep down Fredo wants the best for the Corleone family and loves them deeply, but he just doesn’t know how to show it – or is unable to. It’s way easier to blow money than to make it, and Fredo demonstrates that every day.


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