Movie Poster Frames | Home Movie Theater Posters

Movie Poster Frames

Movie Theater Poster Frames

The movie poster frames that we offer at Theater Seat Store are extremely authentic and are perfect for residential or commercial use. Display your all-time favorite movie theater posters in your basement or home theater with one of our many high-quality and unique movie poster frames. Each one offers a standout way of showing off your home theater posters while also being authentic. We recommend taking a close look at each style of movie frame because each one can accent the different home theater movie posters you have in a different way.

Featured Poster Frames

One excellent example of a posters frame that would complement a classic home movie poster from the golden age of cinema would be the PF7 Poster Frame. It’s a decorative frame surrounded by black matte and a complimentary gold accent stripe. The movie theater poster can easily be switched out because of its hinge so the frame swings open allowing for an easy exchange. The next movie picture frame is the PF9 which offers art gallery flair to brighten up your home theater or commercial cinema. The movie theater posters that would look great in these glass poster frames would be family or children’s movies because of the subtle color contrast of red and silver.

The movie theater poster frames that we offer are completely customizable so whatever wall or room you are thinking of putting it, it will be a perfect fit. Check out the different theater poster frames we offer and create the best home theater or cinema experience possible!

Edited by Carina Jaramillo.