St. Louis Weather Radar & Forecast | FOX 2

Check the satellite radar for St. Louis, surrounding counties in Missouri and Illinois, and the world. This interactive map also allows you to track storms, snow, rain, temperatures, road weather, dew point, wind speed, UV index, wind-chills, earthquakes, and lightning. Check the settings for the latest tornado alerts and flood warnings.

FOX 2 weather resources:

What kind of radar does FOX 2 use? Where is it located?

FOX 2 uses the National Weather Service Doppler Radar, known as the WSR-88D. The radar is located at the National Weather Service Forecast Office (NWSFO) for the St. Louis area located at the Missouri Research Park in Weldon Spring, Missouri, just off I-64 west of the Daniel Boone Bridge.

What kind of weather do we cover in St. Louis?

Being in the center of the country, the St. Louis area can experience all kinds of weather, from killer tornadoes to rain, drizzle, fog, to extreme cold and snow.

Who is on the FOX 2 and KPLR 11 weather team?

FOX 2 Chief Meteorologist Glenn Zimmerman is joined by Chris Higgins, Angela Hutti, Jaime Travers, and Linh Truong. John Fuller is the chief meteorologist for KPLR-TV. They bring a wealth of experience when covering the weather in St. Louis and the surrounding areas.

Glenn Zimmerman is the Chief Meteorologist for FOX 2 News. He has been forecasting weather in St. Louis for over 30 years. When he doesn’t have his head in the clouds, he is into photography, music, and has competed in several triathlons.

John Fuller came to St. Louis in June of 1983, recently celebrating 30 years of weather coverage in St. Louis. Despite his longevity, John Says, “just when I think I have St. Louis area weather figured out, a new wrinkle develops, like the 2012 drought or Spring 2013 tornadoes. With the weather constantly changing, we must adapt and adjust as meteorologists.”

Chris Higgins was born and raised here in the St. Louis area. He has a lifetime of experience with our wild weather and will never forget the bitter cold winters of the late ’70s, the “Blizzard of ’82”, the “Drought of ’88” or the “Great Flood of ’93”.

You can see Angela Hutti on FOX 2 on Friday and Saturday evenings. She also fills in KPLR. Plus, Angela is a huge St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues fan.

Jaime Travers can be seen on television in St. Louis weekend and weekday mornings. Her interest in weather developed from her fascination with tornadoes. Her dad’s childhood home in Chesterfield was destroyed by the F4 tornado of January 1967 that ripped through Chesterfield, Creve Coeur and Maryland Heights of St. Louis County. This made her question “why weather happens.”

Do we chase storms?

Technically, yes. But more accurately, we stay ahead of the storms! If you are chasing storms, then you are already too far away! In order to properly cover severe storms, you must always stay ahead of them while avoiding their path. It is also important to remember that we have a very powerful zoom lens on the rooftop camera that allows us to make storm clouds that are 15 miles away look like they are right outside the window. Often, the most visually compelling video of severe weather is from a safe distance, which is what we always strive to achieve.