Distance calculator
With the distance calculator distance.to you can easily determine distances between world-wide locations. Simply enter any desired location into the search function and you will get the shortest distance (air line) between the points, the route (route planner) as well as all important information. Of course, you can also determine distances between coordinates (latitude / longitude).
Flight time and flight distance
If you want to know the exact flight distance or flight time between two cities or airports, simply enter the airport code (IATA) and you will get the appropriate data. If you do not have the appropriate code (IATA), simply search for the desired destination, the nearest airports will be displayed.
Time difference and time zones
Would you like to know how late it is now at your destination or how many time zones you will cross? Here you will find the answer. This distance calculator shows you the time zones and local time and calculates the time difference between start and destination.
Find midpoint between places
You want to know where the centre is between two cities or places, or where you can meet in the middle? Distance.to calculates the geographic midpoint between locations and shows the centre of your travel route.
Popular routes
Cities in USA
New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Brooklyn, Houston, Queens, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Manhattan, San Antonio, San Diego, The Bronx, Dallas, San Jose, Austin, Jacksonville, San Francisco, Columbus, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Seattle, Denver, El Paso, Detroit, Boston, Memphis, Portland, Oklahoma City, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Milwaukee, Albuquerque, Tucson, Nashville, Fresno, Sacramento, Kansas City, Long Beach, Mesa, Staten Island, Atlanta, Colorado Springs, Virginia Beach, Raleigh, Oakland, Minneapolis, Tulsa, Wichita, New Orleans, Arlington, Cleveland, Bakersfield, Honolulu, Tampa
Country list
AD (Andorra), AE (United Arab Emirates), AF (Afghanistan), AG (Antigua and Barbuda), AL (Albania), AM (Armenia), AO (Angola), AR (Argentina), AT (Austria), AU (Australia), AZ (Azerbaijan), BA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), BB (Barbados), BD (Bangladesh), BE (Belgium), BF (Burkina Faso), BG (Bulgaria), BH (Bahrain), BI (Burundi), BJ (Benin), BN (Brunei), BO (Bolivia), BR (Brazil), BS (Bahamas), BT (Bhutan), BW (Botswana), BY (Belarus), BZ (Belize), CA (Canada), CD (Democratic Republic of the Congo), CF (Central African Republic), CG (Republic of the Congo), CH (Switzerland), CI (Ivory Coast), CL (Chile), CM (Cameroon), CN (China), CO (Colombia), CR (Costa Rica), CU (Cuba), CV (Cape Verde), CY (Cyprus), CZ (Czechia), DE (Germany), DJ (Djibouti), DK (Denmark), DM (Dominica), DO (Dominican Republic), DZ (Algeria), EC (Ecuador), EE (Estonia), EG (Egypt), ER (Eritrea), ES (Spain), ET (Ethiopia), FI (Finland), FJ (Fiji), FR (France), GA (Gabon), GB (United Kingdom), GD (Grenada), GE (Georgia), GH (Ghana), GM (Gambia), GN (Guinea), GQ (Equatorial Guinea), GR (Greece), GT (Guatemala), GW (Guinea-Bissau), GY (Guyana), HN (Honduras), HR (Croatia), HT (Haiti), HU (Hungary), ID (Indonesia), IE (Ireland), IL (Israel), IN (India), IQ (Iraq), IR (Iran), IS (Iceland), IT (Italy), JM (Jamaica), JO (Jordan), JP (Japan), KE (Kenya), KG (Kyrgyzstan), KH (Cambodia), KI (Kiribati), KM (Comoros), KN (Saint Kitts and Nevis), KP (North Korea), KR (South Korea), KW (Kuwait), KZ (Kazakhstan), LA (Laos), LB (Lebanon), LC (Saint Lucia), LI (Liechtenstein), LK (Sri Lanka), LR (Liberia), LS (Lesotho), LT (Lithuania), LU (Luxembourg), LV (Latvia), LY (Libya), MA (Morocco), MC (Monaco), MD (Moldova), ME (Montenegro), MG (Madagascar), MK (Macedonia), ML (Mali), MM (Myanmar), MN (Mongolia), MR (Mauritania), MT (Malta), MU (Mauritius), MV (Maldives), MW (Malawi), MX (Mexico), MY (Malaysia), MZ (Mozambique), NA (Namibia), NE (Niger), NG (Nigeria), NI (Nicaragua), NL (Netherlands), NO (Norway), NP (Nepal), NR (Nauru), NZ (New Zealand), OM (Oman), PA (Panama), PE (Peru), PG (Papua New Guinea), PH (Philippines), PK (Pakistan), PL (Poland), PT (Portugal), PY (Paraguay), QA (Qatar), RO (Romania), RS (Serbia), RU (Russia), RW (Rwanda), SA (Saudi Arabia), SB (Solomon Islands), SC (Seychelles), SD (Sudan), SE (Sweden), SG (Singapore), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SL (Sierra Leone), SM (San Marino), SN (Senegal), SO (Somalia), SR (Suriname), SS (South Sudan), ST (Sao Tome and Principe), SV (El Salvador), SY (Syria), SZ (Swaziland), TD (Chad), TG (Togo), TH (Thailand), TJ (Tajikistan), TL (East Timor), TM (Turkmenistan), TN (Tunisia), TO (Tonga), TR (Turkey), TT (Trinidad and Tobago), TV (Tuvalu), TW (Taiwan), TZ (Tanzania), UA (Ukraine), UG (Uganda), UY (Uruguay), UZ (Uzbekistan), VA (Vatican), VC (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), VE (Venezuela), VN (Vietnam), VU (Vanuatu), WS (Samoa), XK (Kosovo), YE (Yemen), ZA (South Africa), ZM (Zambia), ZW (Zimbabwe)
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- Distance calculator
- Entfernungsrechner
- Afstandsberegning
- Kalkulačka vzdálenosti
- Distancia entre ciudades
- Distancia entre cidades
- Distance entre deux villes
- Distanze chilometriche
- מחשבון מרחק
- Afstand berekenen
- Beräkna Avstånd
- Калькулятор расстояний
- Distanta de calculator
- المسافة حاسبة
- Mesafe hesaplama
- Kalkulator odległości
- Калькулятор відстані
Stephan Georg - c/o Luftlinie.org
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