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Ever Loved is here for you.

Losing a loved one can be incredibly difficult. At Ever Loved, our goal is to remove unnecessary stressors, so you can focus on what matters.

Find an obituary on Ever Loved with ease

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Quickly browse recent obituaries and memorial websites by city and state.

See all the info

It's more than an obituary. Get funeral details, cause of death, photos and more.

Get in touch

Post your own memories and condolences or reach out directory to the creator.

Why use online obituary search?

Today, more and more families are choosing to post obituaries online instead of—or in addition to—publishing an obituary in the local newspaper. This makes it easier for friends and family members to find and access the obituary from anywhere.

Millions of people have already used Ever Loved to view an obituary or memorial website for someone who has passed. It's simple to find a recent obituary posted on Ever Loved by searching for a city that the person lived in.

How to find an obituary online


Start with a location

Find any Ever Loved obituary by location. We recommend searching for the city they lived in most recently, but some obituaries can also be found by searching any city the person resided in.


See the full story

Ever Loved makes it easy for families to add much more than the basic obituary. You can also access photos, funeral details, information about the person's death, FAQs and more.


Get in touch

Ever Loved makes it easy for you to contribute to the obituary and connect with others who knew the person. Add your own note or photos, or message someone directly.

Find an obituary online

Use our online obituary search to find information about someone who has passed.

Browse online obituaries by state

Looking for someone who has passed in your city or another city you know? Click on any state to the right, and then narrow down our obituaries by selecting the city. You'll be able to view all obituaries posted to Ever Loved in that city, so you can learn more and get in touch if you'd like.

Browse obituaries by state