Story of Chinese traditional Festival 節慶的故事@My Travel Bus 白皮的巴士|PChome Online 個人新聞台
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Story of Chinese traditional Festival 節慶的故事

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Chinese New Year’s Eve”January 1~15 Lunar calendar”
The New Year’s Eve dinner is a time for all members of the family, even
those who live far away, to gather together. The dinner is frequently called
”Wei-Lu” surrounding the fire stove.
The meal itself consists of ten to twelve courses which are not only delicate
and tasty, but also rife with symbolic meaning. There are dishes to
symbolize health, wealth and good fortune, and like the decorations, it is
because they are homophones with lucky words. For instance, fish sounds
the same as the word for surplus in Chinese. The mustard green, which is
known as ”Chang-Nian-Tsai”(long-year vegetable) in some dialects,
naturally symbolizes longevity. Dishes made with turnips, ”Chi-Tou”,
also means ”good luck” in some dialects.

Handing Out Red Envelopes
After the New Year’s Eve meal all children receive red envelopes stuffed
with money from their parents and adult relatives and friends. The money
in the red envelopes is known as ”Ya-Shwei-Chian”(suppress-age-money),
which indicates an attempt to keep children young; Chinese people count
their age according to the lunar new year, so all the children will become
one year older overnight! Some adults also give the red envelopes to their
parents to wish them health and good fortune in the new year.

Staying Up All Night to Welcome the New Year
Similar to the practice in the Western Countries, Chinese usually stay
up late or even go without sleep on New Year’s Eve. This is called ”Shou-
Shwei”(keep the age) This is one time during the year when children are
allowed to stay up as late as they want. In fact, children are told that
their parents will live longer if they stay awake until the New Year.

The New Year
As soon the day breaks and the festival sets in, firecrackers can be heard
everywhere and the sky is soon lit with flashes and colors. Fables tall
of a monster who always comes out to eat people during the first few days
of the New Year. Chinese people traditionally lit fireworks and wore red
clothing to scare away the monster. Now these have become the signs for
An auspicious and happy New Year!
On the first day of the New Year, everyone wears new clothing and sets
out to offer ritual homage to the ancestors and the gods.
After the important rituals, people usually go out to greet their friends
and relatives. The most common greetings phrases are ”Gong Hsi”
(congratulations!) or ”Gong Hsi Fa Tsai”(congratulations and be
prosperous!) The streets are filled with cheerful people, and here and
there one sees the performance of the dragon and lion dances.
Though after a week all the businesses and schools are back to normal,
the cheer of the New Year lasts until the Lantern Festival on the 15th
day of the first month. All in all, the Chinese Lunar New Year is a jubilat
occasion for the Chinese people, whether they live in China or abroad.
(Photos courtesy of the Government Information Office)

中國歷代以來都使用這種曆法, 於史記上記載: 黃帝令曦式, 闔式制定立法. 至今也有四千三百多年歷史.
關於春節的傳說, 眾人議論紛紛, 較無論定版本, 較常聽見為: 相傳古代有一種怪獸會吃人及牲畜,
也都是在大雪紛飛這時候出現為多( 本人猜測應該是豼貅 ), 不知道為何相傳用硝火可以驅逐怪獸,
在眾人努力之下成功的驅逐怪獸, 於是有了慶祝之意, 在許多年之後的今日, 中國人的舊有習俗上,
仍然深植人心, 因為節慶所帶來的是歡樂, 團圓, 更新, 冬去春來.

中國古代信仰, 五大瑞獸之首 豼貅, 蟾蜍, 龍龜, 獅子, 麒麟.
在古代書籍之中可以看到關於豼貅的圖畫, 以及豼貅的文物雕刻, 在故宮也珍藏著一個雕刻成豼貅的玉器,
在道教書籍之中也有提到”百萬豼貅兵”這一句話, 在中台禪寺的文物之中也有著關於豼貅的記載, 及古物,
但是在現有的生物學上卻沒有此物種的記載! 在風水學上”豼貅”為招財進寶避禍的主要功臣,
但是在於材質上的要求也非常嚴苛! 必須為玉或石器方可, 在香港匯豐銀行的門口也可以見到最大的豼貅,
在傳說上: 豼貅只進不吐. 所以深受大眾喜愛, 放在辦公桌上進錢財檔煞.

在本人對於古代生物學的認知上, 發現! 所歸納出
豼貅為六肢的脊椎動物, 與中國的龍, 麒麟, 西方的飛龍, 馬里亞那海溝的腔棘魚.
有著相同的條件: 六肢的脊椎動物.
先從有證據的地方開始說起: 在腔棘魚身上有著與我們不同的條件, 我們是4肢的脊椎動物, 狗, 貓, 海豚, 雞,
鴨, 牛, 豬, 羊, 兔, 鳥, ...等等. 都是!
但是...腔棘魚卻多了一對肢體, 使人百惑不解, 還有生物學家打包票那是突變種!
個人認為那一位生物學家才是突變種! 在腔棘魚身上發現了一種跟平常魚類不同的一種氣室,
說是器官也談不上, 說他沒作用...也沒退化. 沒作用還榦嘛擁有? 而且...裡面積存並非一般空氣,
而是氫氣, 和甲皖所充斥的氣囊, 而且進食之後也幾乎不排泄!
在碳水化合物的化學式裡面充斥著 ”C” ”H” ”O” 這三種元素, 而甲皖和氫氣的來源又是以這三種元素排列,
所以...吃進肚子裡根本不需要排泄, 全部可以利用的到(跟豼貅的傳說相同), 而且還有一個不同的地方,
就是嘴巴! 構造有別於一般魚類, 擁有一個下顎板! 下顎板???????不懂加不懂 = 還是不懂

西方的飛龍會噴火, 在許多電影裡都有看過, 而且還會飛.
一群登山客在阿爾卑斯山脈的羅馬尼亞山區, 登山探險著, 事後將一些照片帶回給朋友看, 但是...
照片中的一塊大石頭引起了一位好奇人士詢問, 問到了為何石頭上有著黑色的燒焦痕跡? 而且並不像火燒,
又不像地層顏色變化! PS: 一般炭火燒過的留下黑黑的碳粉! 會隨著歲月快速的消失!
這引起了這一位對於地質學有概念的人士的興趣和疑問, 浩浩蕩蕩組成探險隊伍, 申請出發探險研究,
在這山區尋找, 一直到最後一天接近絕望的狀況之下, 準備打包行李回程, 有人建議反正還有半天的最後時效,
不如隨便找個山洞再找找吧! 居然...在洞內發現...屍體.
不過是...以前武士和農夫的屍體, 有著武士備的武士屍體, 拿著農具的農夫...
令人百思不解! 而且...還好幾個屍體! 數一數共有7具屍體, 在這冰封的洞庫之中, 屍體保存的非常完好,
再往洞窟裡面走進去, 發現好像是他們要找的東西.
仔細鑑定一下, 趕緊打電話報告有關單位找到東西了, 要求延長時間以利於研究, 再打給贊助商(大英博物館),
先是回到研究基地之後, 有著三天的時間期限, 不管研究有答案與否, 證據都必須交回給贊助商~大英博物館,
在這裡發現到身體大小與翅膀比例不合( 比例不合會無法飛行 ),
又在X光跡照射之下發現心臟有一個金屬物品, 是一個長矛的矛頭斷裂在胸腔的心臟位置, 而這一個矛頭,
於是兵分兩路...一組人繼續研究, 另一組人帶著農夫和武士的衣服布料...裝備.
前去詢問最具權威有關歷史衣物服裝的學者, 詢問這是多久前哪一個時代的衣服, 及裝備.
既然這些殉職的戰士有跟這隻飛龍起過衝突, 那就是可以確定時間和地點了, 以及飛龍的活動範圍.
既然飛龍身體過於龐大, 跟飛行的比重不吻合, 那他到底能不能飛? 但是...身體裡面構造好像有點怪怪的?
透過X光感覺...好像有很大的肺臟? 還是氣囊? 還是...
於是拿了一隻長針筒, 抽了氣體做檢驗分析, 結果...主要成分是98%以上的氫氣和少許的甲烷,
氫氣的作用為何?小朋友都知道...氣球, 會飛的氣球, 就是氣囊了.現在解開謎底了.
氣囊存飽了氫氣, 提供了浮力, 讓身體更輕盈, 得到飛翔的首要條件, 而且...
答案是1520~1580年間的衣服, 跟炭14做的年代確定吻合於1560年上下誤差15年間,
好了...又多了一堆為什麼? 這些人為什麼吃飽撐著要去殺飛龍? 又為什麼如何的被飛龍燒死?
如何燒死? 用打火機? 鑽木取火? 打火石 ? 還是...獵人自備火把? ps: 難以想像, 請跳過這一段想像!
在嘴巴發現了亮亮的石頭! 透過分析之後發現是白金成分! 於是了解到透過白金的觸媒和氧氣結合!
於是產生了相當高的溫度, 讓外面的岩石經過了4000度的高溫得已成為變質岩!
但是...火不會燒到自己嗎? 讓人百思不解之際? 想到了下顎板! 對了...就是下顎板!
讓鱷魚在水裡張口咬石獵物時候, 不會噎到! 不會吃到水, 所以有阻擋作用.
腔棘魚也有一塊下顎板構造, 這下子有趣了.
說到了這裡...確實知道西方的飛龍消失的最後時間, 也知道飛龍有翅膀一對+手一對+腳一對,
所以是六肢的脊椎動物, 但是...有關於他的頭...好像有點面熟?
沒有拉!太誇張了! 祇是翻翻古代有關的書籍而已.
發現到龍, 豼貅, 麒麟都是有翅膀的...蝶翼...超薄? 想太多了! 沒睡覺有點精神恍惚! 想到那種廣告.
在唐代以前的神獸圖片都是有翅膀! 從唐代開始, 許多圖片開始少了翅膀的繪圖, 這是一個轉折點.
也就是有一段時間沒有人看到實物了, 到底幾年了? 一百年? 五百年?
還是最後一隻被文殊菩薩抓去當座騎了? 太多的為什麼?
還是...唐朝的孫悟空把最後一隻龍(白龍)抓給唐三藏當作騎了? 好騎嗎?
下一次去日月潭的時候, 記得到玄焋寺問一下! 搞不好知道答案!
或許你會去故宮走走, 找找看. 注意看一下故宮典藏的那一隻豼貅, 那一隻是有翅膀的喔!
元宵節 ”農曆春節十五日”
每年元月十五日是小過年, 在北部有天燈的活動, 南部有鹽水蜂炮激戰著, 台東有神勇的砲炸寒單爺活動,
不管是哪一項節目, 都是讓許許多多人們嚮往不已, 說到元宵節許多人肯定會想到吃湯圓, 正是 [ 湯圓 ] 的
魅力的確讓許多人招架不住, 但是...又怕吃多了會胖.
在台灣, 元宵節還有一項活動就是 [ 燈會 ]. 是的. 元宵節總是有各式各樣的手提燈籠上場, 當然也包括
了大型燈會花車, 最後就是猜謎活動, 不管你喜歡哪一種活動總是人山人海的, 讓人感受到過年的氣氛一直在身邊圍繞著.

每年元宵節在台東都要舉辦炮炸寒單爺活動, 由來是相傳寒單爺原本是一名古代軍官, 但是怕冷, 由於生前做了不少善事, 幫助了許許多多的平民百姓, 死後人們為了紀念他, 將他供奉起來, 然而百姓知道寒單爺怕冷,所以用炮火幫寒單爺驅寒, 所以就有了炮炸寒單爺的活動.
而後來民眾為了對寒單爺表示自己的信仰, 於是請示寒單爺代替寒單爺上場接受炮火的洗禮, 所以出現了, 有神像的寒單爺出現, 也出現信徒的肉身代替.
在每一位代替寒單爺的信徒, 每當要出場前幾天就必須, 戒女色, 請示神靈( 寒單爺 ) 是否允許, 在炮炸的現場, 只見許許多多的炮火往信徒身上招呼.
任何一個小小的炮火都足以讓一般人難以招架, 更別說是成千上萬的連續轟炸, 每當信徒從轎子上面下來的時候, 只見傷痕累累, 體無完膚, 但是, 信徒都不會痛, 只是麻麻的, 都說是有受到神明護體保佑.
但是, 如果沒有遵守對神明的承諾, 如前幾天近女色, 或是沒有做到對寒單爺的承諾, 勢必受到逞罰, 保證疼痛不勘, 甚至會從轎子上面跌下來, 所以每年有更多的信徒, 一一的遵守對寒單爺的承諾, 一一的為善不惡.台東玄武堂寒單爺網站
Diverse Cultural Festivals

The Lantern Festival comes on the 15th day of the lunar month.
According to Taiwanese tradition, families celebrate this day by lighting
and hanging up colorful lanterns, eating tang yuan (a sweet rice dumpling
soup), and playing lantern riddle games. Many lantern festivals are held
in different places every year to promote local tourism in all parts of
Taiwan, attracting thousands of tourists from around the island and abroad.
The events are an exciting blend of age-old traditions and modern
technology including laser lights, music, and robotic machinery. The lantern
displays are vivid with lights and bright colors. Every year’s
themelantern show, which features the animal of that year in the Chinese
zodiac, is always a work of art made possible by the latest technology.
For example, the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Tainan featured ”Phoenix
Singing at Mount Jade”, which symbolized the Year of the Rooster and a
prosperous year for Taiwan. The event also included live performances of
traditional Taiwanese folk arts. There are other special, more localized
celebrations during the Lantern Feastival. Among them, Pingsi’s heavenly
lanterns and the beehive rockets in Yanshuei are two of the most remarkable.
Pingsi’s heavenly lanterns originate in the inaccessibility of this remote
and banditry-prone mountain community. to let others know they were safe
and sound, the early villagers in Pingsi released heavenly lanterns as a
means of communication. Throughout the years this practice evolved into a
popular tradition celebrated annually during the Lantern Festival. It also
became customary for people to write their New Year’s wishes on the lanterns
before releasing them into the night sky. Beehive rockets in Yanshuei date
back to the early days when the town was stricken with pestilence. In order
to calm the citizens, the Yanshuei town council entreated Guan Gong, the God
of war, to expel the evil spirits. For three days, culminating on the night
of the Lantern Festival, fireworks were exploded and incense burnt throughout
the toen to help the deity defeat the spirits. Miraculously the pestilence
subsided, and the tradition of lighting fireworks to commemorate the release
of the city from the plague continuse to this day.

鹽水鎮在清朝, 是台灣重要的港口之一, 相傳於光緒十一年七月或八月間, 鹽水地區蔓延流行疾病(應是霍亂瘟疫), 慘狀連連, 當時的醫藥不發達, 死者非常多, 以致所有的居民非常恐慌, 死傷了長達半年之久, 地方的商人以及土绅決定請出關聖帝君出巡祈求平安, 從正月十三到十五, 總共遶境三日, 居民相爭得到關聖帝君的照顧, 全力參予盛會, 全鎮瀰漫在一片的煙硝硫磺之中, 正好一片的煙硝硫磺之下, 瘟疫病毒無法蔓延生存, 鹽水小鎮終於得到平安, 往後的日子, 每年在元宵節請出關聖帝君出巡, 並施放煙火助興, 年復一年, 商人們, 地方角頭勢力, 各團體相爭施放煙火, 以示對於關聖帝君的謝意, 也是祈求來年的平安延續, 這一項節慶變成了傳統, 也攏絡了地方的團結, 解決了一部分的社會紛爭, 由於各商家角頭勢力等等, 暗中較勁以致一年比一年盛大, 一年比一年的蜂火更加強勁, 百姓一年比一年更加”蜂狂”, 由炮竹轉變成蜂炮再行程炮城, 解釋了一百八十多年來的鹽水故事.

如果要餐與盛事, 基本裝備絕對不可少, 有幾點需要注意:
心臟病, 高血壓, 精神異常患者等等絕對不建議參與盛會.
活動全程禁止攜帶煙火, “液”燃物品.
自備基本裝備, 全罩式安全帽, 棉質外衣或夾克, 棉質牛仔褲, 棉質手套(厚)或是真皮手套, 棉質口罩, 棉質圍巾, 長筒運動鞋(休閒或登山鞋), 塑膠護目鏡, 毛巾.
還要帶著一年份的勇氣, 來參予一夜的”蜂狂”.
The Origin of the Grand Gathering
In Qing Dynasty Yan Shui is one of the significant harbors across the strait. There was a saying about the origin of Yan Shui firecrackers cultural ceremony.
In the Quang Xu 11th Year, many citizens living in the Yan Shui Street were infected with the cholera and plague and also caused many negative effects to the whole society. Due to the primitive medical condition at the time, the diseases gradually took more lives and cause many citizens more panic. The local businessmen and respectable gentlemen suggested to summon the “Guan Holy Sovereign” to give blessings to the citizens in the town and also to play firecrackers while the “Guan Holy Sovereign” visiting the town for three days from the 13th to 15th of the January. The ceremony to summon the “Guan Holy Sovereign” for visiting the town finally terminated the entire plague tumors to bring peace back the Yan Shui Town. Moreover, it becomes the yearly local customs to summon the “Guan Holy Sovereign” for visiting the town on the Lantern Festival while playing firecrackers along the way. It not only inherits the custom to terminate the plague, but also resolves any social insecurity, social disorder and business decay due to invasion from the outside world and corruption from the inner society trough the ceremony. The simple firecracker-playing activities gradually turn into more diversified and bigger events, which have also established more than 180-year world known reputation to the Yan Shui Town. It was located on the right North part of Tainan County And also along the Ba-Zhang Riverside in Jia Yi County and it is right next to the East side of Xin Ying City, and the Zong Shan Super Highway Xing Ying Interchange Channel directly connects these to cities. With the convenience of more frequent scheduled trains yearly. It brings the Yan Shui Town many visitors during the season of the Yan Shui Firecrackers Cultural Ceremony.

The Safety Principles
Whoever has diseases such as heart disorder, high pressure, and mental sicknesses, please do not participate the event.
Fire is prohibited throughout the event.
Must prepare safety equipment-
Fully covered helmets
Cotton coats or jackets
Cotton down to foot jeans (trousers)
Cotton (or leather) gloves
Cotton gauze masks
Cotton towels
Up to knee sports shoes (informal footwear).










    東港人所造的王船是仿效古代戰船,採用柳安或紅檜等高級木材,施工相當費時,因此都提早在大科年的前兩年安龍骨開始建造。在安龍骨前,先恭請值年中軍府(王爺的前鋒)安座,以便督視王船的建造。王船造型優美宏偉、雕工精巧細緻,彩繪圖樣多以代表尊貴吉祥的龍鳳圖案、歷史故事和傳奇神話中的人物為主,所繪圖案鮮活細緻、色彩豔麗,精美程度堪稱全台之冠,東港因而有「王船故鄉」的美譽。 東港王船祭是台灣最大的王船祭典,醮期共七天,第一天是到鎮海里海邊「迎王駕」及「過神火」;第二天起連續四天「王駕出巡」,繞境東港鎮各區及鄰近鄉鎮;第六天是王船「陸上行舟」繞境法會;第七天凌晨「送王」。




Burning Boat
清明時分這對中國人來說是一個大日子, 更尤其對於台灣人來說是多麼的重要, 畢竟這是對於祖先的思念以及尊重, 也是外出遊子回家團聚的一天, 在中國人的信仰裡面, 生命是循環生生不息的, 對於長輩是孝順的, 在老有所養, 又有所教的觀念裡, 我們教導著下一代, 我們教育著下一代.
然而在清明時分總是看到許許多多的人在清掃墳墓, 除去雜草, 焚燒紙錢, 獻上水果食物, 點上清相一柱, 焚燒紙錢在中國人的信仰裡是為了不讓過往的親人缺少錢用, 不讓親人餓著凍著.

Tomb-Sweeping Day
Cing Ming, also known as Tomb Sweeping day, is one of the 24 Chinese solar
terms, and occurs approximately 15 day follwing the Spring Equinox(chunfen).
This year, Tomb Sweeping Day falls on April 5th, a time when winter gives
way to spring and all things come to life. In 1935, the government declared
the day as Tomb Sweeping Day to reflect the Chinese tradition of observing
the memories of departed parents and ancestors.
According to legend, Tomb Sweeping Day originated during the latter Cin
dynasty. At the time, the Han emperor Liu Bang, after winning a decisive
war to rule China, returned to his hometown to sweep the tombs of his parents.
Because of the long years of battle, however, most of the tombs had been
damaged and it was difficult to identify them. Liu tore a piece of paper
into pieces and prayed: ”When I throw the pieces into the air, let those
that fall on my parents’ tombs to be untouchable by the wind.” The legend
was passed down through generations. When sweeping tombs, people use a small
atone to weigh down a few pieces of paper to signify that the offspring
have already swept the tomb. It is called gua-jhih or ya-jhih.
Different foods are prepared for the occasion. In Taiwan, the most common
are the unique muguo(grave cakes) and runbing.
Since most cemeteries are found in the suburbs, families often go on outings
after sweeping the tombs. People enjoy life being with family members,
and taking walks becomes an important activity.
Many old traditions have been gradually abandoned after Taiwan was
transformed from an agricultural to industrial- based society. Yet the
Tomb Sweeping Day has remained important. Throngs of people can be found
in cemeteries before and after the day. The government on this day also
holds a ceremony to pay respect to late state leaders, the practice
demonstrates the Chinese spirit of keeping their origins in mind.
Dragon Boat Festival ”May 5th lunar calenday”
The Dragon Boat Festival is comprised of three critical elements: sachets,
sticky rice dumplings, and dragon boat races. The dragon boat races are
often world-class competitions in which many foreigners participate. If
you’re on the sidelines, don’t forget to try some sticky rice dumplings
while watching boaters paddle to victory. The sachets are stuffed with
Chinese medicine and herbs, and usher in good fortune. It doesn’t hurt
to keep a few on hand at all times!

端午節 農曆五月五日
端午節是中國人的一項傳統節日, 這一天也是說明了3天之後夏至即將到來, 這一天正是所有鳥獸開始進入活動繁忙的階段, 大地的生生不息正是最佳的寫照, 然而這一天也正是一位古代愛國詩人的忌日, 他為了規勸皇上也為了證明自己的清白, 投江自盡, 結果老百姓為了救他出動了大大小小的所有船隻以及人力, 在江面上來來往往收尋他的蹤跡, 老百姓徒步在岸邊四處翻開草叢, 找尋他的蹤影, 只為了救他回來, 然而夜深了, 大地寂靜了, 人們不死心的打著燈籠, 拿著火把, 依舊搜索著, 婦女們擔心江裡的魚蝦蟹會吃了他的遺體, 準備了糧食, 用竹葉包裹著, 投入江中餵飽魚蝦蟹, 希望他的遺體得以保存, 後來皇上得知這一為愛國詩人”屈原”是被小人所陷害的, 於是做了裁決, 也承認自己的過失, 而改過; 人們在隔年的忌日上, 依然划著大大小小的”舟艇”, 婦女們依舊做了一個個用竹葉包裹的”粽子”, 作為紀念而不想忘記這一位恩人, 一直到了今天, 慢慢演變成一項競賽, ”時空背景已不再, 人群故事依舊在, 舟艇來回粽江中”.
粽子的確是一種中國人不可或缺的節日食品, 許多的小人物故事也或許跟粽子有關係, 我仍然記的一首閩南語歌曲: 燒肉粽.
以下是有關端午節的傳說以及連結 中國互聯網新聞中心 中國新華網

以下圖片是恆春車城搶孤的場地, 每一根塔柱都比右邊的電線桿還要高
頭城搶孤 & 恆春古城 農曆七月份 ”中元節”
原因來自台灣在明清王朝之際, 有許許多多的男丁來此開墾, 最多的一次有二千多位, 前前後後陸續的共來多少位已經無法可拷了, 但是所留下姓名的卻是百來個, 原因是當時的人大都沒有讀過書, 沒有學過字,更別說是留下隻字片語, 不會寫自己名子的人, 佔絕大多數, 因此是什麼原因促使他們為何來此開墾, 又老死或者說是客死異鄉更為恰當, 在以往的物資缺乏年代想要留下故事根本不可能, 唯有口口相傳, 但是歲月的流逝, 加上口誤, 到最後幾乎都已經變質了, 唯有一項不變的是 [ 死去的人仍然在那裡躺著 ].
在無法回到家鄉的情況, 思念是他唯一的希望与寄託, 死了之後, 沒有親人後人帶領回去, 於是都無法離開, 生前所行善与功德不足, 也無法升天前往西方, 於是只有徘徊在這裡,在另一個時空與我們相互重疊的在一起( 以上根據佛教定義解釋 ), 成了所謂的孤魂野鬼, 等待一位佛法高僧的大師超渡他們離開, 或是等待自己的時間 ( 受刑日 ) 到, 才得以離開, 這是一個漫長的等待, 在世的人們為了讓這些有功於這片土地的先人們, 不要受太多的苦, 而舉辦了一些慶典, 而重點在於慶典期間的所有祭品, 都是要讓這些孤魂野鬼享用各安期所, 然而祭品有增無減, 活動內容卻經過演化吸引更多的人參加, 也吸引更多了人來祭拜, 於是成就了今日的搶孤活動方式, 而搶孤的活動內容並不是我三言兩語所能形容的.
需要妳親自看過才知道他的難度, 知道他的震撼力. 這是一種榮耀, 團隊的合作, 前仆後繼, 不要說沒有狀況發生, 在每一次的活動都有人受傷, 而這些人卻是越挫越勇, 受了傷寧可趴在上面當隊友的墊腳石, 也不願意下來醫療自己的傷勢, 只見他受了傷, 咬著牙關, 挺著胸膛, 空出自己的肩膀, 讓隊友一一踩踏而上, 在底下的人們所有的觀眾, 並不為了領先者加油, 而是為了這些從4 或5 層樓高的台上摔下, 又拍拍身上灰塵, 在一次爬上去, 在電視機前, 所受到的感受, 遠不及現場的震撼力如此的真實, 如果你從沒見過現場這種慶典, 那請你不要說頭城搶孤你看過.
Grapping with the Ghosts ”July 15th Lunar calendar”
The seventh month of the lunar year is Ghost Month. In the Chinese
tradition. Ceremonies big and small are held on the island to ward off bad
luck and appease the spirits (Keelung City Ghost Festival and the Grappling
with Ghosts ceremony held in Yilan, Pingtung, and Hengchun).
Showing reverence for the deceased is the theme, and you may see Taiwanese
paying homage to the dead at graves, offering incense and fruit, or sweeping
tombs and grave sites. Burning paper is also a popular ritual, symbolizing
the ”sending” of money to ghosts in the ”other world”.
Mid-Autumn Festival
Moon cakes can be a little daunting to a foreigner unaccustomed to Chinese
cuisine. They look innoctent enough with their pastry shells, but are heavy
enough to let you know something is waiting behind that benign exterior.
You think of the brown or green mush that grets you on the other end.
For some it is a pleasant experience, for others it takes some getting
used to. But for most Westerners, whose only reference to Chinese desserts
has been a fortune cookie, moon cakes are another experience to chalk up to in terms of life in a different country.
moon cakes are an icon among festive foods for Taiwanese. Despite people’s
love for these pastries, they are usually only eaten during a few weeks
of the year. They appear in late August, peaking during the Mid-Autumn
Festival. Then they are gone. But for those few weeks, they are an essential
part of the holiday season. It has become a Taiwanese tradition for companies
to give each employee a box of moon cakes at this time. while there is that
several hundred thousand boxes season.

Moon cakes did not get their name because of any similarities to the moon.
Nor, apart from their disturbingly high number of calories, are they in any
way related to the Moon Pies found in America.
Moon cakes got their name because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which takes
place during the full moon of the eighth month on the lunar calendar.

There are no set rules for what a moon cake must contain for it to be called
a moon cake. it is not like French cheeses, where are culinary societies
giving their official stamp to companies who follow strict guidelines when
making their products. In fact, no one is really sure what the original
moon cakes were really like. Therefore, bakeries here can pretty much christen
anything they want with the title. Last year, for example, my company gave
my cowrkers and me gift certifcates for ice-cream moon cakes, which had to
be kept in ice boxes with dry ice to keep them fresh.

台灣近20年來卻多了一項活動-烤肉(BBQ), 這件事情的由來卻是發生在台灣的軍中生活, 由於以往在台灣當兵兵期長達三年, 在部隊之中每逢佳節倍思親更為嚴重, 或許士兵所思念的並不是父母, 而是長的跟母豬一樣的女友(在台灣有一句話叫做”當兵三年母豬賽貂蟬”), 然而...在這一段時期是男性賀爾蒙最旺盛的時候, 也是經歷最充沛的時期, 為了防止士兵們吃飽沒事做想東想西, 做一些讓長官頭痛的事情出來, 於是將大家招集起來一起烤肉, 等大家都累了, 想睡了, 才放下心來. 然而這些軍人退伍了之後, 把軍中的這一項活動帶到家裡來, 於是到現在處處可見到許多人圍在自家門口烤肉(BBQ).
來到台灣不吃吃最具代表中秋的月餅實在說不過去, 在城市裡每天的忙碌, 到了中秋佳節總是應景一下, 享受放鬆的心情, 吃吃不同的口味, 這時候的月餅, 柚子, 賞月, 秋蟹, 正是最具中秋佳節的活動.

以下連結是有關中秋節的由來及故事 ”很抱歉好像是政府文化部的連結” 大紀元文化網連結 中國互聯網新聞中心

說到月餅的總類實在非常的多, 讓人難以選擇, 廣式, 台式, 京式, 蘇式, 港式, 魯式, 潮式, 滇式, 餡料又分為鹹味, 鹹甜味, 甜味.
鹹味又以豬肉餡為主, 各家做法不同, 有的微辣, 有的清淡, 當然也少不了濃郁的口感.
甜味種類最多, 有單一餡料也有複合餡料, 也可以區分是否加入蛋黃; 有紅豆, 綠豆, 棗泥, 杏仁, 芝麻, 奶黃, 核桃, 蓮蓉, 冰淇淋, 水果, 都可以成為你所驚奇的餡料!
餅皮目前為止就分為兩種, 酥皮, 混糖皮, 一個是糖水加麵粉製成; 一個是麵粉, 貽糖, 豬油, 做成千層酥油皮來包裹.
柚子 ”Pomelo ; Pompelous ; Shaddock”
基本上所有的柚子都是綠色的, 只是因為品種的不同, 而言色稍微淡一些, 但是最主要的還是裡面的果肉, 沒錯...這是一種中秋節前後的水果, 所以這是屬於季節水果, 柚子的品種很多, 大致上分為文旦, 白柚, 蜜柚, 紅柚.
文旦個頭嬌小, 直徑大約11-13公分之間, 體長, 呈現水滴型; 白柚, 顧名思義就是顏色微綠, 個頭較大, 直徑大約14-17公分之間, 比較圓一點不像文旦呈現水滴狀, 不容易混淆,但是柚香濃郁讓人久久難以放手; 蜜柚呈現圓圓大大的平均直徑20公分以上, 香度較淡, 吃起來的口感有點像是加了少許的蜂蜜一般香甜; 紅柚也跟蜜柚大小相等, 只是果肉呈現有點桃紅色, 所以稱為紅柚; 以上不管是哪一種柚子, 如果要挑好吃的有幾樣需要注意, 文旦和白柚都要找水滴狀的最好, 然後外皮有點乾掉鬆軟偏黃好像放了好幾天了最好, 蜜柚和紅柚也是一樣要挑, 最好是果皮開始枯黃已經鬆軟最佳.
秋蟹 ”Horseshoe crab”
大家都知道秋蟹肥美, 但是這也就是螃蟹們難逃的宿命, 一隻隻為了過冬的螃蟹, 努力堆積養分結果都上了餐桌, 螃蟹的種類很多, 但是大體上分為公母就可以, 九月份母蟹的蟹黃, 又稱膏, 是眾人喜愛的原因, 其中又以正要換殼的母蟹最為好吃, 再來是公蟹又稱為菜蟹, 也稱為肉蟹, 以十月份是最好的時節; 烹煮方面, 又可以清蒸, 水煮, 快炒, 分為三種最好, 本人不建議用炸的方式, 因為濃濃的油膩感會覆蓋住螃蟹的香味.
柿子 ”Pimento ; Pimiento”
這是秋天的一種水果, 它含有豐富的養分, 和多種的礦物質, 但是柿子卻不能和螃蟹同時享用, 因為會引起食物中毒, 輕微就是腹瀉難過幾天, 嚴重者就必須上醫院解決; 除了和螃蟹不合以外, 還有酒, 如果吃了柿子又喝酒, 那保證比螃蟹更為棘手, 這一點真的讓我終身難忘, 保證在也沒有下一次.
在台灣地區柿子大致上分為甜柿子和澀柿子, 甜柿子就是我們一般當做水果食用的柿子; 澀柿子則分為石柿, 牛心柿, 四周柿子, 比較澀的柿子通常都是拿來曬乾做成柿餅, 柿乾, 柿霜, 柿糖, 柿茶, 在冬季的苗栗地區最為常見.

台長: 白皮 Honhow
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