February 4 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

February 4 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

February 4, Aquarius

As an Aquarius born on February 4th, you are rebellious at times but always well meaning. You often put your creativity to use for the sake of others.

At times, you can be too enthusiastic for your own good. Putting a lot of interest in small activities helps you keep focus and achieve things that surprise even yourself. Discover more about your horoscope profile below.

The zodiac sign for February 4 is Aquarius.

Astrological symbol: Water Bearer. This symbol is representative for those born January 20 - February 18, when the Sun transits the Aquarius zodiac sign. It defines simplicity, wealth, nurture and progress.

The Aquarius Constellation with the brightest star being alpha Aquarii is spread on 980 sq degrees between Capricornus to the West and Pisces to the East. Its visible latitudes are +65° to -90°, this being just one of the twelve zodiac constellations.

In Greece it is named Idroxoos while the Spanish call it Acuario. However, the Latin origin of the Water Bearer, the February 4 zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Opposite sign: Leo. This suggests shyness and attention and shows that cooperation between the Leo and Aquarius sun signs is thought to be beneficial for both sides.

Modality: Fixed. This indicates how much enthusiasm and attention exists in the lives of those born on February 4 and how patient they are in general.

Ruling house: The eleventh house. This house placement symbolizes a territory of dreams, higher goals and friendship. This says a lot about the interests of Aquarians and their life perspectives.

Ruling body: Uranus. This celestial planet reveals impartiality and relaxation and also highlights eccentricity. Uranus is considered to be the rebellious new star.

Element: Air. This is the element of those born on February 4, the mindful ones who live their lives full of eagerness and in a bending manner. In association to water, it vaporizes it while with fire it makes things heat up.

Lucky day: Tuesday. Aquarius best identifies with the flow of the preventive Tuesday while this is doubled by the connection between Tuesday and its ruling by Mars.

Lucky numbers: 5, 8, 16, 18, 26.

Motto: "I know"

More info on February 4 Zodiac below ▼
February 4 zodiac, Aquarius

People born on February 4 posses a clever and inventive approach to life and are also very altruistic and accepting. Just like a true Aquarius, they are sympathetic, have great organizational skills and seem to send a good vibe to everyone they come across with. They like mind stimulating conversations and trying new things. They avoid routine, people whom disagree with their ideas and anything that can possibly limit their actions. Those born under this sign feel best when surrounded by like minded people with whom they can exchange ideas.

Positive traits: Visionary and ingenious, these natives try to have a malleable path to life and at the same time help others and bring their effort to the world. They are conscientious and do whatever they can to keep their pacts and raise to what is expected of them. At the same time they prove to be very original in their projects.

Negative traits: Audacious and exasperated, these natives don't really make the best impression until you get to know them. They are impulsive and often lack common sense logic. They are easily distracted and although their motives might be good, in the end the result is not the one expected and the effects usually overlook the motive. They act in an eccentric way and often drift people apart because of their habit to transformation their minds suddenly.

Love and Compatibility for February 4 Zodiac

Lovers born on February 4 are versatile and ingenious. They do know how to conquer someone one they get passionate, not only they know how to charm their way through words but also with gestures. They are attracted to active and unpredictable person who can keep them guessing but also keep up with their energy. For the sociable Aquarius, love comes fast and goes even faster. You can conquer the heart of Aquarius if you have an interesting personality and you know how to reveal it step by step and you are able to accept their eccentricities.

They are likely to fall in love at a young age and have many interactions with different kinds of people. Once they settle for their loved one, they are patient and dependable and seek for peace and fulfillment. Usually a reserved person, once they are in love, everyone around them knows it. They surprise everyone with their warmth and devotion to their loved one, especially because love comes unexpectedly in their life. They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 8th, 10th, 17th, 19th, 26th and 28th.

February 4 Zodiac people are most attached to the other two air signs: Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Aquarius is in a constant search for someone who can understand their inquisitive and adventurous nature and the best to offer them this is actually another Aquarius. The least compatible with people born on February 4 are those born under Scorpio. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

The color used in astrology for those with February 4 is blue-green.

Blue-green symbolizes loneliness, activity, security and maturity. This zodiac color should be used in objects around the house and accessories.

People having blue-green as sign color have a practical and hard working spirit that usually gets them the stable life they aim for. This ever changing mix, ranging and changing shades appeals and stimulates the creative and visionary Aquarius.

Other colors indicated for Aquarius are navy blue and grey.

Representative birthstone

The lucky Aquarius birthstone for those born under the February 4 is the seductive Amethyst.

Amethyst suggests stability and inner peace. This zodiac birthstone is advised to be used in pendants and earrings.

Amethyst is said to boost general healing and sooth headaches and arthritis. Brazil is the main place where the most valuable Amethyst stones can be found nowadays.

Another gemstone considered lucky for Aquarius natives is Amber. It is the symbol of courage and reaction.

Characteristic flower

Orchid is the flower defined for February 4 and in general for Aquarius natives.

Orchid suggests the elegance and grace of an individual. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

The orchid was thought to relate to fertility, curiosity and spirit of innovation. This flower can be found during spring time.

Other plants that suit Aquarius natives are Chrysanthemum and Ivy.

Symbolic metal

Platinum is the metal of preference for Aquarius natives, especially those born under the February 4.

Platinum is a metal that suggests power and wealth. This zodiac metal should be used in bracelets and other accessories.

This is one of the rarest metals on Earth and so it associated with an exclusive and prestigious status. Being resistant to tarnish and wear platinum is frequently used in electronic equipments.

Another metal considered lucky for Aquarius natives is Aluminum.

February 4 Zodiac Poll

Those born on February 4 are amazing at observing and understanding the world they live in, therefore making great analysts and innovative executives. In love and regarding family they are honest and sincere, maybe at times too cruel and direct and they tend to take things as they are, without any rose tinted glasses on. Investigative and curious, they seem quick to come up with good ideas, sometimes too many and they don't always find the right people to work with. Their health is quite strong but since Aquarius is said to rule the lower limbs and blood circulation, they are prone to movement related injuries or concerning the blood.

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What’s the luckiest feature of the February 4 Zodiac Sign?

Characteristics of February 4.

February 4 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of AQUARIUS (February 1-February 9). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Mercury. This is representative for people who are altruistic and dependable just like Aquarius and communicative spirits just like Mercury. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign.

Being born on the 4th day of the month shows these people are hard working, meticulous and self disciplined. The numerology for February 4 is 4. This number reveals creation combined with logic and a bit of stubbornness. Those Aquarius associated with number four are surely imaginative but also hard working and critical.

February is the second month of the year, bringing great opportunities for progress. Those born in February are intelligent and attractive. February 4 Zodiac people are charming dreamers with a great imagination. February symbols that resonate with these people are Garnet and Jasper as gemstones, Violet and Primrose as plants and the month of purification as stated in the ancient Roman Empire.

What statistics say about February 4 Zodiac?

February 4 is the 35th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 330 days left until the end of the year (331 days in leap years). The sixty sixth day of winter, this is also the World Cancer Day, one of the public health campaigns of World Health Organization.

Aquarius as occurrence in birth signs is considered to be the twelfth most popular, thus the rarest. A sign of positive meaning with bubbly energy, this exudes masculine energy and is considered an odd numbered sign. This is highly representative for extrovert natives who are companionable and soft. The archetype used when talking about this sign is the Free Spirit. There is a slight peak of doctors but also of philosophers in Aquarius.

Famous people born on February 4 under the Aquarius zodiac sign: Rosa Parks, Charles Lindbergh, Alice Cooper and Natalie Imbruglia.

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Author: Denise