February 4 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

February 4 Birthday Horoscope

February 4 Zodiac Sign - Aquarius

Being an Aquarius born on February 4th, your personality is characterized by openness and imagination. While there are plenty of people who enjoy mind games, you are not one of them. Your friends and family appreciate the fact that you value truthfulness and straightforwardness above all else, but they may be most impressed with your imagination. You have a unique and active mind, which allows you to see angles and possibilities. In social situations, you use your intellect to engage and intrigue others.

February 4 Birthday Element - Air

Air is your sign’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with the element. Your special connection with air gives your personality the stubborn and determined qualities of a forceful wind. As is the case with all air signs, your connection with the element is also responsible for the gentle breeze of curiosity that stirs within your being. As you embrace air’s positive qualities you will continue to gain understanding and knowledge. Be careful to avoid the negative qualities of stagnant air, which include aloofness and an unemotional attitude.

February 4 Ruling Planet - Uranus

Uranus is the ruling planet of the Aquarius, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive the planetary influence of Mercury as well. While it is Uranus, the planet of deviation, that can be credited with your sense of freedom and originality, it is Mercury’s mysterious power that is linked to your mental agility. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you more of a natural communicator than the other Aquarius Decans. Your mental strength is especially utilized when making decisions, as you have the unique ability to put your objectivity ahead of your emotions. Your imagination is one of your greatest assets, but it may cause dissatisfaction with the slow pace of reality. In love, find a partner that develops your patience and values your honesty, as this will bring you the greatest happiness.

February 4 Aquarius Personality

Aquarians born on February 4 are intelligent and quirky and can give the impression of being "airheads"; in reality they are more practical than they seem. They are inspired by what can be achieved through hard work. They have enormous self-discipline and can be extremely austere when it comes to cutting unnecessary encumbrances.

Birthday Horoscope

February Birthday Horoscope