Febrile Seizure: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Study.com
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Febrile Seizure: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Instructor Kiley Griffin
In the following article you will learn about febrile seizures. You will learn who is at risk for febrile seizures and what to do when someone has one.

Lucy is the mother of Thomas, who is two years old. On Tuesday, after picking Thomas up from day care, Lucy noticed that he was sick and cranky. She took him home and took his temperature which was 102 F. Lucy was concerned and went to get Thomas a cold popsicle while he watched his favorite videos. When she returned Thomas became groggy and then his whole body began to twitch. Lucy called for her husband to come immediately and call the doctor. Thomas stopped shaking and fell asleep in his mother's arms. Lucy's husband explained to the doctor that Thomas was sick, had a fever and his body began to shake for about a minute and then he fell asleep. The doctor reassured the father that Thomas had a febrile seizure and, while scary to watch, it was not life threatening. The doctor suggested that they bring Thomas to the doctor's office to have him checked out and talk more about what a febrile seizure is. Lucy was relieved to hear that Thomas would be OK and they brought him to the doctor's office right away. On the way to the doctor's office a police car with its siren on drove by. Thomas immediately perked up and began making siren noises, and his parents were relieved that their little boy was feeling better.

Sick child with a fever.
A child sick with a fever

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A febrile seizure is a type of seizure that children can develop when they have a fever. A seizure is a condition that occurs when the body twitches or shakes uncontrollably. There are many types of seizures and some are lifelong and life-threatening. Febrile seizures are usually a onetime event and do not cause any lasting damage. It is a childhood condition that occurs in young infants and toddlers when they are sick and have a fever. Children under the age of five are at the highest risk for developing a febrile seizure when they are sick.

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The cause of a febrile seizure in infants and young children is a high temperature or fever. This often occurs when they are sick and the body temperature will spike. Anything over 100.4 Fahrenheit is considered a fever in a child. The most accurate way to obtain a temperature for a child is through a rectal temperature. Taking a temperature under the arm, the forehead or in the ear is also acceptable but the readings will indicate a slightly higher or lower temperature.

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A child who is experiencing a febrile seizure will often show signs of an illness before their temperature rises and they have a seizure. When they have a seizure it can be a small twitch of a body part lasting a second or it can be a more significant full-body shaking lasting several minutes, also known as tonic, clonic movements. There might be one side of the body involved in the seizure or it could be the entire body. If the child's seizure does not stop and continues after several minutes then 911 should be called. When the seizure is finished the child is often tired, even if it was only a small twitch.

Child having a seizure.
A child having a seizure

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The immediate treatment of a febrile seizure is to keep the child safe. They should be lying in a bed or on the floor in a space where nothing can hurt them. The child should be placed on their side to prevent choking on their saliva and nothing should be put in their mouth. A child having a febrile seizure does not have to go to the hospital but the doctor should be called in case their illness needs further assessment. If you know that a child is susceptible to febrile seizures, medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be administered to keep fevers down when a child is ill.

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A febrile seizure can be alarming and scary to watch but they are not life threatening to a child. A febrile seizure occurs when a sick child develops a fever and the temperature is greater than 100.4 F. Having a febrile seizure as a child does not mean you will have a lifelong seizure disorder. Febrile seizures typically occur in very young children and are not a problem for teens and adults. The seizure can be as small as a twitch or a larger whole body shaking. The most important thing to remember when a child is having a seizure is to keep them safe and on their side and never put anything in their mouths. A call to the doctor should be made to let them know a febrile seizure has occurred. The doctor might want to see the child in the office and a febrile seizure usually does not require an ER visit.

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is for your information only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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