FEARLESS | traducir al español - Cambridge Dictionary

Traducción de fearless – Diccionario Inglés-Español


having no fear
a fearless fighter un valiente luchador

(Traducción de fearless del Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Traducción of fearless | Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español

not afraid at all
intrépido/ida [ masculine-feminine ]
a fearless explorer un intrépido explorador

(Traducción de fearless del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

Ejemplos de fearless

However, the anxious arousal mechanism is thought to be less effective with children who are temperamentally fearless because they tend to respond with insufficient anxiety when confronted with their wrongdoing.
Conversely, uninhibited children "display a relatively rapid and fearless approach to unfamiliar people, places, and objects" during similar situations.
What terrifies you, my fearless heart?
The prose exudes a gentle irony not devoid of empathy, but the content itself is relentless - and the author's voice is fearless.
Despite being warned many times by all the officials, they are fearless.
Octaves and fifths appear in fearless consecutiveness, and parts cross, drift apart or simply disappear.
Tenure to ensure fearless performance of duty was standard in the case of judges, but the underlying principle was by no means reserved to them.
Chillihuani could, and we were both fearless.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de fearless

en chino (tradicional)
無畏的, 大膽的…
en chino (simplificado)
无畏的, 大胆的…
en portugués
destemido, sem medo, sem medo [masculine-feminine]…
en más idiomas
in Marathi
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
en danés
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
en ruso
in Telugu
en árabe
in Bengali
en checo
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en coreano
en italiano
大胆な, 恐(おそ)れを知(し)らない…
korkusuz, gözüpek, pervasız…
sans peur, intrépide…
எந்த பயமும் இல்லை…
निडर, निर्भय…
oförfärad, orädd…
tidak gentar…
fryktløs, uten redsel…
بے خوف…
безстрашний, мужній…
భయం లేకుండ…
شُجاع, جَسور…
nebojácný, odvážný…
tanpa takut…
can đảm, chẳng sợ cái gì…
겁없는, 대담한…
senza paura, impavido, intrepido…
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Palabra del día

balancing act

/ˈbæl.ən.sɪŋ ˌækt/
/ˈbæl.ən.sɪŋ ˌækt/

a difficult situation in which someone has to try to give equal amounts of importance, time, attention, etc. to two or more different things at the same time

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