25 Unforgettable Family Travel Quotes [Family Outing Quotes] - What's Danny Doing

25 Unforgettable Family Travel Quotes [Family Outing Quotes]

Travel isn’t just for solo, single twenty-somethings! Here are a selection of my favourite family travel quotes about traveling with family, which I hope will inspire your next family vacation.

Wanderlust doesn’t just stop when kids come along.

Indeed, I can’t imagine my desire to travel ever waning, no matter the change in circumstance.

The stats seem to prove it too: 44% of millennial travellers take their children with them on vacation. I hope to add to that statistic whenever I end up having kids of my own!

The idea of taking young kids on a trip must be pretty daunting though.

But don’t let it stop you! Clearly, masses of people do it; there’s fun and adventure to be had. Travelling as a family will create eternal memories and set your kids up for an incredible life ahead.

Still worried, undecided, or just looking for a bit of family travel inspiration? I wanted to assemble a list of top family travel quotes to help.

I hope the following quotes about traveling with family and family outing quotes serve to inspire your trip!

25 Unforgettable Family Travel Quotes & Family Trip Caption Ideas

Here we go, the following quotes about traveling are all related to family travel somehow. I hope these quotes about travel and family convince you to have an adventure together.

Inspiring Traveling With Family Quotes and Make Memories Quotes!

Daunted by the prospect of travelling as a family? In need of a little inspiration? The following quotes full of family trip inspiration should help you jump into the experience and make memories as you go.


“Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.”

— Lovelle Drachman

Kids are naturally inquisitive. They’re little creatives, full of imagination and bursting with curiosity at the world. Everything is a new adventure for them.

Set them forth in distant lands to give them an experience they’ll never forget.

…If they start missing home, read them some of these quotes!


Quotes abouts traveling with family don’t get much more inspiring than this one from Og Mandino.


“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.”

— Og Mandino

Childhood should be a magical time for everyone involved. Going travelling with your kids gives them the gift of new worlds, sights and experiences to hold onto as they get older.

It’s one of the great advantages of travel. I think the travel quotes with family on this list speak to that.


“There are no perfect parents and there are no perfect children, but there are plenty of perfect moments along the way”

— Dave Willis

Set aside your concerns about travelling as a family. Accept that there will be mishaps and mistakes along the way. But look forward to the far bigger bunch of good stuff that’ll happen as well.

Travelling with someone you love? These travel couple quotes might be of interest too!


“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

— Dolly Parton

Ahh, Dolly Parton. I could not agree more. As hectic as life can get, it should never get in the way of experiences as a family. Your time together is far more precious than your to-do list.

Heads up, you might also like these 165 Travel Captions for Instagram!

Insightful Travel with Family Quotes

It’s hard to know what to expect before hitting the road as a family. Here are some insightful quotes to (hopefully) reassure you it’ll all be fine…


“Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.”

— Lewis Carroll

Travel quotes for family don’t get much better than this!

Unsure whether travel is right for your children? Listen to Carrol.

Sure, school’s important. But what they’re really yearning for is adventure- not a life of tests, chalk-boards, and ‘organised fun’. Here’s more info on how self-development is so inherent within travel.


I love this travel with family quote from Hodding Carter. I hope you find value in the remaining traveling quotes with family themes.


“Two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings.”

— Hodding Carter

Roots and wings. Understanding and courage. Humility and ambition. Grounding and aspirations. Travel provides your children with all of the above. And you’ll have been the one to instigate it.


“Every day we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.”

— Charles R Swindoll

You want your kids to look back on their childhoods with fondness and delight. Give them a childhood full of fun, excitement and adventure by hitting the road as soon as possible.


“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes memory.”

— Dr. Seuss

Your children stand to gain from travel long after the experience is over. Who knows what seeds the trip will sow?

Fun Family Trip Quotes (Travel Quotes Family Members Will Love!)

What’s the point in life if there’s no fun to be had? These family travelling quotes made me smile. I hope they have the same effect on you too!


“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”

— Peter Pan

Wisdom straight from the mouth of a childhood hero of mine! Peter Pan said it best. Anything is possible when you believe it can happen. Travelling is great at inspiring hope, possibility, and confidence in your abilities.


“Traveling in the company of those we love is home in motion.”

— Leigh Hunt

I like this thought a lot. The idea of leaving your home behind can make travel seem daunting. But going with family is like taking your home with you…there’s nothing to be scared about.


I hope these family trip quotes will help you see the fun there is to be had too. Quotes for travelling with family don’t get any better!


“And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.”

— Shanti

I couldn’t agree more. Travelling can be an amazing antidote to the mundanity of modern childhood. Everything is so clean, protective, ordered and…sanitary. Travel’s about diving headlong into experience, getting knocked about a bit in the process, and feeling fundamentally alive.

Education-Related Travel Family Quotes

Travel is arguably a much better, more wholesome and holistic education than any other. As these quotes have already suggested, it’s a genuine gift to give your kids.

Here are some education-related quotes on family trip to enjoy!


“The best education you will ever get is traveling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences.”

— Mark Paterson

These quotes on travel with family reveal that the road is one big learning experience.

You witness and engage with new people, places and cultures. You navigate challenges, make your own decisions, figure out how to get around, and so on. From start to finish you and your family will be learning all the time.


Aristotle coming up with a travel family quote about how educational the experience is for kids. Read on for more quotes on traveling with family and the education it provides!


“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

— Aristotle

Life is so much more than school. There’s a vast amount of schooling to be gained from the experience of the outside world. You can come away from formal education with a lot of knowledge, but very little understanding. Travel can fill in the gaps.

Here are some quotes about living abroad that might persuade you of the virtue of travel!


“Travel is like an endless university. You never stop learning.”

— Harvey Lloyd

Again, more quotes for travel with family to try and drive this idea home! Travel is a constant source of learning.  Hit the road and everyone will gain a better understanding of themselves and the world.


“Not all classrooms have four walls.”

— A. Nonymous

The education you get isn’t always as obvious as the book-learning of facts and figures. Instead, the road is your classroom and the experiences are the teachers. You learn by diving headlong into them.

These inspiring family quotes might be enough to trust in the education your family would get from the road.

Personal Favourite Travelling With Family Quotes

Here are some family travel quotes that stood out to me above all others…


“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.”

— Doug Ivester

We owe it to ourselves to forge an incredible life. We only get one shot at it. Travelling as a family ensures that both you and your kids get a head-start at living life right. I hope these short quotes on family travel are convincing you to give it a go!


“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

— Confucius

It’s easy to take your problems, misgivings and grievances with you on the road. Do your best to leave them at home. Enter fully into the experience of travelling with your family! Heed these quotes about family vacations and make the most of the trip.


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

— Mark Twain

I could have put this quote in the educational family adventure quotes category. But I liked it too much. The world makes you realise many truths about yourself and the world. It forces you to become a better person all-round.


Family vacation quotes don’t get much better than this one from the almighty Jack Kerouac. I love his quote about traveling with family.


“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddam mountain.”

— Jack Kerouac

You have to love Jack Kerouac.

He pretty much singlehandedly inspired wanderlust in an entire generation of travellers. You can see how. Make this quote a mantra for life. Stop thinking about travelling with your kids, and just go do it!

…Just read the rest of these vacation with family quotes first!

General Family Vacation Quotes About Travel with Family

These quotes about travelling with family are related to travel in general. But I couldn’t help but draw a connection to what family traveling would be like…


“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.”

— Paul Brandt

I love this quote about travelling with family!

The world offers endless opportunities to you and your family. You just have to be brave and willing to take that step into the unknown. I hope these travel and family quotes are inspiring you to give it a go!


“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

— Helen Keller

You owe it to yourself to make your life, and that of your children, as great as possible. Nothing else makes sense. Travel offers a recipe for doing just that. Hopefully, these quotes on travelling with family are convincing you to give it a shot!


“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

— Oprah Winfrey

Listen to Oprah. The family travel caption she provides here is definitely one to keep in mind.

Do you dream about having an adventure with your family? Then go turn it into a reality. You won’t regret it.


Here’s a travel quote with family at its heart, even if it isn’t explicitly family-related! Read on for more traveling family quotes.


“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.”

— A. Nonymous

Go travelling as a family and create stories that will last a lifetime. You’ll be swapping tales and reminiscing for years to come.


“Take only memories, leave only footprints.”

— Chief Seattle

You don’t need to take home a suitcase full of souvenirs when your family vacation comes to an end! You’ll have memories aplenty…But don’t leave anything behind either!


“Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love.”

— Marty Rubin

Of all the family outing quotes on this list, this one’s sure to strike a chord! Going away as a family is one of the greatest experiences you could ever have!

You’re with the people you love most, making memories, revelling in each other’s company, and ending up with a boatload of stories to tell.

BONUS: Family Vacation Captions

Are you looking for specific family vacation captions rather than vacation quotes with family themes? Here’s a bonus section you might like. Check out these 20 captions for a trip with family.

1. Sun. Sea. Sand. Family…Bliss.

2. I live to explore the world with the people I love the most.

3. Family adventures are the best adventures.

4. Kids + planes = hardly a match made in heaven.

5. Can you imagine seeing these mindblowing sights through the eyes of a child?

6. Family vacations are my happy place.

7. Making memories one family trip at a time.

8. Making the most of our time together.

9. Kids smiling. Holiday vibing.

10. Whoever said travelling with kids was a bad idea?

11. Suntans and sandcastles.

12. You’re never too young to start exploring the world.

13. Precious memories in perfect places.

14. Don’t forget your vitamin SEA, kids.

15. Forget toys. It’s time to travel.

16. Happiness comes in waves.

17. Family time in the sunshine with fine wine and tan lines.

18. Adventures. They’re the best gift you could ever give your kids.

19. Vacation mood: on.

20. Shedding routines, hopping on planes, and witnessing wonders of the world…as a family.

Remember These Trip with Family Quotes & Family Outing Quotes

Don’t let having a family stop you from travelling.

Do the opposite: let having a family begin a new travel adventure! Hit the road together and everyone stands to gain, in all manner of ways.

Hopefully, the awesome family travel quotes above have inspired you to do just that. More than anything, I just hope you enjoyed these quotes about traveling with family as much as I did.

Thinking of hitting the road as a family? Which family and travel quotes did you like best?

Drop me a comment below to let me know! And be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

You’ll become the newest member of this community! I’ll shoot the occasional email full of personal updates on what I’ve been up to, as well as a bunch of useful tips and inspiration that I’ve come across along the way.

Prefer to travel with friends instead of family? Check out this post full of 200 quotes about travelling friends!

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