Information Briefing #174 – White Hat Auxiliaries

White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements


Global Settlements Planning and Real-World Challenges to Overcome

Salve Citizens!

We sincerely hope all of you are well and prospering. Thank you for the overwhelming responses to the chat section. From crypto, Covid, politics, economics and to the Ukraine, the amount of information shared, and the clarity that is brought to many subjects by our readers is truly appreciated. We know the majority of our readers do not comment, but we nonetheless welcome you.

What follows is an explanation couched in the language of reality, and various plans we hope to implement in the near future, along several fronts.

But first, let us briefly comment on the ongoing market in selling fantasy and magic goofus dust to the gullible masses.

There exists, still, many who believe of secret plans being worked on by mysterious groups of fantastically imagined persons, to widely distribute trillions of dollars to the general populations holding various kinds of currencies, or who are enrolled in some kind of program to disgorge such funds as part of a plan to “free humanity”. Such groups almost always invoke heavy new age mysticism and/or fervent religious incantations, but somehow never reasonably explain a legitimate provenance to such a rare altruistic sovereign/banking undertaking.

There indeed is a global restructuring in the works, but it is not for refunding failed political Tammany Hall types, idle wealth seeking megalomaniacs, or non-contributors and goldbricking slackers. What was true in the early days of humanity is still true today: You need to work for your own fortunes. Nobody, especially banking cartels or sovereign treasuries, is going to shovel millions in your direction for nothing, especially at the cost of a nation’s lives or economic wellbeing.

With respect to large sovereign financial transactions, what is truly coming will come in stages. A very carefully planned and realistically funded and structured series of events which will find its way to the corners of the world where need is truly present. From the very source to the end point, at no time will any one of the various self-anointed “guardians of galactic wealth” be handling such a task. Nor will the currency talk-show hosts or suddenly-an-expert bloggers.

But understand that achieving the legitimate distributions is not without an opposition which cares little for you or anyone outside their private club. We have outlined the astonishing level of theft which financial cartels have engaged in to divert funds earmarked for legitimate public good into their greedy, usurious hands. And with virtually no repercussions in any legal court; a true testament to their influence at the highest levels. One such case was the $700,000,000,000 Tropos theft, overseen by Janet Yellen, the treasury felon. These funds, issued as an ACAT Fund to the Tropos Project Account, held under Wachovia Bank, were blatantly and ruthlessly stolen in transit by the Fed intercepting the SWIFT wire to the Bank, on Yellen’s then Fed watch, where for the last 20 or so years now they have had free illicit use of vast funds meant to fund projects helping millions to do good. They are used instead for the Rothchild’s Fed usury lust.  

Appeals to the highest office in the land resulted in no appropriate action being taken to return stolen funds. For a more thorough exposé on this matter, please see White Hats Report #23.

Safety of Elders’ funds is key. This is not accomplished by invoking NESARA wood sprites or galactic forces. Such safety is achieved by being in the trenches, face to face. An iron hand is needed to safeguard such funding from a “Tropos outcome”. For at any time, if allowed, such resources would be waylaid by the claws of treasury goblins. The Elders are being counseled to reject one shady deal after another – all designed to benefit the goblins, and not humanity. The hand that rocks the cradle is ever alert to such dealings and will stop it cold. No propping up of treasury rat nests will be allowed. Such brethren will not be allowed nearby.

The Zionist cabal Petro-dollar confidence scam is ending. Worthless Zionist Fed paper is backed by nothing but hype. They have syphoned out your hard-earned wealth by stealth, as ever. America’s wealth has been stolen by a locust swarm. You will soon be handed the title to an insolvent farmland of husks, while the goblins, sated by plunder, move to their next target of opportunity. Currently, they salivate over Ukraine; standing by to scoop up the bargains while they foster and promote both sides to war. There are valid reasons why such behavior got them forced out of one country after another for 6,000 years – the good among them paying the price for the actions of the worst among them. They rape, plunder, eviscerate and move on under the cloak of righteous piety. Look at the financial statistics of the fiscal USA. Does it reflect protecting the nation from being plundered? Or does it reflect a grain silo eaten through with only a pile of rat turds left behind as a thank-you. Who let this happen? Why?

The result of this plunder is now clear. America is on an untenable course. Here is your wake-up call. Consider your plans carefully and be ready for any sudden shock. In all respects. If such-and-such happens, what will you do? Think it through. Politicians, in large part, are not capable of overcoming their own incompetence. They cannot manage the affairs of government. How, then, will they be able to help you manage your affairs?

The Elders will exchange for viable funds and programs, then working with their proven, ethical and humanitarian London parties, will expand out bringing hope where needed. The key and core ethos is to build a vast Global Sovereign Wealth Fund, protecting at all times the capital base integrity of the assets, apportioning the accrued profits toward designated Humanitarian needs and apportioning others towards long term income investment for the fund.  

Another area of high-level focus is the alternative currencies. How we credit line AU, and how we trade out accordingly. What and when. That is ever tasking us to get the balances right in a fast-evolving global marketplace.

Hydroponics is being explored to feed and sustain areas where food production is too low to prevent starvation. Medical technologies which include organ cloning etc., and other vital health services, such as hospital mercy ships that can be dispatched to areas where there is great need are also being looked at. Aquifer expansion and a plethora of similar project options. Prioritizing which and when. Instead of shielding it all in some tax haven to escalate self-wealth, such will be legitimately registered for proper tax reporting where required by law and openly and closely administered to ensure no political graft can seep in.   

12 just men are all it needs to be administered, and they are there. Good hearts, good men. A true Round Table of Honor. Quietly have hope, it’s coming. Amazing!

And now, let us correct some impressions about jolly old England. Conspiracy theories about London lizard queens and other deluded nonsense serves no useful purpose. There is no singular global elite ownership cabal, and nor does some Galactic overlord control what transpires in the U.K. Such is delusional thinking, pure and simple.

London has no total global power over the planet. It competes like everyone with standards and relationships under ever-growing competition.  All of London’s think tanks and City Liveries are subjected to constant ethical monitoring and priority. Professional elites set high standards or decline as a meritocracy. Rothschild powers were removed long ago. They have no London standing nor would their inclusion be condoned. There simply is a dearth of high-quality political leadership out there with chaos ruling fools, but this applies worldwide. So, rest assured. The English make their way in life just like everyone else, without assistance from outer space.

The world continues to move towards a Blockchain economy. With that move will most likely come significant chaos as old paradigms give way. The wise will continue to acquire quality blockchain projects and hold them throughout the severe volatility which will continue to manifest as a side effect of increasing adoption and economic uncertainty, both on a local and international level. This is not the time to call it quits or yield positions to dubious forecasts of doom and gloom. Once again, the goals lie far out in the distance. We will continue to add any new projects to our suggested list of ideas as they arise. Our approach will be as always – to hold value and wait; to remain calm while others frantically try to predict highs and lows.

And, as has been mentioned before, post releases, there may be potential opportunities available via a very strict selection process. We have very little details on this at the moment. But rest assured, if and when the time comes to proceed along these lines, you will be given proper notice by lawfully appropriate means. The goal will be to empower the capable, the strong, the talented and consistent achievers amongst us to go out and assert a positive effect on society. The carping critics, the complainers, the fantasists, the indolent, the delusional and the indecisive will have to be gently set aside and hopefully given the rehabilitation they require and will have no place at the table being set.

It’s time to re-orient oneself to the present and focus on the future and what we want to make of it.

Continue to be ready for anything.

Thank you, and please stay tuned.



823 responses to “Information Briefing #174”

  1. Blaming Russia,, using Russia is what you do when you have no other way of trying to stop the truth!…



    Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong
    Americans are paying $40 billion for the “privilege” of chancing nuclear war, and condemning the Ukraine to an endless war.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Actually, I am seriously cheesed off about the funding and arming of Ukraine. How dare the wanker politicians here decide for the people of this country that they will send money, arms and whatever else they decide without clearing that with this people of this country.

      They are there to represent our wishes not make decisions that represent harm, damage and sheer waste to our country. That money could be better spent looking after the needy in this country, not funding that bullshit wanker supposedly leading Ukraine. F them all to hell.

      I am bursting to watch the absolute shit fight that will occur here in Aus next Saturday with the election. Many have woken up and are voting accordingly. I still think we will get the leftie pack of wankers in but boy oh boy are they going to have trouble doing what they want. Good job.


    1. Great fake milk for infants. You might as well go out and drink liquid plastic cause that is how poisoness it will be.


  3. Can’t be trusted! Prince Harrys UK trip savaged as Netflix wants grievances to air

    2 Cheap Scavenging Losers.
    Energy crisis lifeline as US strikes critical nuclear deal with UK

    UK- US Thinking Innovation.
    Meghan Markle’s presidential run appears inevitable | The Spectator

    Unreal. The mother bolts on the father. She bolts on the first husband.
    She fantasies Royalty with neither experience nor decorum, marries the families Wet, Narcisstic, whinging Little Boy, can’t handle the standards. So, bolts again with the family halfwit.
    She bolts on her father. Shes goes ego tripping on Oprah and insults the nation.
    Now this never seen a day of exercise bony legged, buckle nosed C Lister Actress wannabe, totally out of touch with reality, wants to be President next?
    Well America, you can sure pick them.
    Markle don’t come here with your Netflix Crew free riding on Monarchy for a cheap Buck. Keep the halfwit and get a job. Renounce your undeserved titles and go. Shallow Bitch.
    Half Wit Harry? We know how this will end up. Wallace Simpson Markel. America’s Princess who couldn’t cut it. No Class, Big Ass.
    Europe needs him to depopulate the illegals. Start with the UK. He will get our vote. France and Germany’s too. Wogs for Wogslands.

    Putin’s Stalinist deportation plan for 2MILLION Ukrainians


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I may have some ancestral title rights on the Thames. Is there a solicitor in the house?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Surely this came from a lab.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. her arms don’t seem to match the muscles on the rest of her body. hhmmm…


  6. JoanofArc1951 Avatar

    After Biden canceled the Trump withdrawal from the WHO, his administration sent the WHO a series of amendments that would effectively cede the sovereignty of America over healthcare to the WHO. He sent it January 18th without any press coverage or Congressional or Senatorial input. We are just finding out about it now. The World Health Assembly votes on these amendments May 22-28. If accepted, they go into effect in November 2022, essentially taking away the freedom we have here over our own health and bodies. Michele Bachmann appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Rumble recently to expose this. Here is the link to that interview.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely not to be accepted by the people. NO WAY.


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Allah has willed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “ – OffGuardian

    But remember all ALL CBDCs can Bail YOU IN!

    They sure are trying to get this done before the Euro hits the wall.

    REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “

    Shocking Report Reveals Elite Pedophiles Are Flocking To Ukraine To Purchase Child Sex Slaves For $150,000 – enVolve

    The horror the MSM is denying you all.

    This in the real tragedy of Ukrainians fleeing to the EU..
    who pains for the horror that is being endured ? Certainly not those wanting greater war where such conditions exist.. wait until soon enough such predators prey on local EU citizens as conditions deteriorate… a sad state of affairs
    Russia: Soros, Gates, Hunter Biden, EcoHealth funded Biolabs, Funneled $$$ to Democrats

    Please, we need you ALL to help push this.

    This needs a real inquiry.. the question is whether anyone is independent enough with credible standing to do so


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Excellent metatron substack article.

    Identifies the unlawful nature of elderly death not to mention the jump-the-gun euthanasia via midazolam. Heads MUST roll.


  11. Jeez Rockville, that grabbing the Lil Fella? Better keep her happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      17 will get you 20.


  12. Ukraine war: Vladimir Putin ‘humiliating himself on the world stage’, says Liz Truss as she calls for allies to do more for Kyiv government

    ‘Sides matter little What is Truth, anywhere ? What does matter is that Putin is making a total Arse of himself on the world stage and dragging Russia down to ignominy.

    Some Grunt Blogger with attitude has no say or bearing on issues of State. Reality bypasses such fools. Ignorance is not bliss, but taking the Piss.
    Putin looks ever more mentally fragile and it shows. Diplomatically he’s getting trashed. G7 have blown him. The UN walk out on him and Lavrov. NATO are now in strong Vogue.
    Europe has recoiled. He’s put Russia in play. For all the badness of the Zio Rat Rogue Zelensky, he’s Pussy Whipping Vlad and the West concurs. Putin shows the Nous of a Cretin. Sad for Russia
    If Putin goes Nuke every chance it goes limited WW111 to start then what? Madness in Moscow. Delicate times. Molotov Cocktails are waiting. Russian into disaster.

    Long ,long , long overdue ALL these State and Federal Tossers worldwide need to be cut loose. Poison Ivy, mass Sack!
    91,000 civil service jobs to be axed in move that could save £3.5bn


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Bavaria, here I come.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. NIH director confirms agency hid early COVID genes at request of Chinese scientists


    1. Did not mean to post that as a reply to your post Rockville.

      Liked by 1 person


    The “Guardians” are ex-military intelligence tasked with working on the looking glass project. The project dealt with an artifact found in Iraq that could see the future to 2030.

    [REDACTED. Scam post. Never send your coin to anyone promoting such nonesense] -WHA

    HIW, one more like this and it will be your last.


    1. “Send me your crypto and I will keep it safe”? This entire article is a scam, don’t fall for it!!!


    2. Thank God for the Guardians of the Site integrity!

      Liked by 3 people

    Wow! 2 minute video. There was a movie made about years ago. Can’t remember the name. Geezz!


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Buy low…

    Anything else is just complicated nonsense.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. BTC to 20k at this point is very likely, 17k would fulfill BTC’s 80-85% retracement cycle that it has done multiple times. I have been buying a little bit as we have come lower, but below 20k and esp. below 17k I will be buying mostly BTC. I’m well loaded on my favorite alts,(luckily not Luna/UST) so I am going to focus on BTC this round. Thanks Tony

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I heard goats milk is the closest to breast milk. Also, you can find someone nursing and offer to pay them to pump and share. Personally, I nursed and never bought a single container of formula. I used a little food grinder to make their solids when it came time for it. Mothers should choose to nurse whenever possible. It is free. As long as she stays healthy, baby will be too. Good luck everyone.


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Everyone wants a piece of the action.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Exactly what is going on!!


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d like a pair of those balls of steel please. 🙂


  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Keep your coin off of exchanges. Hardware wallets or non custodial (self custody) online wallets only.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Ethereum and Bitcoin Prices Are Tanking. Here’s Why One Expert Thinks Bitcoin Could Drop Even Lower | NextAdvisor with TIME
    Games are in play expect it to be white water rapids for a while.
    Bitcoin news – latest: Crypto prices collapse as investors say they have lost fortunes | The Independent

    Be assured the ESF hidden away in the White House will be manipulating markets heavily. Take great care and wait for the dips.
    Britain has thrown down the gauntlet to Russia now the world has recoiled by the perception of this war. Where is truth?

    This has put Russia back 50 years. Beyond ugly.

    Finland’s leaders announce they must join NATO ‘without delay’
    Ukraine will end war on their terms after appalling Putin miscalculation, says UK
    Putin has lost the plot here.
    Scientists Have Found A Curious Link Between Coffee And Cholesterol

    Worth noting to all.
    Russia is being made a pariah state – just like it and the Soviet Union were for most of the last 105 years

    This is an under statement the Wrest has had it with Russia now.
    FDA finally admits that covid vaccines cause blood clots –

    They have a lot to answer for as all these vaccines are flawed and have been hoisted upon a faithful public who now is losing complete trust in government.
    This is how change happens on a mass scale and it is a trade by that some people have to suffer the Pain and turmoil that these vaccines have and are causing.
    Those folks who experience no visible consequences are fortunate.
    Having had his ass whipped by the Ukkies that’s for sure.

    Putin does not want to take on NATO in a fight, says Lloyd Austin
    Scientists Discover Unexplained Abundance of Rare Nuclear Fusion Fuel on Earth – VICE

    Interesting now what?
    Feed to Biden and Pelosi fast?
    Subject: Blueberries Protect Blood Vessels, May Slow Age-Related Mental Decline
    Corrupt Obama Judge BLOCKS Durham’s Evidence Revealing Hillary Clinton Link To Criminal Conspiracy Russia Hoax – enVolve

    When does America get truth?

    In a corrupt environment there is no justice.
    Will truth be allowed?

    House panel to hold first public UFO hearing in 50 YEARS next week


  26. Counterpoint

    “it is unwise to set policy seeking a preferred outcome if there does not exist a rational path by which Ukraine could accomplish that objective. At present, most indicators, fundamentals of war, and current battlefield trendlines support the prospect of a Ukrainian defeat.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Try the Senate?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Try the US Senate?


  27. Found this post on another board where it was forwarded to from The Kate Awakening Channel:

    Built into freedom of speech is natural selection. You are free to speak your mind, and the rest of society is free to judge and/or reject you for what you say. This isn’t the same thing as censorship, by far. Nor is it the same thing as “cancel culture” which is based on virtue signaling falsehood. This system works great when society is geared toward morality, which by nature we are.

    I WANT people to speak freely and expose their true nature so I can better discern who to associate with, and who not to.

    Modern society has lumped all judgement of others together and told us it’s bad and mean. But there are right and wrong reasons to judge others. It’s wrong to judge others based on their appearance, abilities, or anything they have no control over. But, as MLK Jr said, we SHOULD judge people on the content of their character, which comes down to the actions they choose to take. Someone who behaves in a way that harms others should be judged accordingly.

    My grandma used to talk about how she watched the term “discrimination” get turned into a dirty word. It was GOOD to be discriminating, it meant good sense and moral clarity in wrong vs right. But the left turned it into a synonym for racism and bigotry. Intentional? Think about that for a second. The dictionary even shows the stark contrast with the old and new contradictory definitions. One awful, and one a vital character trait.

    This is what our opposition does. When truth isn’t on your side, you have to change the definitions of words and obscure reality in order to confuse and befuddle people into siding with you.
    They can’t fight us on our own turf, which is reality. They need to create an upside down, topsy-turvy, “fluid” dimension where there is no solid ground.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Not that the crazies won’t do this again, but for the moment:

    Liked by 3 people

  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  30. What happened UST, and was it an attack?

    Word on the street is that Soros, Pelosi and gang were right there with Blackrock and Citadel with the goal being taking all crypto to $0 so they can regulate it out of existence in preparation for their digital dollar. Appears they don’t like competition.


    1. Quote from Simon Dixon on Crypto markets “Bear markets are the best time to be alive and in the sector. It’s depressing for those that don’t know what they’re doing, it’s awesome for those that have a longer-term view.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Great points and he certainly understands the dynamics of this market. His outline of how people who expect this market to provide a steady paycheck are often the ones having the hardest times, was spot on. I also agree with him that it’s the number of a coin accumulated that is important, not the present dollar value. This is why DCA is your best option if you are going for the long-term wealth goal, and not the short-term trader mentality. Keep the numbers of coin growing, and remember we are in front of a wave that is not even close to reaching its crest.

        Adoption and institutional interest continue to grow. Extreme price volatility is the price we will pay for the growing pain that any new industry will experience. But that is easily overcome by not using funds which are key to day-to-day needs. That only will keep you up at night. And not in the way you would like.

        I personally keep my short-term cash trading limited to stock and commodities options. While I know how to swing and day trade to hedge fund standards, I don’t do so with cryptos.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. The “digital dollar” would be no threat to BTC or any crypto. They could never take markets down to 0$. That’s fantasy bullshit.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow, I like her. So right on!!

      Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Here we go.


  34. Hello WHA! Back from honeymoon and trying to catch up.

    The new article was very good and we look forward to hearing more. John thank you for watching out for the BS! Very good of you to take time from your scheduling and being a light of truth vis a vis the nonsense in this world. Take those money lenders to task! We love seeing that. Do not quit.

    Tony thank you for taking the time also to keep this site up and running. We know how busy you are and that it all comes out of your pocket. The happenings in the background sound amazing and we are patiently watching. Thank you for giving a voice to us.

    Let us hope the Russian dogs and Ukrainian worms do not destruct the world. Leave them alone to work out their disagreements. Neither are worth the collapse of our world. Of course the money counting worm financiers behind both are the real vermin and need removing.

    With regards from Munich.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Good timing was just about the leave for the day.

      Congratulations on your recent marriage, and I wish you both a great future together! Thank you as always for your support. Stay tuned for more. There is reportedly much going on behind the scenes that we have not been briefed fully on. One can only imagine the magnitude of it all.

      Time is short and I have appointments to keep, so thank you again, and here is a little bit of Rammstein for you and your husband. Hard driving rock for a hard driving couple. Keep up the good work.


      1. Ha!! Thank you Tony. What a way to start my day!
        ♥ Rammstein


  35. As if the medical profession was not screwed up enough already,, here comes the queen/ or king, I get confused…

    Top Medical Licensure Board Creates Misinformation Policy — Because What Could Go Wrong With A Science Hive Mind?


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Two trillion dollars – trying to bring order to a culture that even Alexander could not tame. Imagine that money invested in our country’s infrastructure, our poor, our health care system, power plants, agriculture, etc. No, we gave it to the military and the opium cartels.

    Now, we send money to another lost cause.


  38. European Sanctions Blown To Bits: Draghi Says “Most Gas Importers” Have Opened Ruble Accounts With Gazprom


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Be greedy when others sell you coin at lower prices.


  40. Fact-checking the “fact checkers” regarding the 2000 Mules documentary. The Assoicated Press claims that people were wearing gloves when they stuffed the ballot boxes at 3:00am in the morning, because it was cold outside, knowing their readers didn’t watch the documentary because the footage shows them wearing blue latex gloves!!

    One woman takes off and throws in the trash the moment she drops off a bunch of ballots!

    There’s so much more. Here’s a good breakdown of the fact suppressors claiming they debunked the movie.



    (NOT A)STUNNER: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Unvaccinated Have the Lowest Positivity Rate for COVID — Triple and Double Vaxxed Groups Have the Worst Rate


  42. Rockville… might as well bring over MarkZ and TNT Tony!… lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trust one thing, WHA will give each a BS rating fast.
      If it’s not a WHA wrapper on the packets it’s NOT WHA reality IN the package. BS we do not package.
      Big things are in play. Real things. Zio Scum Free.
      WHA will not Wrap Crap Change is coming. Good changes. If you only knew what’s in play.
      That lot are just playing with themselves. WHA keeps it real.

      Liked by 3 people

    Green Beret Peter Chambers has been giving vaccine-injury cases directly to Sen. Ron Johnson to aid Wisconsin Republican’s efforts against military vaccine mandate.


  44. I really hope none of you rode TERRA LUNA from $100 seven days ago to less than .70 as I type this.

    Holy Shite.


    1. Wild!… but the opportunities are amazing!… need more money!… lol


    2. This is FWIW… just read this and of course I have no way of knowing if it is true…


      1. Well…Everyone wanted institutional money. They got it.

        The big boys make WAY more money shorting that going long.

        Then add 100X leverage, 10 to 1 perpetual futures, protocals like Anchor paying obscene interest and 20% is nothing. Some of these are 100% of more.

        There is no plunge protection team or circuit breakers in this system.

        This is why I always say, it’s a traders market, not a multi-cycle buy and hold. There could be a case for a small HODL ETH/BTC position, but most of these go up and then all the way back to down each 4 year cycle. And 4 years IS A LONG TIME to hold for most people when you are down 500% from a high. Especially if you need funds.

        Honestly, I thought BTC would blow off to $90K to $100K, but when it didn’t I sold out at the end of December, 1st of January and my cash is up 100%-200%. That is a great return. This 4 year cycle should bottom around end of 2022 and start building a base for 2 years before the next rise.

        To each his own, we all have to make our own life choices, but I learned a hard lesson in gold from 2011 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2018 in crypto. What goes up, comes down.

        As the great investment bank Lazard would say. No one goes broke taking a profit.

        Coglin’s Law…..Never be afraid to miss a bottom. Bottoms always form slowly. And more importantly, never be afraid to miss a top. Take profit.


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          Your gains are great, but peanuts compared to what many have reported to me by holding and buying on retracement over time.

          This is not the market for funds you NEED. It’s the market for building wealth. Funds you need come from a trade or occupation and/or set asides for later years.

          Yep, to each their own.


    3. Never touched Luna or any “stable coin”. Never on our list. For good reason.


  45. Rockville

    The Public Status is Hopium.
    Every time they do this. It’s nowhere near this far yet. As of TODAY! I checked with Reno. also..Keep the day job.
    Watch WHA for reality.

    Liked by 3 people

  46. I like Tony Bennett, such a smoothy.


  47. Wish they would get this thing working in my area real fast. Our roads here are shocking and the more rain we get each week, the worse it gets. Thank god I have big tyres.


  48. I do not like this bird. I think she is a fake money grabbing bullshit artist. He may be a dick in some ways but she has no right whatsoever to take him for a ride for money. What ever happened to loving and protecting the one you married?


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Posting this from a reader in Europe who could not get it to post. I don’t know the details or when this happened.

    Lufthansa pilot banned 200 Jews from his flight.


  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And those in the US who are living on the street, homeless, need medical attention, rising costs to feed families, pay rent? These maniacs are going to get us all killed throwing such petrol on the fires of war. I detect the putrid smell of a small pack of usury rodents who need chaos to keep their coffers full.

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Given the political collapse and ineffectiveness of the US government, the Zio trash raping America for every penny it can squeeze out of the fed, the insatiable appetite of the military industrial complex, the shortage of diesel fuels to keep the supply lines running…. seriously, how close is the total economic collapse?

    I’m a retired soldier, living off my pension and VA disability. Until January, 2020, i worked at the CDC, witnessing firsthand the C19 fiasco, and shamdemic. I resigned, and walked away because my ethics and integrity aren’t for sale. I’m not afraid of war, nor nukes. My nightmare is collapse of the economy, and fake assed FIAT dollar. I burned my dinar, but hold my dong… um, anyway… I have meager crypto holdings, following Tony’s advice, investing only what I can afford to lose.

    I think the bubble burst a long time ago, the US is on failing life support. This isn’t the America I served for 21 years of my life.

    The swine at the trough will burn cities when the government tit stops sending the welfare checks. I don’t think this is very far from reality, nor far from happening.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      It would be hard to quarrel with your assessments.

      Thank you for sharing. Hold those cryptos!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Spot on Tom, thanks mate.

      Liked by 2 people

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