Factorio Commands List | Commands.gg

Factorio Command List

Find below an updated Factorio console commands list. Last updated for Factorio version 0.16.47 (Factorio 0.16).

Hover over a cheat code to see argument explanation and more help. Click the "Card View" button to view all commands in an easier-to-read format.

To open the Factorio console, use the / key (forward slash). For more help executing Factorio commands, please see this article. Click on the name of a command below to visit its help page, on which you can find examples and in-depth explanations.

Factorio Blog
Name Syntax Description
alerts /alerts [enable / disable / mute / unmute] [alert type] This command will enable, disable, mute or unmute a specified alert, relative to the parameters you specify.
clear /clear This command clears all previous messages that have been received in the console.
color /color [color name / rgba] This command will change your color to the specified color (either the name of a color, e.g. 'white', or to an RGBA value).
evolution /evolution This command will print information about the alien evolution factor of your current game.
help /help [command] If executed without an argument (just '/help'), it will send a list of all commands. If executed with an argument (e.g. '/help color'), detailed help about the specified command will be printed.
mute-programmable-speaker /mute-programmable-speaker [setting] [scope] This command can be used to both mute and unmute the programmable speaker. Using the argument "local" will mute/unmute the speaker for your client only, using the argument "everyone" will mute/unmute the speaker for everyone on the server.
perf-avg-frames /perf-avg-frames [tick amount] This command can be used to define the tick sample size for the average performance counter. This means the amount of ticks that will pass before the performance counter calculates an average. By default, this is set to 100 ticks, so the performance counter would calculate an average based on the past 100 ticks (every 100 ticks). A lower number would mean that an average is calculated more often, and the average would have a lower sample size.
permissions /permissions This command can be used to open the server permissions interface.
Admin Only
screenshot /screenshot [resolution x] [resolution y] [zoom] This command can be used to take and automatically save a screenshot of your game with the GUI hidden. All arguments (resolution and zoom) are optional. The saved picture will be put in the 'script-output' folder, which can be found in your user data directory.
seed /seed This command will print the starting seed of your current map.
time /time This command prints statistics relating to the age/date/time of the map.
toggle-action-logging /toggle-action-logging This command can be used to enable/disable (toggle) the logging of input actions to the console. This command is a client-side command, so it will only affect logging on your client if executed on a multiplayer server.
Admin Only
toggle-heavy-mode /toggle-heavy-mode This command is used to debug desyncs. When executed, the game will be slowed down and multiplayer will not work.
Admin Only
toggle-rockets-sent-gui /toggle-rockets-sent-gui This command enables or disables (toggles) the "rockets sent" button that's displayed in the top left hand corner of your screen.
version /version This command prints the version of Factorio you are currently running.
admins /admins This command will show a list of the names of players who are admins on the server.
ban /ban [player name] [ban message] This command can be used to ban a player from your game. The ban reason will be shown to them. When banned, a player cannot join the server.
Admin Only
banlist /banlist [add / remove / get / clear] [player name] This command can be used to administrate the ban list: remove bans, add bans, clear all bans and view a list of all bans.
config /config [get / set] [option] [value] This command can be used to adjust (set) and view (get) many configuration settings.
Admin Only
delete-blueprint-library /delete-blueprint-library [player name] This command will delete the blueprint library storage for the specified player (if they are offline), or all offline players if you use the command '/delete-blueprint-library everybody confirm'.
Admin Only
demote /demote [player name] This command will remove the administrator status from the specified player.
Admin Only
ignore /ignore [player name] Use this command to ignore a player - ignoring a player means that you will not see messages they send in chat. Messages from administrators are still shown.
ignores /ignores This command will send you a list of all players you currently have ignored (unable to see the messages of).
kick /kick [player name] [kick reason] This command will kick a specified player from the server. Kicking is not the same as banning - after a player is kicked from the server, they can still reconnect.
Admin Only
mute /mute [player name] This command mutes the specified player. A muted player cannot send any chat messages.
Admin Only
mutes /mutes This command will send you a list of all players who are currently muted (online and offline).
open /open [player name] This command can be used to open and therefore see into and modify the inventory of a player.
Admin Only
players /players [online / count] This command can be used to either print a list of all online players ('online') or see the playercount (number of players online) of the server ('count').
promote /promote [player name] This command can be used to make a player administrator. Use /demote to remove the admin status.
Admin Only
purge /purge [player name] This command can be used to remove all messages sent by a specific player from the chat log. Useful if someone is spamming or sending a lot of inappropriate messages.
Admin Only
reply /reply [message] This command will respond to the most recent message you have received (from a player).
server-save /server-save This command force-saves the server.
Admin Only
shout /shout [message] This command sends a message to all players (including those not in your force).
swap-players /swap-players [player name] [player name] This command can be used to swap the characters of players.
Admin Only
unban /unban [player name] This command will unban the specified player from the server.
Admin Only
unignore /unignore [player name] This command removes a player from your ignore list (if you had ignored them), meaning you will be able to see their messages again.
unmute /unmute [player name] This command removes a mute from the specified player.
Admin Only
whisper /whisper [player name] [message] This command can be used to send a private message (PM) to another player.
whitelist /whitelist [add / remove / get / clear] [player name] NOTE: If the whitelist is empty, the whitelist is disabled - adding someone to the whitelist enables it. This command can be used to add and remove players from the whitelist, clear the whitelist and also see who is currently on the server whitelist. A whitelist is a list of players who can connect to the server, those not on the whitelist cannot connect to the server.