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How to find cheap flights

What day are flights the cheapest?

Sunday is generally the cheapest day to book flights, and booking on a Sunday can offer savings of up to 19.5% on average compared with flight booking on the most expensive day, which tends to be Friday according to historical data*.

When is the best time to buy airline tickets?

The best time to buy flight tickets varies based on class and destination, with premium domestic flights, for example, being most affordable 42 days before departure. Domestic economy flights, however, don't see price increases until 28 days prior to departure. If you're flying internationally, prices increase 56 days in advance for premium flights and 77 days in advance for economy flights, according to historical data*.

What is the cheapest day to travel by air?

Fridays tend to be the cheapest day for flights, with savings of up to 19% on average compared with flights on a Tuesday, which is the most expensive day to travel*.

Which is the cheapest month to fly?

The cheapest month to fly internationally tends to be august, with savings of up to 40.9% compared with flights in January. For domestic flights, April flights tend to be cheapest, offering savings of up to 33% compared with flights in March*.

How far out should you buy plane tickets?

It's generally best to buy plane tickets before they start to increase in price closer to departure, which is about 56 days in advance for premium international flights. That extends to 77 days for economy class international flights. Domestically, premium air tickets should be booked no less than 42 days in advance, while economy flights tend to offer great deals 4 weeks in advance*.

How can I find the cheapest flights on Expedia?

To find the cheapest flights on Expedia, you simply input your destination and travel dates and sort the results by price. Our vast inventory of carriers will allows you to browse a wide selection of flights, and flexible dates will make it much easier to bring down the price. Expedia members may also earn rewards on eligible bookings, so be sure to take advantage of this free program.

How do I get the lowest airfare?

The best way to get your airfare as low as possible is to have flexibility. That means being flexible not only with your dates, but also with layovers and connecting flights. Checking out Expedia's flight deals can also help keep your costs low. You can even search directly for flights under a certain budget, such as flight under $200.