Currency converter and latest foreign exchange rate information

Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9346668
AED 3.67175 JPY 157.765
ARS 874.758 KRW 1376.93
AUD 1.53034 MAD 10.0955
BRL 5.11306 MXN 17.1318
CAD 1.36652 NOK 11.0245
CHF 0.913646 NZD 1.68219
CNY 7.0909 PHP 57.7054
CZK 23.524 PLN 4.03696
DKK 6.9706 RUB 91.8796
EUR 0.934667 SEK 10.9378
GBP 0.800234 SGD 1.36203
HKD 7.82582 THB 36.982
HUF 366.521 TRY 32.4822
ILS 3.82022 USD 1
INR 83.4171 ZAR 18.8162
BHD 0.376858 MYR 4.78512
BOB 6.95392 NAD 18.9187
CLP 953.743 NGN 1306.26
COP 3966.17 NPR 133.679
DOP 58.5904 OMR 0.38484
EGP 47.8979 PAB 1.00271
IDR 16231 PEN 3.75449
IRR 42075.3 PKR 279.14
ISK 140.483 RON 4.65146
JMD 156.529 SAR 3.7453
JOD 0.708477 TWD 32.5902
KES 132.854 UAH 39.7052
KWD 0.308001 UYU 38.6363
LBP 89791.7 VES 36.3859
LKR 295.848 VND 25344.8
AWG 1.79706 MGA 4438.11
BAM 1.82802 MKD 57.5241
BBD 2.02458 MUR 46.3221
BDT 110.048 MVR 15.5009
BGN 1.82811 PYG 7466.12
BMD 1.00081 QAR 3.65616
BSD 1.00271 RSD 109.5
BWP 13.802 SCR 13.6938
FJD 2.26124 TND 3.14328
GHS 13.5816 TTD 6.81279
GMD 67.8946 UGX 3824.66
GTQ 7.76985 XAF 613.101
KHR 4073.28 XCD 2.69775
LAK 21407.6 XOF 613.096
MDL 17.7628 XPF 111.352
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Colombian Peso - COP
  4. Euro - EUR
  5. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  6. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  7. Mexican Peso - MXN
  8. Japanese Yen - JPY
  9. Swiss Franc - CHF
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY