A new patch has released for MultiVersus but fans are beginning to get rowdy for the lack of new content
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A new patch has released for MultiVersus but fans are beginning to get rowdy for the lack of new content

Posted by Justin 'AdaptiveTrigger' Gordon • March 15, 2023 at 6:15 a.m. PDT • Comments: 11

A new patch has been released for MultiVersus. Although it's been over a month since the last patch released, this patch is noticeably smaller than most other patches for MultiVersus.

The latest patch for MultiVersus appears to be more focused on fixing bugs rather than addressing the game's balance. Additionally, fans are beginning to get rowdy for the lack of content updates.

The last character released was Marvin the Martian on November 15, 2022. Indeed, it's been four months and we don't even know if there are additional characters coming to Season 2 of MultiVersus.

As for the patch itself, some characters may come across as being slightly weaker than before despite the focus on the patch being on bug fixes. For example, Iron Giant's hit boxes have been adjusted so that they don't spawn below him, which is likely to make it more difficult to land in certain scenarios.

However, Taz looks to be a bit better this time around as the developers have made it so that the knockback influence on the first hit of his ground up attack has been reduced. This might sound like a nerf, but it actually makes it so that it can combo into the second hit more reliably.

Check out all the patch notes below:


• Controllers:
* Improved an issue when using the right stick on controllers where characters would turn around unprompted when attacking.
* We are monitoring this improvement and welcome feedback on it.

Iron Giant

• General:
* Fixed an issue where Iron Giant’s hitboxes would spawn below him on some attacks.


• Air Down Attack:
* Fixed a bug where Garnet couldn't properly combo out of her air down attack if she hit someone while on the ground.


• General:
* Fixed an issue with LeBron’s stat tracker badge on the mastery track.


• Air/Ground Up Special:
* Fixed a bug where Superman could turn Marvin's spaceship into an ice block with his ice breath.

• Air/Ground Down Special:
* Fixed a bug where Marvin could plant his flag on his spaceship and it would persist after his spaceship expired.


• Air/Ground Down Special:
* Fixed a bug where Morty wouldn't move all the way to his down special marker if it was overlapping with a fighter.
* Fixed bug where if Morty warped back to a position a fighter was in he would teleport to the middle of the map.


• General:
* Superman can no longer freeze Marvin’s ship.


• Ground Up Attack:
* Increased the vacuum strength and reduced the knockback influence on the first hit of Taz’s sandwich attack in order to improve the consistency of its ability to combo into the second hit of the attack.

Wonder Woman

• General:
* Fixed an issue with Wonder Woman’s stat tracker badge on the mastery track.

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