Downloads - Evanston Public Library


Digital Books, Movies and Music

digital devices

The Evanston Public Library offers a digital collection of eBooks and audiobooks – accessible from the comfort of your home, 24/7. We have thousands of titles to choose from including fiction, non-fiction, youth, and classics. These titles can be downloaded to most computers and mobile devices, including smartphones, MP3 players, tablet computers, and eReaders.  They are automatically returned, so there are no late fees.


Choose from hundreds of thousands of movies, full music albums, ebooks, audiobooks and more.  EPL cardholders can checkout 4 items per month from hoopla. New to hoopla? Read our complete, step-by-step guide to getting started with hoopla.

Digital Library of Illinois(Overdrive)

EPL is part of a library consortium called Digital Library of Illinois, which uses the OverDrive service to provide you with thousands of digital books. You can find them in our Library Catalog, or you can browse directly at

Get started with your device: Kindle  |  iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch  |  Nook  |  Sony Reader  |  Kobo  |  Android

Get started with audiobooks

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

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