Editorial:Yet Another Fatal Manhole Tragedy - 20240425 - 英文 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網


Editorial:Yet Another Fatal Manhole Tragedy

【明報專訊】AFATAL INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT OCCURRED AT YUEN WO ROAD IN SHA TIN –– two sewer workers died in a manhole after apparently inhaling hydrogen sulphide. Deadly accidents occur from time to time in confined spaces like manholes. A similar industrial accident occurred in just the same place as this incident 18 years ago. Although the government has a set of guidelines for working in confined spaces, whether the guidelines are actually implemented is another matter.

With similar tragedies happening repeatedly, it is hard to believe that they are mere coincidences. Whether there are systemic problems involved is worth further investigation. According to the government, there was theoretically no need for the two deceased workers to enter the manhole for work. However, the workers' union pointed out that in reality, if a manhole is clogged with rubbish, the actual industry practice is indeed to send someone down to clear it. The authorities must inspect the industry thoroughly, and see whether the employers have fulfilled their responsibility to guarantee the safety of workers.

Industrial accidents in confined spaces occur from time to time, and in recent years, there have been repeated incidents in Hong Kong where workers died due to inhaling biogas or hydrogen sulphide, with the deceased workers clearly lacking sufficient personal protective equipment. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare said last month that the revision of the code of practice for working in confined spaces is expected to be completed by the first half of this year to strengthen the protection of worker safety. However, before the release of the new guidelines, more workers lost their lives in a manhole.

In the night before last (22 April), four sewer workers were involved in an incident inside a three to four-metre-deep manhole at the Yuen Wo Playground in Sha Tin. Two of them managed to climb out of the manhole on their own, while the remaining two fell unconscious and were declared dead after being sent to hospital. Primary investigation showed that the workers inhaled hydrogen sulphide in the manhole. The two victims were only 26 and 34 years old.

In August 2006, a similar industrial accident also happened at the Yuen Wo Playground, where two workers died after inhaling biogas inside a sewer. 18 years later, there is yet another case of workers dying in a manhole at the Yuen Wo Playground. It is reasonable to question whether the authorities have remembered the lessons learnt from the past.

One of the key focuses of the latest tragedy is why the workers entered the manhole. Development Secretary Bernadette Linn said yesterday (23 April) that according to the planned work procedures, workers clean sewer canals from outside the manhole using high-pressure hoses, there is no need to enter the manhole for work. However, the actual industry practice seems to be another story.

The workers' union pointed out that according to industry practices, if there is rubbish in a manhole, workers are sometimes sent inside to clear it. Members of the sector also pointed out that despite the current various methods of cleaning the sewer from the outside, in the case of blockage due to hard objects like metal or concrete, it is likely that workers will have to be sent into the manhole to clean them up. The discrepancy between the authorities' understanding and the actual practices in the sector raises concerns about whether the authorities clearly understand the safety risks actually faced by sewer workers.

In the latest fatal manhole industrial accident, the deceased workers were obviously not provided with enough protective equipment or support. The authorities must thoroughly investigate all the details of the incident and ensure that the offenders of occupational safety are held accountable. At the same time, they should also comprehensively examine how widespread similar problems are in the industry and take appropriate measures to strengthen regulations, instead of just treating this tragedy as an isolated incident.

明報社評 2024.04.24:沙井致命悲劇又重演 業界職安缺失須檢視









/ Glossary生字 /

clog:to block something or to become blocked

discrepancy:a difference between two or more things that should be the same

isolated:single; happening once

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