Eric Bischoff Says Dax Harwood Failed At WWE Despite Given Opportunities

In the ongoing saga of criticisms going back and forth between WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff and All Elite Wrestling (AEW), tensions have once again flared as Bischoff took aim at Dax Harwood’s “failed” stint at WWE.

During a recent episode of his podcast, former WCW President Eric Bischoff discussed his online feud with FTR’s Dax Harwood. Bischoff didn’t hold back, questioning FTR’s status as one of the best tag teams in the world. He challenged the notion by criticizing their financial success, ratings impact, and live event draw, suggesting that their reputation may be more based on emotion than objective metrics.

“By what metric they are one of the best tag teams in the world? Certainly not financially. Can’t point to FTR and say, ‘Yeah, but every time they’re on television, look at the success they have in ratings. Look at their quarter hours, look at their look at how much money they draw on the road.’ Of course, they’re not on the road because AEW can barely get enough people to produce a television show, much less go to a house show. So, there’s no metric other than emotion, which is all subjective, it’s not objective, whereby anybody can state that FTR is one of the best tag teams in the world.”

Bischoff’s criticism didn’t stop there as he pointed out FTR’s stint in WWE, where he failed to capitalize on the opportunities given to him. Drawing parallels to his own experience, Bischoff acknowledged the challenges of getting over in a competitive wrestling landscape. Despite his appreciation for FTR as a tag team, he emphasized their inability to achieve success in WWE and suggested that their move to AEW might be a result of swimming in a smaller talent pool.


“If you like them, great. I like them as a tag team, as I just said a few moments ago. But to suggest that one of the best tag teams in the world is kind of like a branding statement that we just all latch onto and continue. But it’s not really true. They didn’t make it in WWE. They had an opportunity, just like I had an opportunity in 2019, I didn’t make it. I got fired. I didn’t adapt, I didn’t get myself over. Just like FTR, they had their opportunity. They couldn’t get over. A lot of other people did, and they didn’t. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the fact is, they didn’t get over. And now they’re in AEW and yes, they’re swimming in a much, much, much, much smaller pond. So in their minds, perhaps they feel like a bigger fish. And I’m not saying — I’m not sure. I haven’t — I haven’t had any interactions with Mr. Wheeler. He hasn’t taken to Twitter to call me out. So, I’m gonna leave him out of the equation. But yeah, Dax, you’ve had your opportunity in WWE, you failed. You didn’t get over it. Well, it is what it is. I know it hurts, it doesn’t sound nice. It’s so cruel. But it’s also true. And now he’s an AEW, he feels like a bigger fish in a much, much smaller pond where really hardly anybody’s over. And I’m not suggesting it’s all his fault. But it is what it is.”

Bischoff’s comments highlight the reality of FTR’s past shortcomings in WWE and speculated on their perception of being bigger fish in a smaller pond within AEW. It remains to be seen what Harwood has to say about Bischoff’s criticism. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more!

What are your thoughts on Eric Bischoff’s criticism of Dax Harwood’s WWE stint and his views on AEW? Let us know in the comments below!

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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