PARASITOLOGY by Apollon Flashcards | Quizlet


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The motile, reproducing stage, feeding stage of the Protozoa is
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Terms in this set (153)
The motile, reproducing stage, feeding stage of the Protozoa is
Has a chromatid bodies in the cyst stage
E. histolytica
Amebiasis is caused by
Organ of the body is most often involved in extra-intestinal amebiasis
E. hartmanii
True ameba
Amebae that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract of man are nonmotile, nonfeeding, and infective during stage?
Mature cyst of E. polecki have how many nuclei?
E. coli
Has cysts with chromatid bodies that have two pointed ends or that can be round, trinagular or oval?
E. histolytica
Trophozoite, when acting as a pathogen, is likely to ingest red blood cells of the host?
Point of differentiation between Entamoeba histolytica and E. hartmanni
The mature cysts of Entamoeba histolytica has how many nuclie?
Failure to find bacteria in purulent spinal fluid should alert one to find the possibility of an infection with
I. butschlii
Distinguished by the possession of achromatic granules surrounding its karyosomal chromatin?
A. castellanii
Have a double-walled, wrinkled cyst form
I. butschlii
A cyst that possesses a single nucleus and a large glycogen vacuole that stains deeply with iodine belong to