Indonesian-English dictionary - translation -
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Use the input field above to search the Indonesian-English dictionary and enter a Indonesian word to translate into English. With the arrangement of the results it is easy to find the right English word. Different sections mark the translations, synonyms, example sentences as well as forum entries. You can also look up an English word because the Indonesian-English dictionary will be searched both ways. If you want to search another of our online dictionaries then use the drop-down menu to select one.

Search the Indonesian-English dictionary by letter

Perhaps you do not know the exact Indonesian spelling of a word. In this case you will find the overview of letters below helpful to browse Indonesian words beginning with that letter. By choosing one word in the list you will be redirected to the dictionary result page with the English translations.

In the list below you can see the most recent contributions to the Indonesian-English dictionary by other users. By clicking on "verify" you can have a say in whether the Indonesian translation should be part of the dictionary. If you feel the translation or spelling is incorrect then you can suggest an alteration.

You can be part of the community and join us in creating the best and largest Indonesian-English dictionary there is to find online. Every single user contributing new Indonesian translations helps us improve the quality and usefulness of all our dictionaries. Adding new Indonesian to English translations is one way to help. Translating from Indonesian to English is different from case to case depending on many factors. There can be more than one English translation of Indonesian words, as words can have varying meanings depending on the context they are put in. Whenever a new English or Indonesian expression is suggested as an addition to the dictionary it gets marked as unverified. This means it will still show up in the results when the Indonesian-English dictionary is searched, but that users are aware it has not been verified yet.
Register as a user with us today and you will start collecting points for the world ranking. To do so just add words to the Indonesian-English dictionary. You can also post a question on our Indonesian-English forum. Other users are always happy to help you, if you are not sure about a translation, Indonesian grammar or other Indonesian language related subjects. Here users discuss everything from translation to grammar and anything else that is Indonesian language related.